
This is the review section of Here I will proudly present you some of the brokers, books, courses, software I had the best experiences with. These would be my recommendations for your future. If you are serious about investing and making money with options, you’ll have to pick a broker (even for paper trading). I will help you get a good and ‘worth it’ broker for your trading style. If you want to step up your option trading education even more, I will tell you where you can find some of the best courses/websites online. Another part of the review section is the book review part. Books are one of the best and cheapest ways to mediate information. You can never go wrong with buying and reading some books on a subject, even in this day and age. At last, I also offer reviews on some trading software that could be helpful.

Options Trading Resource List

Trading Book Reviews

Broker Reviews

One Reply to “Reviews”

  1. IQ option changed my life from bad to worse. It is the most cruel and evil trading company that i know. i will never recommend it to anyone i love.

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