Options Beginner Course

Welcome to the Beginner Course. Here you will learn all the basics of options. This is a great way for a newcomer to get into options trading (or a way for a more-experienced trader to refresh his knowledge). Note that the Beginner course is quite short and its purpose is to give a basic understanding of options and other important concepts. You should be able to move on to the Intermediate course relatively fast. As always if you have any questions or feedback, don’t hesitate to ask them directly in the comment section under each lesson.

The following content is the course outline. I highly recommend starting at the top. You will always be able to go back to older articles.

Free Option Trading Glossary

-Extensive 10 Page Glossary with Explanations of all the important and complicated Trading Terms

Stocks vs Options

-In-Depth Comparison of Options vs Stocks

Options Basics

-Call Options/Put Options

-Strike Price


-What is an Option Chain and how does it work

Introduction to Options Strategies and Implied Volatility

-The Importance of Implied Volatility (IV)

-IV Rank/IV Percentile

-What is Undefined and Defined Risk

-How does a Payoff Diagram work

-Example Strategies

Option Beginner Quiz

-Test your Knowledge with a short Quiz