Option Trading Beginner Quiz

Welcome to the Option Trading Beginner Quiz.

Here you can test your knowledge gained from the Beginner Course. Try to take the Quiz without any help. You will be able to retake the Quiz as many times as you wish.

Good Luck!

option trading quiz good luck

22 Replies to “Option Trading Beginner Quiz”

  1. The Quiz help me to see the areas I need to improve on and to get a better understanding of the subject matter presented.

  2. I got 6 out of 10, no wounder I loss money! This helps reinforce the need to understand before risking your money.

    1. Only getting 6 out of 10 correct on this has absolutely nothing to do with why you lost money.

      1. I improved to 80% on my 2nd attempt…I can live with that gonna move onto to the next level. I just need to memorize the “Option – Market Assumption Chart” , Long Call, Short Call, Long Put, Short Put…still getting them confused a little but the chart is a great reference.

  3. 8/10 and the 2 I got wrong was because I rushed the answers. This quiz really helped me to see my progress since I started learning about options.

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