Options Trading Education

Welcome to the Education Center of this site.

This part of the site is dedicated to education around options. Here we want to establish a good and stable foundation for your options trading career.

trading education

This is not only for options trading beginners. Also intermediate and more experienced options traders can greatly profit from this education. I offer three courses: Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced.

The different courses are based on each other, so try not to skip ahead. If you don’t understand something, it should be explained in one of the earlier articles. If not, just leave a comment or contact me personally.

Free Options Trading Foundation Masterclass:

This is ideal for newcomers to options trading as this is a 1 ½ hour long Masterclass in which I teach all the option basics and even more. Besides all the option basics, I also teach how you can develop a good trading mindset, so in my opinion, this Masterclass is valuable for almost anybody.

In addition to the Masterclass, you will also receive a 35-page long assignment handbook and another free gift.

Click Here to learn more and to attend this free Masterclass!

Free Trading Terminology Handbook:

Gain Access to a Free Trading Glossary. It can greatly improve your learning process as you always will be able to look up seemingly complicated trading terms.

Gain Access and Learn More HERE!

Beginner Course:

free options Beginner Course

The goal of the Beginner course is to give an introduction to options trading, the basics and other very important concepts.

If you know little or nothing about options, this is the course for you. But even if you aren’t a complete beginner, this course can be a great start.

You will learn:

-What are Options + Short Introductory Video

-Why you should trade Options, Advantages over Stocks

-All the Basics: Types of Options, Expiration Date, Strike Price, ITM/OTM/ATM, How to use an Option Chain + Video Lesson

-Short introduction to Option Strategies and Implied Volatility (IV)

-Beginner Option Quiz


Intermediate Course:

The Intermediate course is the main course offered on this site. It is targeted at everybody interested in trading options. Before taking this course, you should already be familiar with option basics.

I highly recommend starting with the beginner course though (even if you aren’t a complete newbie).

 You will learn:

free intermediate options course

-Options Pricing and the Greeks + Video Lesson

-Options Buying vs. Options Selling + Video Lesson

-Learn advanced Option Strategies and Spreads in the Strategy Section + Video Lessons

-How to Make Money with Options

-Complete Entry and Exit Guide

-What to Trade Options on

-The Importance of Liquidity + Video Lesson

-How to find new Trades

-Our Edge and Why this Strategy works Long Term

-Intermediate Option Quiz


Advanced Course:

free advanced options course

The Advanced course is for the serious investor who wants to bring his options trading to an even higher level. If you start this course, you should already be familiar with everything from the other courses. In this course, you will learn concepts that could maximize your trading results. I will teach you how to trade with a bigger portfolio, how to minimize risk, how to adjust positions and more.

You will learn:

-Benefits of closing Option Positions early

-Assignment of Stock

-Advanced Strategy Adjustments

-Creating a Market Neutral Portfolio through Beta Weighting

-Advanced Option Quiz

More coming soon…


Other Educational Resources:

In the ‘Posts’ section of TradeOptionsWithMe, you can find plenty of other very useful educational resources. It is a very good idea to not only take my courses but to go through relevant lessons in the ‘Posts’ section as well.

Not all posts are related to only options trading. All posts are categorized and assigned different tags. So if you only want to take the lessons that are related to a specific topic, you can go to the corresponding category or tag page.


9 Replies to “Options Trading Education”

  1. What is the difference between call and put options? As far as I know, call options provide the holder the right, but not the obligation, to purchase an asset at a specified price. So my question is… are the put options the opposite? Put options give the holder the right to sell or not an underlying asset at a specified price. Is that correct?

  2. Hi Louis, nice videos… please explain something on adjustments after taking a position, using greeks, suppose there is a violent move…thanks,

    1. Thanks for the feedback. One typical adjustment would be to roll up/down the untested side of a neutral strategy (e.g. strangles, Iron Condors…). But I think it would be best if I wrote a separate in depth article/created a video on this subject instead of trying to explain this with a short reply to your comment.
      So I will try to do that in the near future.
      Hopefully, you understand.

  3. I have been researching and paper trading for several months and been reading options as a strategic investment. My question is are all 3 courses free or just the beginner course and am I allowed to do all 3 of them.

    1. Hi David,
      As of right now, all the courses on TradeOptionsWithMe are completely free of charge.
      Let me know if you ever have any other questions or comments.

    1. Hi Sam,
      Sadly, I don’t know exactly which brokers are available in Canada and which aren’t. As far as I know tastyworks currently isn’t available in Canada. A solid broker that is available is Interactive Brokers and I do believe they accept Canadian customers.

  4. Hi Louis, I m very much enjoying your site and materials. My first couple attempts at providing comments and feedback have not been successful on my computer. I’m trying today on my iPhone to see if that makes a difference. Thank you so much!!

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