Intermediate Option Trading Quiz

Welcome to the Intermediate Option Trading Quiz.

Here you can test your knowledge gained from the Intermediate Course. Try to take the Quiz without any help. You will be able to retake the Quiz as many times as you wish.

Good Luck!

option trading quiz good luck

16 Replies to “Intermediate Option Trading Quiz”

  1. My interest in option trading started a week ago. I had no knowledge in the financial sector. I truly wanted to learn about trading but i had no clue where to start. I found your website 3 days ago and it’s been an interesting and truly rewarding knowledge. I saw the videos, read and took lots of notes , i refrain from skipping a level because this info is priceless! I finished the Masterclass, Beginner Course and now Intermediate course! I have to admit your teaching method is effective! It speaks volume that any one person that can understand a topic and be able to teach it to a child is a master. Fortunately i’m not a child but i can appreciate the hard work and dedication you have shared for free!!! I will proceed with the Advance course and as soon as i finish that will start a paper trading acct. Thanks a million!

    1. Hi Jim,
      Thanks so much for your comment. I really appreciate the kind words. It’s awesome to see that you are learning a lot.

  2. 7 out of 10 without taking the class. Now I will go back and learn from class.
    Wanted to see where I was at first

  3. 9 out of 10. I’m moving along slowly to be sure i grasp each section completely before moving on. I’ll go back to sections and reread several times as well as re-watching videos and taking thorough notes.

  4. Hi Louis,
    6 out of 10, I think that I have to review some parts of your course!!! The Quiz is very usefull.
    Do you have a simulator ?


    1. Hi,
      Thanks for your comment. No, we currently don’t have a simulator. But as far as I know, thinkorswim is a broker that offers free paper trading (without having to deposit). Tastyworks also has paper trading on its upcoming feature list.

  5. Hi Louis
    9 of 10 at the first trial
    I have done a lot of studies and research, I eventually bought a books and CDs ,none of them have been so close to you simple method and the way you have explained this course so simple you get straight to the point you done excellent job.well done. Thank you again.

  6. Hi Louis,

    Tiny point… I entered the intrinsic value of the put as 0 (instead of none) and got the question “wrong”. 🙂

    Many many thanks for setting this all up. It’s great stuff. Thank you!

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