Free Option Trading Terminology Handbook

Tired of Complicated Trading Jargon?

options trading glossary

Sign up to my FREE options trading course and receive a copy of my awesome Trading Glossary.

You Will Receive:

  • A copy of the latest Trading Terminology Handbook
  • A Free email course

In the course, you will learn everything from complete option basics to advanced option trading strategies.

The Trading Glossary is a great and handy tool to use while taking the course. You will always be able to look up unknown or seemingly complicated trading terms. This will lead to a much better and smoother learning experience.

Simply enter your best email below and gain instant access to the awesome Glossary and Trading Course!

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31 Replies to “Free Option Trading Terminology Handbook”

  1. This is a great idea for a beginner wanting to learn option trading. You are offering it as a free guide too, so you are giving something with real value for free.

    Many thanks

  2. Hey, Louis!

    Options trading has always interested me, but I never fully understood the concept of how it works for making money. Your free terminology book sounds great and will definitely be a benefit to newbies like me.

    The cheatsheet sounds like a good idea for us noobs. However, I do have one question – How long would it take me to become financially free from options trading?


    1. Hey Neil,
      Very glad that you are enjoying my free hanbook. I would say that there is no clear answer to when you can get financially independent with option trading. It really depends on many different things like how you trade options in the first place.
      If you want to learn how I trade options for consistent profits check out my education here. If you want to trade options to become financially independent you should try to have a long term approach on things. It is safe to say that you won’t get super rich in a few days.

  3. I’m really excited to check out the free email course. Thank you for the free handbook, knowing the terminology really helps getting into this process and as I take the classes you offer.

    I’ll let you know how it goes after I complete it. Great idea for beginners and I really appreciate the courses, education and content you’re providing on such a daunting topic!

    1. I’m happy to hear that you are enjoying all this content. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

  4. Would love to get a copy of your glossary & handbook. This is all new to me. Trying to learn about options. -Thanks, Dave

  5. Hier mal ein Kommentar in deiner Muttersprache.
    Würde mich sehr freuen wenn du mir ein Exemplar schicken kannst.

    Viele Grüße,

    1. Ich hab dir eine Bestätigungsmail gesendet. Wenn du dort den Anweisungen folgst, solltest du eine zweite E-Mail mit einem download link bekommen.

  6. Louis,

    Could you do me the favor of sending me your Option Trading Terminology Handbook?

    Thank you very much for offering all these free resources!


  7. Please sent Options Course manual and Glossary.

    I especially want to learn how Weekly Options are settled at expiration, especially spreads?

    1. I just sent you a confirmation mail. As soon as you accept it, you should receive the Options Trading Glossary and the trading course.

  8. I have clicked on the link for email confirmation. How do I get the glossary and get started on your course? I am confused.

    1. Thanks for the comment. If you’ve received and confirmed the confirmation mail, you should automatically receive the glossary and the course content. Have you checked your spam folder?

  9. I just provided my email address to register with your site. How do I access the Options Trading Terminology Handbook?

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