Brutally Honest Review of IQ Option – IQ Option Exposed!

A while ago I wrote my first review of IQ Option, but since then a lot has changed. That is the reason why I am updating this review of IQ Option. Back when I wrote my first review of IQ Option, they were mainly a binary option broker, but now they offer other ‘investment products’ as well.

Binary options are a blatant scam and therefore, I couldn’t recommend IQ Option back then. The question is, has this changed or is IQ Option still an untrustworthy, shady and scammy broker?

review of iq option


Let’s start with regulations. Regulations are the most important aspect to look at when looking at brokers. Without regulations, a broker isn’t trustworthy at all.

The good news is that IQ Option is regulated. But the bad news is that they are regulated and licensed by CySEC. CySEC is a regulator based in Cyprus and therefore, this regulation isn’t really trustworthy.

Good legitimate brokers are usually regulated by trustworthy regulatory firms like the SEC or FINRA.



I won’t go into too much detail with all the different available features at IQ Option because this would be a waste of time. Here is a brief list of available features:


‘Investment’ Products: Let’s start with some ‘investment’ products. IQ Option offers stocks, forex, cryptocurrencies, and ETFs. Sounds great you may think? However, they only offer these in form of CFDs. I will tell you what exactly this means in a few moments.

Furthermore, IQ Option offers binary/digital options, another illegitimate product.


Multipliers: IQ Option’s ‘multipliers’ aren’t anything else than leverage. The leverage ratios vary a lot. As far as I know, the maximum available leverage ratio is 1 to 300. This allows you to lose your money 300-times as fast as you usually would.

iq option app


Mobile App: IQ Option also offers a mobile app or at least they used to. I am not 100% sure if they still have one. Their mobile app got banned from Apple’s App Store because even Apple knows that binary options are a scam.


Education’: Furthermore, IQ Option has a few educational series on their website in which they show you how you can lose your money the fastest possible way.


Technical Indicators/Charts: Just like every broker platform, IQ Option also offers customizable charts and technical indicators. These exist to create the illusion that you can make money with IQ Option by using some fancy indicators and charts.


Practice/Demo Accounts: If you don’t feel like losing any real money yet, you could also try your luck with IQ Option’s virtual accounts. In these accounts, you can gamble with virtual money. Ideally, these demo accounts make you think you actually stand a chance with real money.


Traderoom: This is a chatroom in which other fake accounts tell you how to lose your money the fastest way. Furthermore, you can read about all the fake accounts that are making tons of money with IQ Option in this chatroom.


Competitions: IQ Option also hosts trading competitions. These competitions work more or less in the following way: 1. You deposit money to a designated competition account, 2. You lose the money as fast as possible.


24/7 ‘Support’: IQ Option also offers 24/7 support. So if you have questions about why you can’t withdraw any money, this is the place to go.


Smooth and Easy to use platform: Generally speaking, IQ Option’s platform is quite simple and easy to use. This means that the platform makes it as easy and as straightforward as possible to lose your money.

iq option platform

Very wide Bid/Ask spreads: Another thing that makes it even less likely to ever make money with IQ Option is their really wide Bid/Ask spreads. Due to their wide spreads, you will have to buy far above the current market price of an asset and sell far below the current market price of an asset. So picking the right direction isn’t enough to make money. The asset has to go far in that direction just to break even.


By now there are probably even more unnecessary and useless features.


Is IQOption a Scam?

I don’t want to waste your time with tons of unnecessary information. Therefore, I will get straight to the point with this.

IQ Option is NOT a legitimate broker!!!

Here are 5 reasons why this is the case:

  1. Binary Options:
    If you didn’t know yet, I am sorry to burst your bubble. But binary options are a huge scam!!! That is also the reason why binary options are getting banned in countless countries. So if a broker offers a scammy product that makes the broker just as much a scam. The fact that IQ Option offers (or offered) binary options is enough to make them an illegitimate broker! If you want to learn about all the reasons why binary options aren’t legitimate investment products, you should check out my binary options review!
  2. Regulation:
    Like I said before, regulations are one of the most important aspects of a broker. A sketchy regulation company based in Cyprus does not make a broker legitimate. This is another reason that is enough to not recommend IQ Option.
  3. Leverage:
    Leverage per se isn’t necessarily a bad thing. However, if a broker offers insane leverage ratios of 1:300 like IQ Option, that is a very shady thing. Just think about it yourself. Why would a firm allow you to borrow 300 times your money to trade with? Because they want you to lose your money as fast as possible!
  4. CFDs:
    What is a CFD? CFD stands for ‘Contract for Difference’ and they are an Over-The-Counter (OTC) product. This means that IQ Option will be your counterparty when you trade CFDs with them. Do you see any conflict of interest here? If your broker takes the opposite side of your trade, they want you to lose. CFDs are just a better version of binary options. They make the trader feel like he/she is trading real products, but in reality, he/she isn’t. If a broker says they offer stocks, Forex, cryptocurrencies and more, but only in form of CFDs, they aren’t legitimate.
  5. Can’t withdraw:
    There have been countless incidents of people not being able to withdraw their winnings. So even if you are lucky enough to win some money, it isn’t guaranteed that you will be able to withdraw that money.

So one more time, is IQOption a scam?




In conclusion, IQ Option is an untrustworthy, illegitimate, shady, sketchy, scammy… broker that I can’t recommend!

You may ask yourself why I am the only person on the internet saying this. The reason is that 99% of all other sites aren’t being genuine. Why aren’t they being genuine?

Because IQ Option is paying them to be dishonest. IQ Option and most other binary option brokers for that matter offer very lucrative affiliate programs. So these sites promote brokers like IQ Option and earn juicy commissions every time when someone signs up to IQ Option.

Sadly, most people aren’t smart enough to see through this bullshit. So please do yourself the huge favor and avoid IQ Option and any other (former) binary option brokers!!! Don’t fall for the lies!

I hate it when people think that binary options and brokers like IQ Option are legitimate because of all the shady promotional tactics.

I truly don’t want you to be the next victim of these scams. But it is only you that can decide this. So make the correct decision and don’t deposit any money to these firms!!!


Binary options and companies like IQ Option just shed a bad light on the financial industry, on trading, and on real options. Options are real and legitimate investment vehicles. Sadly, many people fail to distinguish between real options and binary options even though there is a huge difference. Normal, vanilla options are legit, whereas binary options aren’t. If anyone tells you otherwise, he/she either is a binary option broker, affiliated with a binary option broker or just stupid.

If you want to learn how to trade real options, you should definitely check out my free beginner course!


Recently IQ Options sketchy business model got harmed due to EU’s new ESMA regulations. But I am confident that IQ Option and most other similar brokers will come up with new products (that aren’t affected by these regulations) to steal money from their clients.


Thanks for taking the time and going through this review of IQ Option. Have you had any bad (or good) experiences with IQ Option or other similar brokers?

Please let me know in the comment section below!


Review of IQ Option




Legitimacy of Their Investment Products







  • Smooth Platform that makes it Easy to Lose Money


  • Aren't Regulated By A Trustworthy Agency
  • Countless Incidents of Customers Not Getting Their Money
  • Binary Options, CFDs... aren't Good Investment Vehicles
  • IQOption isn't a Reliable Broker

137 Replies to “Brutally Honest Review of IQ Option – IQ Option Exposed!”

  1. Hey, great information. I’ve actually been very curious about binary options, but as you mentioned they are scams. This broker is one of many scams. Thanks for this review of iq option.

      1. Hi,

        Really good and accurate review. I wish I had seen this before opening an account with them. If anyone was thinking about opening an account here’s a good example of why not to:

        I recently opened a buy position in Gold with a x 20 multiplier on the trade. I was advised by IQ option the formula for the x20 multiplier was ‘opening price/bid price X 20 X investment’.

        My investment decreased daily due to overnight funding fees but the principle is the same. I opened my position with EUR 50 at price 1515.975 and currently, the bid price is 1535.9196, therefore, my current profit, if I closed, should have been around EUR 987 (1515.975/1535.9196 x20x50). However, my profit was only EUR 8.00.

        I tried to talk to support staff for over 2 hours however when it came down to myself actually illustrating their own formula back to them they simply cut me off. This happened for 2 hours with multiple support staff. Currently, they will not respond to my query and I am being ignored.

        As well as the above I have also had issues withdrawing funds. My bank card was lost so when I had my new card I added it to the account and advised IQ option. Before I could withdraw any funds they made me go to my bank and have an official letter written up to confirm I actually cancelled my own card before they would release funds to myself.

        Unfortunately, I am not the only one with these or similar experiences.

        1. Hi Zac,
          Thank you so much for sharing this with us. I am sorry that you had to experience this. But I really hope that this will help others understand the shadiness of IQ Option.

        2. Hello, Zac!

          Thank you for the review.
          My name is Anastasiya, I am the official IQ Option support team member.
          We are sorry if you had poor experience with IQ Option so far. We would like to chat with you regarding the issues on your trading account. Could you please kindly contact IQ Option support team at so we can do our best to help you? Thank you!

          To your knowledge, the verification process is made for the safety of an account and its funds. This way our specialists can be sure that the earned funds will reach the account holder, not any other person. This is the reason why the official bank letter is needed in case the old card was replaced with a new one. Thank you for understanding. 

          Looking forward to your reply.
          IQ Option Support Team

          1. What a TOTAL SCAM!!!

            Their modus operandi is to immediately take your money to get you to trade as quickly as possible!!
            But oooooo when you want to withdraw money suddenly all sorts of conditions!!! Please send a picture of the front and back of your card to be verified. I have done so and there the sport start…….no we cannot verify and then there is again problems with the second time I send……. THEIR MODUS OPERANDI….NOT TO PAY YOUR MONEY OUT!!!! IT IS THE SAME CARD I MADE THE DEPOSIT FROM….PLEASE WAKEUP!!!!! BE VERY CAREFUL IN DEALING WITH THIS PLATFORM!!!!

        3. IQ option is likely a scam, but just to reflect on this issue you had. the formula to calculate your profit is 20*50/1515.975*(1535.9196-1515.975) just fyi. in that case your profit should be 13.6, but since you held the position for longer it seems that the difference was taken as swaps.

      2. Hi, I wished I read your review before investing money . I actually used their platform for 2 years, basically loosing and breaking even. Now that I’ve become a better trader and in a position to withdraw my profits they’ve actually put my account under review with no cause. When I ask if there is anything I can do to speed up the process their answer is no it’s a routine review. Mind you they have no timeframe for completion. Now I’m in limbo and don’t have access to my funds. It’s ridiculous that such an established company can get away with such fraud. If you know anyone that can help me get my funds please let me know. It’s soo frustrating. Thanks

        1. Thank you for the review!
          My name is Anastasiya, I am the official IQ Option support team member.
          We’re sorry you faced such difficulty verifying. As we’re sure you understand, the verification process is made for the safety of an account and its funds. This way our specialists can be sure that the earned funds will reach the account holder, not any other person, while during the deposit process funds are automatically credited to the account you aim to deposit them to.
          We deeply apologize for making you wait, but we assure you that we do not have any restrictions for paying out any amounts of your funds. All withdrawals are processed within the timeframes specified in the Terms & Conditions of the Company.
          We kindly ask you to abstain from getting in touch with any “recovery experts”.
          Anyone, promising to help you recover your funds/ manage your account
          is a SCAMMER.
          We assure you that the relevant department will do their best to revert to you shortly. Thank you for your time.

          1. You told me you have deposited money in my account which was never reflected in my account you are not only a scam a bunch of crooks.

        2. Hey brother, I am Muzammil. IQ option also put my account in review and I am waiting from 1 week but widthrawl not came. Do your account review over, if over then in how many days or if not over, then from how many days you are waiting, please tell me brother.

          1. Hello, Muzammil!
            My name is Anastasiya, I am the official IQ Option support team member.
            We deeply apologize for keeping you waiting, but we assure you that all withdrawals are processed within the timeframes specified in the Terms & Conditions of the Company.
            Sadly, we are not entitled to have access to your account on social media.
            Please reach out to the support team over email to discuss the timeframes of your withdrawal.
            Thank you.

          2. Hi Muzammil did you ever get your withdrawal. How long did it take? I am facing same issue with IQ Option. When I was making lots of deposits over the years and losing money they never held my account for review but now that I made some profits and requested several withdrawals in past 2 weeks they have blocked my withdrawals and said my account is under review several days now with no timeframe.

    1. Anyone who has lost coins from IQ . I want to hear from you ? ANYONE who has managed to withdraw even if its 20 USD? Share details with evidence.

  2. Looking for a credible website to explain to me why binary options are a viable way to trade, I came across your site and I found it to be concise and persuasive. I am still learning, but setting up a practice account at no risk, can’t hurt. Thanks for the break down !

    1. Binary options aren’t a viable way to trade. I teach real options trading which actually is a legitimate investment product. Don’t ever trade binary options!

        1. Hi Edward,
          My favorite broker is tastyworks. If you are interested, you could check out my review of tastyworks. Other examples of legitimate brokers are thinkorswim/TD Ameritrade, Interactive Brokers, E*Trade, Fidelity, etc.

  3. Don’t waste your time and money! They’re just a bunch of thieves !!!
    Platform is really user friendly and I like it more then MT5; Demo account works just fine, but when you put real money, strange things starts to happen. To shorten the story, opened (and winning) trades are closing mysteriously over night. If you mess with “stop loss” and (big) “take profit”, you rapidly increasing a chance to see “the magic”.
    Friendly advice: find some more honest broker who will not steal from your pocket. These are just insolent scumbags

  4. This looks like an interesting site. It looks like it now offers trading on a lot of different things and there will be websites that specialize in one area and do it better than IQOption.

    Also they’re offering crypto trading and that seems pretty scary. (Personally I think cryptos are in an extreme bubble but if you wanna trade them go ahead)

  5. This is another scam broker getting withdrawals is close to impossible. I had to go through a lot to get my money back happy I got a refund, happy to share my experience.

  6. Thanks for sharing your view of IQOptions. I recently tried my luck with it and I was happy with the platform and everything. I was even able to chat with their team members very easily who were knowledgeable and helpful.

    I am not so sure I would call it a scam, although I never tried to withdraw money (just kept on losing). Largely I credited that to my little to no knowledge about trading options.

    They do have an App, which I used. However, I went out of it because I never got the hang of it. I do think that you can become successful in trading options, but I understood that I would never come to that point because I do not have enough time to invest to get the complete picture of it.

    I am not here to say that IQoptions is a scam or not. I am just unsure about it. However, thanks for this valuable information. Just tells me again that I am not going into it again.


    1. Thanks for the comment Oscar. Options aren’t a scam. They are real investment products. However, binary options aren’t. They have a no purpose except to make binary option brokers rich. Furthermore, they have an expected negative return just like games in a casino. 

      You should definitely check out my review of binary options.

    2. Thank you for the review, dear Oscar!

      My name is Anastasiya, I am the official IQ Option support team member.

      As a well-known and reputable broker, we follow all the Terms & Conditions of the Company. We do understand your concerns about the broker being trustworthy. But we have over 41 463 400 of users and they would certainly quit our platform if it was unreliable.
      We do our best to ensure that you have the best trading experience here, and that comes with a lot of trust.
      Nevertheless, trading involves a high level of risk and we are sorry if your trading was not satisfying enough.

      In case you ever need any assistance with us, you are welcome to join us in live chats/calls or via email

      Thank you! We’re hoping you have a lovely today!

      1. Thanks for your reply. I like that you are reaching out and trying to offer help. Nevertheless, I strongly disagree with your argument that the number of users has anything to do with your trustworthiness. First of all, I doubt that that number is your active user count. Furthermore, just because a service or site has many users does not make it legitimate. For instance, many online gambling sites have millions of active users. This does not make them trustworthy or good investment sites. There are many sketchy, untrustworthy or even scammy sites that have a high user count.

        1. Hello, Louis!

          Thank you for your feedback! You’re welcome to check the “IQ Option in Numbers” page anytime. The data is updated promptly and shortly we’ll post the most recent figures.

          We see your point, but we have the most prestigious and safest SSL EV certificate. This means that every client’s request is encoded. In such a way we guarantee the high-level security of operations. So you can be sure that your data on the website is safe.

          IQ Option is neither a casino nor a betting site, though trading here presents a risk of losing your capital. One should be fully conscious while investing the funds.

          Have a good day!

          1. Thanks for the reply. Nevertheless, I find it very shady and misleading to package your products as legitimate investment products even though they are inherently like gambling products (e.g. binary options, CFDs). The odds are stacked against the customer, there is a big conflict of interest etc.
            In other words, I still stand by my verdict of this review.

  7. Hello dear Louis and traders, thank you for your comments!

    My name is Alina and I am the official IQ Option representative.
    Let me add an official note based on your reviews below.
    First of all, we are sorry for all the inconveniences you might have faced.
    Our customers’ positive trading experience is our highest priority.
    Hopefully this review will clear your doubts.

    1. Issues with withdrawals
    We can decline withdrawal in case we detect fraudulent activity on the account, also if we don’t receive all the required documents for verification or if one has used the third party’s payment details. You may contact our support to find out the reason why your withdrawal request was declined. Here is our email:

    2. Losses while trading on IQ Option.
    The most important thing to understand is that trading has nothing to do with fast cash and casino tricks. You need to understand a lot about economics, markets, and trading to become a decent trader.
    You may also use indicators. Indicators are the tools to make your trading more clear and, in some way, easier as it is used forecast financial or economic trends.
    There many types of indicators (you can use several at the same time)
    Here I send the link, where you can watch some tutorials about the indicators and choose ones you prefer most:
    If you have any further questions, we will be happy to answer them!

    3. Binary Options are Scam
    Sadly enough there has been a lot of fraudulent activity and so called brokers that aimed to lie to their client and use unhealthy practices.
    This is why the whole field of Binary Options does not seem trustworthy to people nowadays.
    It is risky, indeed, very risky and we always tell it to our clients.
    Nevertheless using technical indicators and short terms trading strategies may be really helpful. And of course traders should know where to stop and never risk their whole investment.
    It refers to all the investment products, not only Binary Options.

    To summarise let me tell you that you can check all our policies here:
    Accepting our Terms and Conditions you agree with the rules and procedures of the company.
    At the same time we should also fulfil our responsibilities stated in our Terms and Conditions. It means we may not block your account or decline your withdrawal request without giving any reason for that.
    And you are always welcome to contact us if you have any questions or hesitations.

    Best regards,
    IQ Option Team

    1. Thank you for your comment Alina. First of all, I am aware that all (or at least most) of what you are doing is technically legal. Nevertheless, it is very sketchy, shady and unethical. You can tell me about some fancy technical indicators all day. But that does’t change the fact that binary options aren’t legitimate investment products. They have no economic function and are ‘inherently like gambling products’ (quote from ESMA)!
      A trader trading binary options has a statistical disadvantage as there is an expected negative return when trading binary options. This is not the case for other real investment products.
      Your argument that trading requires extensive economic knowledge may be true for longer term trading. But not for very short term binary options trading.
      Furthermore, due to the spreads on your binary options, traders that trade with you have an even further disadvantage!
      Please stop acting like not knowing that you are ripping people off just like a casino. I don’t see the point in arguing with you as you are fully aware of the sketchiness of your ‘trading products’ and business. Binary options aren’t getting banned everywhere because people don’t know how to use technical indicators! They are getting banned because binary option brokers like you are ripping off unknowing people with your wannabe ‘investment vehicles’ aka. Binary options aka. Gambling products.
      In my opinion, you should be ashamed of yourself!

      1. Hello again Louis!
        Let me clarify a few points:
        – Spreads are not applied to Binary Options, but only to Forex and CFD trading instruments
        Spread may depend on the market situation and volatility of the asset.
        – We do inform all our traders about potential risks that are rather high when trading Binary Options.
        It might be perceived as casino only if the approach to trading is unstructured.
        Nevertheless if technical indicators are used and wise strategy is in place, Binary Option may become a profitable trading instrument.

        We are happy to answer all your questions, let us know how it goes!

        Alina IQ Option

        1. Ok, why don’t you answer me this question:
          Why is the payout ratio of your binary options not 100%?

          That would make them a lot more fair and that would minimize the negative expected return. Furthermore, you still execute the binary option positions at bad prices. Let me give you an example:
          You buy a binary call option on XYZ which currently is trading at $54.3. Logically, the breakeven point should be $54.3 (if XYZ’s price is below $54.3 after the chosen time frame, you lose and if it is above, you make money). However, due to the way you and most other binary option brokers would execute this position, the breakeven point would be somewhere above $54.3 (e.g. $54). Due to this, the probability of winning just decreased significantly.

          So my suggestion to you is that you increase the payout ration on your binary options to at least 100% and change how the binary option positions are executed. The strike price should always be the exact price of the underlying asset at the time of entry. If this isn’t the case, binary options are unfair and you as a binary option broker have a statistical edge that you exploit (which btw. is a pretty huge conflict of interest).

          So please tell me why you won’t implement my suggestion.

          1. Hello Louis!

            Thank you for your suggestion, we will certainly send it to our technical department
            for further consideration.
            We are here for you, in case you have other suggestions!

            Alina IQ Option

  8. I trade binary options on the Nadex platform. They are regulated by the US CFTC. I am assuming this article is for people outside of the US?

    1. Thanks for the comment Mark. I have never heard of Nadex so I can’t say too much about them. However, I’d say it depends on how the binary options at Nadex work. If you have a strong negative expected return due to much higher risk than reward for ATM strikes, I would avoid them. Generally, if you see a lot of similarities between Nadex and IQ Option, you should be careful.
      But like I said, I have never heard of them, so I can’t really give you advice.

  9. Hi Louis,

    Can i have your email? I got something to discuss about iqoption

    I feels like robbed by them just today

    1. Hello!

      Trader’s satisfaction is one of our main priorities!
      Could you please tell me what exactly happened? What caused such an experience with IQ Option?

      Have you contacted support?

      I’d recommend you to contact support directly from your account on our platform or via email at ‘’.
      Our specialists will investigate your case carefully and will gladly help you!
      Thank you in advance!

      Best wishes,
      Zukhra, IQ Option Team

      1. ‘’. i have been sent lots of mail and waiting more than 1month there is no reply and chat is disabled withdrawal aoption is also disabled what we do now adviser

  10. Stay away from binary option. I lost the sum of $150, 000 to 24options, a scam binary options broker that stocked my trading capital for over four months and denied me access to my trading account.

    1. Thanks for sharing your experience with binary options. I am very sorry to hear about your losses. I hope this will help others avoid the trap of binary options and binary options brokers.

  11. Thanks alot Louis, i recently sold my land and trying to invest $7500 but you saved my money preciously also i lost much money during real account though my money is very less , now i will invest other scheme ,,

    Thank you brother once again!!!

    Mk muzafer

  12. (In Response to Alina IQ Option)
    Words are cheap, you say contact support as if you magically resolve issues once we do contact support but truth is you dont, once a complaint or inquiry is put forward your team looks the other way with the “this things take time” excuse.

    Anyway talk is cheap, if customer satisfaction was your priority then we would not be hearing of all this complaints. IQ Options main focus is boosting its pocket

    1. Hello Phemelo! How are you doing?
      We do understand your point here, however, in order to process and investigate some issue, time is required. It is a standard procedure for customer service across the globe. We do not deny that we are not going to help you instead we only request for some time and we highly appreciate that. Our traders means a lot to us and we do our level best to ensure that their issues are resolved. If our support team took too long to resolve any of your issues then please accept our apologies for the inconvenience. Let us know if you have more questions.

      Adil – IQ Option.

  13. Could anyone here tell me which is a legit broker? All of them (or at least most) that I’ve looked up have shady reviews about them? I’m still in the learning phase and would like to gain some knowledge about different trading brokers.

    Would be great if someone advised which trading platform/broker could be used.

    Thank you, and happy trading 🙂

  14. Thank you so much Louis for this great information.
    I am now more interested in learning about option Trading!

    Looking forward to more of your reviews!
    God bless you and your work!!

  15. I am just in a state of shock to be honest, invested in two Binary option companies and both brokers really took everything I had, worst of all they kept making me invest more at this stage I would really like to speak with others who have shared similar experiences they must be a way to catch this miscreants, please do reach out.

    1. I do share the same sentiments with Louis unless you can prove me wrong. Why am i not getting my names updated in my account. Because you extracted the my initials that i used when creating my email, and there is no edit option on your platform. Its your support that can only change my details on my profile. This has let to conflicting information which is now prohibiting me to withdraw because you always tell me that the names that i used when registering are not the same as the one’s that are on my identity document.

  16. Thank you Oscar. They accepted funds from my credit card yet when I want to withdraw a smaller amount they tell me I have to send pictures of the front and back of my same credit card before they would deposit into it, a process they call “validation”, which, without it, makes it impossible to get my money returned. They then charge me c.10 Euro per month for my inactive account and bearing in mind I will not send the pictures as it appears highly likely they are scam company and will abuse the card, they will just continue to take all the balance in my account. While they steal my money, if I call them arseholes they tell me to mind my language with the threat of putting a communications ban on me. These people are low. I am glad it was only a test amount as I was going to do it seriously. There must be lots better organisations out there. I wouldn’t touch them with a barge pole.

    1. Hi Simon,
      Thanks for sharing this and warning others. This does, in fact, sound very sketchy. I would never recommend sending images of your credit card to anyone!

    2. Hello Simon!

      We understand your concern regarding the copies of the bank card, however, as informed, we do not need the entire details which excludes the CVV and not the complete digits, without which we all understand that a transaction can not be made.
      Verification is an important part of any account and in reality is for the security of traders. Terms and conditions regarding our verification process are well mentioned on the website which our traders are welcome to read before they make a deposit.
      Inactivity fees again is charged after 90 days (3 months) of inactivity to avoid money laundering on the platform.
      Regarding banning your communication, then in a professional world, we do not talk using such words, do we? We are all educated adults, which is why we give respect and request respect in return to solve issues smoothly.
      It is really important that our traders or any customer cooperate with the staff in question to ensure that problems are resolved quicker.
      Once again, our sincere apologies for any inconvenience.

      We are a genuine platform 🙂

      Adil – IQ Option

  17. Iq option is totally fake,their support is totally fake.They cannot ans my questio, but it is seen that they are online

    1. Good day, dear friend!
      Thank you for the update. We never neglect issues of our clients. We kindly ask you to wait for a solution from the support team as all issues are worked on one by one.
      Did you text at, not any other email? You are always welcome to join us in live chats/calls as well.
      Thank you!
      Hope you’re having a great day!
      IQ Option Support Team

  18. Don’t bother to trade with IQ Option.

    They are 100% scammer.
    Withdrawal is always a problem for most of the trader (especially profitable trader).

    I’m a profitable trader inside IQ Option, gaining about USD15,000 before they blocked me from trading (citing additional verification in progress and to wait patiently). They ask me to wait for maximum 30 business days. Every time I ask, the same answer. I have been waiting for 4 months and the answer still the same (be patient, checking with the finance team, blah blah).

    Withdrawal request are being cancelled, unable to access the money at all.

    100% scammer, everyone please don’t trade with them.

    1. Good day!
      My name is Anastasiya, I am the official IQ Option support team member.
      I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience the usage of our application might have caused you.
      Nevertheless, I assure you that we always follow all of our Policies and are expecting the same in return.
      I really want this to be solved for you as soon as possible, however, my access to the details of your account is limited. For that reason, to look into the matter with your withdrawal, I encourage you to get in touch with the IQ Option Support team directly. Hoping for your cooperation.
      If you do not find comfortable contacting support via email, you are welcome to join us in calls.
      We value the opportunity to work with each and every one of you, guys, and you deserve personalized service and individual approach.
      Have a lovely today. 

      1. Dear Anastasiya,

        I have been speaking with you for months in IQ Option platform (out of 30+ customer service that I have spoken with).

        Since you said to get in touch with you, let me show you what are the records that you have reply to me over the course of 4 months (please keep in mind, this only shows the record with you, not with the other customer service with hundreds of messages with same reply):
        Message start from September 12, 2019, additional verification in progress with all documents verified (account fully verified) till today, still same issue (4 months).

        September 12, 2019
        Dear Toby 🙂
        Thank you for your message!

        I can see that you already verified all the documents and at the moment your account is being checked
        Your withdrawal will be processed when the checking is completed 🙂

        Let me know if you have any further questions!

        Best regards
        IQ Option Support Team
        September 12, 2019

        October 16, 2019
        hello, dear Toby! Sorry for the long reply
        hope you are having an absolutely wonderful day 🌈 🤗

        your account is still under additional verification
        as you may know, our company deals with many sensitive information and there is a standard of safety we maintain for our traders and for us as a company, one of the things we do is to do routine security check. We do this randomly, thank you for understanding🍀
        we do our best to speed up the process for you 🚀

        Once you have any questions – you know where to find me 🙂
        I wish you all the best 😊

        IQ Option support❤️
        October 16, 2019

        November 12, 2019
        Dear Toby, we have sent a request to check it in the security department, once we have a reply, we will contact you here 😌 Thanks for your patience! Just let me know if you have any other questions, I am 24/7 here to support you! 🤗
        November 12, 2019

        November 14, 2019
        Hello! Thank you for waiting. My name is Ana, I will be happy to help you today.

        I can see your account is currently under some additional verification at the moment.
        It is needed for the safety of your own funds.
        Our team is checking if your withdrawal method is secure enough. Please give our specialists some time to complete all necessary procedures.
        It can take up to 30 days, however, usually is done much faster.
        Thank you for your patience and understanding!

        If any other questions arise please let us know anytime, we are here for you 24/7!
        November 14, 2019

        November 18, 2019
        hello, dear Toby! Sorry for the long reply
        hope you are having an absolutely wonderful day 🌈 🤗

        Your account is under additional verification.
        as you may know, our company deals with many sensitive information and there is a standard of safety we maintain for our traders and for us as a company, one of the things we do is to do routine security check. We do this randomly, thank you for your patience. as we are checking everything manually, we need extra time for processing the transactions!
        Once you have any questions – you know where to find me 🙂
        I wish you all the best 😊

        IQ Option support❤️
        November 18, 2019

        November 19, 2019
        hello, dear Toby! Sorry for the long reply
        nice to see you again 🌈 🤗

        i understand your concern but i kindly ask you to wait, we do our best to speed up the process for you!
        I’ll be here if you still need me, have a fantastic day, good luck and I wish you only profitable trades😊🌞
        November 19, 2019

        December 4, 2019
        Hello! Thank you for waiting. My name is Ana, I will be happy to help you today.

        I can see your account is currently under some additional verification at the moment.
        It is needed for the safety of your own funds.
        Our team is checking if your withdrawal method is secure enough. Please give our specialists some time to complete all necessary procedures.
        It can take up to 30 days, however, usually is done much faster.
        Thank you for your patience and understanding!

        If there is anything else I can do for you – just let me know! I am happy to assist you anytime 🤗
        December 4, 2019

        January 13, 2020
        Hello, dear Toby! 😎
        Hope you are doing well!

        It is not finished yet, we are sorry. But once it is finished, the withdrawal will be sent to you. Thanks for your patience!
        If you have more questions, feel free to contact us again!

        Best regards,
        IQ Option Support🐦
        January 13, 2020


        I would said I have received the fund once I received it. Else, IQ Option is a total scammer.

  19. Thank you Louis

    They pay too many reviewers to be trusted! They have crowded google search result page to hide even honest reviews from coming up, knowing quite well that an average internet user, won’t search that deep.

    I like the way you put it, about the good platform they have; “This means that the platform makes it as easy and as straightforward as possible to lose your money.”

    I’m very curious though about TFl’s profitability on IQ option, as to what he trades? How long he’s been profitable? How frequent does he get the withdrawal issues? Was he always profitable with them or It’s just recent?

    Anyway thank you for the informative article. I will hang around your blog for a while to see if I can find information that can help me have a great trading year this time around.

    1. Hi and thanks so much for your comment. I completely agree with you. Hopefully, TFI will answer these questions.

    2. Good evening, Muz!
      My name is Anastasiya, I am the official IQ Option support team member.
      As far as you did not receive a reply from TFI, I encourage you to contact our team. It’s always our pleasure to clear your doubts about the platform being trustworthy.
      Remember, that trading presents a high risk of losing your capital. Be fully conscious while investing your funds and have a lovely trading year.

  20. Do NOT use this platform. It is the worst company and customer service I have ever experienced. They closed down my account because I didn’t verify again. I have had verified the account in the past (passport, proof of address etc.), so they knew I was a legitimate customer. The only way of letting me know that I needed to verify again was by email. These emails ended up in my junk mail, which I don’t regularly check.

    Found out when I wanted to login into my account and it said it was blocked. So I checked my email, and junk mail…And yeah, there were the emails they have send me to notify. Reached out to the “support” team but they didn’t help at all and just said: “Sorry for the inconvenience, but it is permanently blocked and cannot be unblocked. We are ready to refund the remaining balance…”

    I purchased crypto’s on the platform and had them there waiting for when the market would pick up again. The value of those crypto’s they conveniently left out of the refund.

    If you want to get screwed by a company, use IQ option! What a joke of a scamming company.

    1. Thank you so much for sharing this experience with us. This is one more story that confirms how shady IQ Option is.

  21. Good evening, dear Twan! Thank you for the review.
    We need to remind you that the Company reserves the right to block the user’s account in case of the breach of the Terms and Conditions. We assure you that we always follow all of our Policies and are expecting the same in return. As you personally faced an issue with us, we’re eager to help and look into the matter, so please, kindly reach us from the registered email with IQ Option to receive a detailed consultation from the relevant team. Your patience and cooperation are highly appreciated.

    1. I started trading in iq option inoticed that no matter your wins are more than your loss your money is decreasing day by day so it has to be 100 % wining ratio to make money which looks impossible and i have spent around 4 months of crazy days with iq option but i deposited 30 dollars so far and won nothing if you ask them they say trading in real money is different than fake money and i just wanted to be rich thats all guess i have to find some legitimate site till than strugle

    It seems like you were right on point, Louis. Literally the somewhat hostile reply from IQ option just above my comment also suggests they do indeed do what my link describes – take profits from losing users’ trades by not hedging them at all by being a counterparty, and when they do make profit and/or black swan hits and they have to do a huge payout, they just freeze the accounts under the terms of “under investigation of breach of terms and conditions”.
    Thank you, I was literally about to put in $100k in IQOptions due to the “tax-free” nature of the shady trading platforms, and I would’ve lost it all by a scam if not for your review.

  23. Good day,

    I am also starting to think IQ option is a scam, hence why I landed on this page. Yesterday I had 10 positions open on Crude oil wti, all of a sudden the market became unavailable and I was not able to sell my positions. This morning the market started working again AFTER a huge drop occurred, and all positions were liquidated (even if you had stop losses in place).

    I do not mind losing money if the market goes south, and I did not sell in time.. but I do mind not having the option to sell at all!!

    Luckily for me, I didn’t invest a lot of money.. but I do feel sorry for those who did!!
    The least this platform could do is to reimburse the initial investment of the people who lost money due to this issue.


  24. IQoption is a SCAM.

    They closed my account and they refuse to reopen it.

    They have € 7.500,- of my money and they refuse to give it back.

    They never call you unless when you open an account because they want you to trade.

    They are very rude and not helpfull at all.

    Been emailing with them for 1 month and they ignore everything i say. Even when I show them prove.

    They lie to cover themself up!


    They refuse to give me an emailadres from their legal department.

    1. Hey hi Sara!

      If you violate the policies and do not follow the terms and conditions then we have the right to block the account. We do not call traders but we do have our helpline where traders are welcome to contact us.
      Also, if you provide us with the relevant documents / proof then we will be happy to help you, however, if you provide documents / proofs outside of what we accept then we are sorry but we can not change amend the policies.

      We thank you for your understanding.

      Adil – IQ Option.

  25. Hello,

    Thank you for your time, however, please note that there is nothing shady about it, it is an online trading platform. Since you wrote you were looking for some tax-free shady platform, then we would like to inform you that we also block traders for money laundering reasons.
    Traders are always welcome to read our terms and conditions before making any deposit. Also, we never freeze accounts just because they are making profits, we would not have been in business if that had been the case.

    We welcome anyone and everyone who faced any issues, to write to us and we will be glad to assist you.

    Adil – IQ Option.

  26. The worst app ever they will steal your…
    The worst app ever they will steal your money. After they loved to me on how to get my initial investment back and wasted my time they shut my account stealing my investment. With no response.

    I’ve read about many other people with this problem who have a lot of money in there. Don’t use or trust IQ options.

    1. Good day, dear Drew!
      Thank you for the review.
      My name is Anastasiya, I am the official IQ Option support team member.
      We do not have any restrictions for paying out any amounts of your honestly earned funds. However, we need to remind you that the Company reserves the right to block the user’s account in case of the breach of the Terms and Conditions. Kindly check them on the website.
      Nevertheless, we’re always eager to help, so please, kindly reach us from the registered email with IQ Option to receive a detailed consultation on the matter. Thank you for understanding.

  27. Hi,

    I invested, won and now the have me with emails back and forth for over 3 months, no one wants to help really, just a bunch of automated responses about verifiation and plase wait.

    I lost $1,500 of out of pocket invesment

    TOAL SCAM, Worst ever

    I wish I could go to their office/boiler room and call cops to report them for acutal theft and misleading

  28. Hey hi Joe, what happened to your account?
    They never block accounts without any reason. Did you verify your account?

    Also, their live support is always responding. Did you reach out to them?

    Adil – IQ Option

  29. lost almost USD $5000 within a week, once you have placed any position. Immediately the position goes against you. I feel, there is robot controlling. i lost almost everyday and decided to stop it effectively today.. Scams.

    1. Good evening, Lee!
      My name is Anastasiya, I am the official IQ Option support team member.
      I’m really sorry you’re left with such an impression. It’s a pity if trading turned out to be unprofitable for you. However, we are not a scam, but a genuine app indeed.
      Instruments on our platform implement technical analysis and overall market alertness. Please, note that intuitive trading leads to unsatisfactory results. That’s why it’s important to analyze the chart.
      Maybe your trading approach isn’t working, please, consider using a different one. You can also open a free demo account to train. There are different instruments for technical analysis (indicators such as Bollinger Bands, RSI, and others) available on the platform. You can also find teaching materials on our site.
      Wishing you all the very best,

  30. Honest review about IQ Option. I wish I’ve done better research before committing to IQ Option. New at stocks trading, and was looking forward to starting to trade, IQ option seems to be convenient and the interface is simple to use. The first week I lost 3,500 USD, thought it was due to my prediction capabilities and my understanding of the market. It took me 9,000 USD to realize that something isn’t right, every time you enter a position it will move the opposite direction. Of course, there are some very minor profits to get you hooked but you will end up losing your funds. This is my experience with IQ option, I hope that anybody that wants to try IQ option will think about your hard-earned money. Behind IQ Option’s Facade is something very untrustworthy. Avoid!

    1. Good day!
      My name is Anastasiya, I am the official IQ Option support team member.
      I need to remind you that trading presents a high risk of losing your capital, which is why we always ask our clients to be fully conscious while investing their funds and do not promise easy money.
      We are sorry not all of your trades turned out to be profitable. However, here you should not be taking a wild guess but analyze the graphs first and only then place your trades.
      In case you’d love to inquire about some trades in specific, feel free to contact us. We’re always at your entire disposal.

  31. Iqoption 1000000000% is scam and fraud.
    They cleverly delay the sale and purchase of your trade, when you entering to the trade. We have stored this information with 80 different devices, they are very professional to steal from you and people who do short 1 minute trade lose 99.9% of their money. In this fraud only 100,000 people It is enough to get a lot of money. This is a small part of the theft of this corrupt broker.

    1. Good evening, dear James!
      My name is Anastasiya, I am the official IQ Option support team member.
      I am deeply sorry that you feel about the Company this way. We are not fraud, but a genuine app indeed.
      It’s crucial to have a high-speed internet while enjoying online-trading.
      So that would be just great if you could send a short video on what’s happening from your side so that the technical team could reproduce the issue in case there is any.
      Your cooperation is highly appreciated.
      Have a lovely night.

    2. I have lost more than 40,000 USD because of their trick of delaying the trades in sale and purchase. I have contacted them so many times after loosing this hard earned saved money. They simply blame my service provider and the instruments I use to trade with. Though, I was using business model machine with Core i7 vPro, SSD Storage, 16GB Ram, 500 Mbps internet connection. They still said that my trading machine is unfit to run their app. After a long relationship of 3 years and loosing all my profits more than 100K USD, I have learned my lesson with a bitter truth of being scammed.

  32. Hi I just started investing in iqoptions & very unsatisfied with their identity verification process as it might lead to identity theft. I Did won a few sum of money but giving them access to my identity would be much more wasted. I don’t hope the app gets better when all they did is giving the same messages.

    1. Hello Naomi,
      We understand your concern, however, please note that verification should be important for any company / organisation which involves finances. It is for your own safety actually, for instance, what if someone else gets access to it and if there is no verification process then he or she will be easily able to withdraw funds from your account and you will blame the company in that case.
      Regarding data protection, then it is highly secure / confidential.

      Adil – IQ Option

  33. Q Option is a scam with a nice UX.
    There are unfortunately many severe issues:
    – the first one is that at the moment they simply deny to transfer me my money and block without any reasons for 10 days while the SLA is 1 to 3 days
    – withdraw is complex as iQOption doesn’t transfer money to your bank account. only to your Credit Card if the deposit is less than 3 months old. The only way which is supposed to work is via platforms as Neteller, Skrill, Perfect Money… but please review my first point
    – IQOption is permanently changing the conditions. At one stage without pre-informing charged dormant fees have been charged (I was holding on purpose some positions) and stole about 35% of my positions’ value (6K).
    –> My recommendation: avoid at all costs!

    1. Hello Thomas,
      Regarding the withdrawal, then we have a certain procedure for withdrawal, if it has been more than 90 business days and if you deposited through bank card then you can withdraw to an ewallet after the 90 days period. For that, your account must be verified as verification is mandatory on our platform.
      Secondly, the fees is charged against the financial service being provided, and inactivity fees is only charged when there is no activity on the account for more than 90 days, this is done to avoid money laundering on the platform.
      Lastly, we never block accounts without any reason, if any policies have been violated then we hold the right to do so and that too by informing traders.
      Traders are always welcome to contact our support team and clarify any doubts or read the terms and conditions before investing.
      Adil – IQ Option.

  34. Louis<, First i must commend you on your incredible review….And Now i would like to take this moment and say THANK YOU! for saving me a tonnage of future losses from these scammy binary options fake brokers.
    I now know that all binary options are fake and a scam thanks to you.

    1. Hello Brooks,
      We respect your decision, however, we would like to clarify that NOT ALL binary option trading are a scam, particularly IQ Option.
      Sadly enough there has been a lot of fraudulent activity and so called brokers that aimed to lie to their client and use fraudulent practices.
      This is why the whole field of Binary Options does not seem trustworthy to people nowadays.
      It is risky, indeed, very risky and we always tell it to other traders.
      Nevertheless using technical indicators and short terms trading strategies may be really helpful. And of course traders should know where to stop and never risk their whole investment.
      It refers to all the investment products, not only Binary Options.

      Let us know in case you have some questions.

      Adil – IQ Option.

  35. Good review.

    This picked my interest while reading online newspapers, there was this fake translated and localised website with broken links and with domain from Cocos Islands, portraying itself as business journal article, promising easy money (15700 euros per month looks attractive enough), with fake and badly “written” comments – classic scam I would say.

    I find it hard to persuade myself to believe that some people will fall for this and invest their money, but here we are, iqoption is still going on.

    There is now and

    My opinion, while iqoption may technically be legal company, it is practicing shady and unethical activities and should be stopped. Because of these practices people in my country are hesitant to trade on internet. Maybe we are right and we shouldnt.

    1. Hello Milos,
      There must have been some misunderstanding. We never promise or OFFER any easy money. IQ Option is an online trading platform, profit and loss depends on how traders trade. Please ensure that you saw our website and not some fake / scam website using our name. You can always confirm with the support team at

      Adil – IQ Option.

  36. Disrespectful company that does not pay…
    Disrespectful company that does not pay you your dues
    A week ago, I withdrew money from the Iqoption platform, but until now it has not interfered with my wallet.
    The reason is to review the account, and this email I received from them many times.

    Thank you very much for contacting us!

    Please kindly note that it is stated in our Terms & Conditions
    “Withdrawal requests are processed by the financial department of the Company one-at-a-time. The processing time is 3 business days. The Company reserves the right to increase the processing time; in such case, the Company shall notify the Client via any contact method specified by the Client in his/her profile.”

    Your withdrawal is currently being reviewed by the relevant department. This is a normal business practice of the Company. There is no exact time when the review will end, but you will be informed as soon as possible.

    Thank you for your patience and cooperation!

    Should you require any further assistance, please, contact us again. It would be our pleasure to assist you!

    Best Regards,
    IQ Option Support Team

    When depositing, they accept your money directly, but when you want your money, they will not pay you under the pretext of fake reasons (and there are no reasons only under review).
    Much like me and I made mistakes because we traded on this platform.
    Because the amount is 8000 euros, they will make many attempts not to pay, but I was recording all the video chat sessions because I fell under this problem with them.
    This is also last answer from them,
    Good day! We regret to know you’re dissatisfied with our services. However, we need to remind you that we do not have any restrictions for paying out any amounts of your honestly earned funds.
    You can always check the Withdrawal Policy details on the website. We assure you that we always follow all of our Policies and are expecting the same in return. One has the opportunity to check the Terms and Conditions prior to registration and is still welcome to do so anytime.
    We deeply apologize for making you wait. The relevant team will revert to you shortly.

    1. Hello, we are sorry that you are unhappy with the IQ Option platform, however, the platform is not fake or scam. Once the review will be done the withdrawal will be completed and you will receive the funds.
      You can contact their support team and follow up with them.

      They will definitely assist you with it.
      Adil – IQ Option.

  37. Im feeling it mate, I just started with IQ Options and was lucky I realized this within 2 days of opening.The spreads are almost
    impossible to make profit on small trades.Loosing is just a little more frequent than normal level of risks.Cant wait to exit if lucky and get back my investment back.

    1. Hello Wavehunter,

      We are sorry that you did not like the platform. Please note that spreads are not fixed and they depend on the market. They can be higher or lower.
      We have millions of traders on our platform and they are having successful trades.

      Please write to and we will be glad to clarify any confusion.


  38. Steve Clifford IQ option apparently asking for $500 in return he will give you $5000 in a week
    asked him to videocall me for 5 seconds.. made up constant excuse.. the guys a pure fraud\

    IS options a scam!! complete fabrications.

  39. Good evening, James!
    My name is Anastasiya, I am the official IQ Option support team member.
    We are sorry you feel like we are a scam. We are a genuine app indeed.
    We’re afraid someone’s trying to scam you and kindly ask you to avoid such offers.
    We will always remind you here that anyone, promising to help you trade/ recover your funds/ manage your account / gain huge profits in a short time
    is a SCAMMER.
    Those people are just trying to lure you. We do not ask our users to deposit any amounts of money and do not prevent them from withdrawing. All processes on our platform are transparent. We offer a free practice account, which you may use for as long as you’d love to.
    Please, be wise, and don’t let others take away your hard-earned money. Whenever you need any assistance regarding your account at IQ Option, feel free to contact the support team at

    1. Hi and thank you all for your reviews.
      Let me tell you about my experience, I am a demo trader on IQoption, have been practicing my strategy for a while now, they have good returns that’s why I chose them: 91%, 95%, 97%. It is usually around 87% for their digital options.
      Something weird happened, for 3 days already all my available pairs have a return of 76% (it’s a constant during the whole day). The funny thing is that I was getting constantly profitable trades, high win rates, before this happened and now i am “downgraded” to 76%. Out of curiosity i was thinking this is a market phase, they need to limit their trades during high liquidity and checked the chat option they have on their platform.
      To my surprise, other people talking there and sharing their positions with great returns: 91% 87%… Returns i used to have to when I was losing most of my trades.
      Contacted support and this is their answer: “The profit percentages are not guaranteed my friend. The company has right to set the profit rates according to its risk assessment.”
      Apparently, we are friends 🙂
      So the conclusion is, if you have a successful strategy on IQoption they will downgrade your account, give you lousy returns of 76% instead of what others are getting at the same moment and on the same trading pairs, and say this is according to their “risk assessment and It depends on market conditions and company decisions”

      1. Good evening, dear Ciupi!
        My name is Anastasiya, I am the official IQ Option support team member.
        Thank you for sharing your opinion.
        We regret to know you’re dissatisfied with our services. However, we’d love to point out that as a well-known and reputable broker, we follow all the Terms & Conditions of the Company, and need to remind you that on the IQ Option trading platform, the profitability is not fixed, and the Company reserves the right to set the profitability at any rate, at any time given. Despite the fact that we follow our risk management policy, at all times we are accommodating the best possible conditions for our clients. We do our best to ensure that you have the best trading experience here, and that comes with a lot of trust.
        One has the opportunity to check the Terms & Conditions prior to the registration and is still welcome to accomplish so anytime. Accepting those, one agrees to fulfill the responsibilities stated. You are always welcome to contact us at if you have any questions or hesitations.

      2. Hello,

        We understand your concern here, however, we do not set it individually for each trader just because they are making good profit / loss. It actually depends on certain factor, you can clarify with our support team in detail about it and they will be glad to assist you.

        Adil – IQ Option.

  40. Finally Options Gone with all the money ,Their App isn’t working or their web page. Probably they bought that Island where they are located with all the money.

    1. Hello Day, can you please share the details of the issue, from our side everything is fine, did you write to our support team in this regard?

      We will do our best to assist you.

      Adil – IQ Option.

      1. IF anyone is from IQ option, please try give me a non generic answer. No matter who you talk to at the support centre, who answers on fb, or even if you call them, i get the EXACT same scripted answer. I have done a withdrawl a week ago and its still in process on my account. The were quick to refund me the money on my credit card, but now with the additional money I won, they are not processing my bank account withdrawal. I have chatted to dozens of support people, and their response is always be patient, your account is under review and they will notify you when review is done. I have seen people on complaining about reviews taking 3 months without being resolved and paid. It is very misleading to read 1-3 working days for a withdrawal on their website, but then the support say ‘we process payment according to the timeframes in our terms and conditions’. Then when they send you the link, the fine print says that they reserve the right to extend your withdrawal time as long as they want.. So in fact there is no real withdrawal time in their T&C’s. I dont know who to chat to about this, but I will go to the ends of the earth to make sure I get my money back and dont get scammed by this company. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

        1. Hey Nicolas,

          Firstly, I would like to clarify that IQ Option is not a scam, we are operational since 2013, had it been so, you would not have received your initial withdrawals too then. The company has the right to randomly check accounts to ensure safety, this is done for traders actually so that the platform is safe for them. We understand that it can be frustrating however we assure you that if you did everything correctly then there is no need to worry.

        2. Hello Nicolas!

          We would like to clarify that standard ewallet withdrawal time is 1-3 business days, however, to ensure safety and security on the platform, the company can randomly review accounts, this does not mean that for each withdrawal you will have to wait this long.
          Please cooperate with our support team and they will follow up on this.
          We thank you for your understanding.

          Adil – IQ Option

        3. Hello again Nicolas, we would like to clarify that no issue is left unresolved. We are a customer oriented platform and we do our best to resolve issues as early as we can. Regarding the standard procedure and protocols, then as a company we have the right to follow them. We can request cooperation from traders and the answers are not generic but we try to explain to them that they should have trust in us and we will not let them down.

          Adil – IQ Option.

  41. I think Google Philippines should also be blamed for featuring the IQ Option ad in their search engine. I guess it’s the main reason why IQ Option is getting to scam a lot of people, (I see a lot of Filipino scam victims here). The NBI and/or DICT Cyber Crime Division should look into the many complaints here. Such a sad story. Mr. Louis, I’ll email you soon.
    I think it’s high time these crooks get busted.

  42. Hello, if you lost your funds while trading then we are sorry to hear that however, that does not make us fraud or scam. We do not guarantee profit or loss. It all depends on how you trade. Did you use any strategy or tools or indicators?

  43. My account is already verified and was able to previously make a successful withdrawal for an amount of a mere 68.45 which took only 2 business days to process. When I made additional deposit of 195USD and made a profit until my account grew to 532.35USD, my withdrawal status has been “in process” for more than 3 business days already. This is fishy as it gets. When I tried to inquire with customer support, they told me that my account is under review/validation as it was in the terms and conditions but cannot provide how may days it will take until it’s done. What kind of process is that? Please don’t trust this broker. I am about to file a compliant with CySEC.

  44. This is day 2 of delayed withdrawal processing from IQ option’s end. I have received no update. I sent them separately an email yesterday and responded to their questions but did not provide any update regarding the status of my withdrawal. I will keep updating and posting this until my funds are credited back to me so that others will know how painstaking it is to wait for your money but they do make quick actions when you deposit to them. This is a very disappointing service from their end. I want my money now.

    1. Thank you for sharing your feedback and updates, Mia.

      We regret to know our services did not quite live up to your expectations and we deeply apologize for making you wait.
      However, we have found your comments on another forum as well and are glad you received the funds.

      We assure you that all withdrawals are processed within the timeframes specified in the Terms & Conditions of the Company and as we’re sure you understand, the verification process is made for the safety of an account and its funds.

      This way our specialists can be sure that the earned funds will reach the account holder, not any other person, while during the deposit process funds are automatically credited to the account you aim to deposit them to.

      Thank you for understanding.

  45. I made the withdrawal on 4th Mar 2022 for $347. but until today i didn’t received the money, and the support say my account getting under review AGAIN.. it’s been 3 times in a year my account get under review.. for the next i will give update in a 5 days

    1. Hello Reza,
      We can see that the comment is from March, can you please tell us if your question is still valid or you have received funds?
      Please note that withdrawals to bank card may take up to 21 business days and to ewallets the standard time is up to 3 business days.

      We thank you for your understanding.
      Adil – IQ Option

    2. Hello, Reza!
      My name is Anastasiya, I am the official IQ Option support team member.
      We deeply apologize for keeping you waiting, but we assure you that all withdrawals are processed within the timeframes specified in the Terms & Conditions of the Company which you may refer to in case of any doubt anytime.
      Your cooperation is highly appreciated.

  46. Hi, have you received your fund? Mine was already 3 weeks and same “under review” thing happening

  47. Wish I read this before. I made losses amounting to $900 then deposited $10 and successfully profited to $780 when I tried to withdrawal my account went to “under review”

    This guys tell you that it’s their right to review which is okay. But why take that long.2-3days is sufficient to do a proper security check. They keep on telling you the same excuses and lies.

    Imagine a bank telling you that you can’t do a withdrawal coz it’s under review? Why not review the account early enough? Why take so long? Is there anyone here who has had their account under review and later on received the withdrawal??

    They can’t say that they are not a scam when everyone is complaining about withdrawals. No one complains about deposits. Does it mean that everyone complaining bleached their t&c???

    1. Hello, we do understand your concern, but we would like to assure you that if you have not done anything wrong then you need not to worry.
      Account reviews timeline depends on many factors which we can not disclose here. We request your patience in this regard and please accept our apologies for any inconvenience.

    2. Hello Joel, tried to reply to your comment for a few times but it is not being published for some reason.
      We would like to inform you that accounts are reviewed to ensure safety on the platform. These reviews are different than verification, which is why it can take longer than usual. We understand your frustration as the process can take some time. We will definitely forward the feedback to our developers regarding this.
      As for your withdrawal, then if you have done everything correctly then you need not to worry, you can always connect with our support team and they will assist you.

      Adil – IQ Option

    3. yes joel .you are right same problum.My account is on review since last 15 days. And there is no time frame as to when this review will be completed. This is the answer I get when I talk to the speclist. That it will be completed soon, let’s see what the answer is from here. Because it is a simple matter, this is the biggest deception, because anything has an expiry date but not its review. This is their biggest problem. If you have a review account, you have 2 losses or you will lose everything by waiting and trading again. Or make profit and put your account on this review. Now let’s see how long the withdrawal comes. If Vidhraval comes, I will share this thing with you and even if I don’t come, I will share it. Right now I’m having trouble going through

  48. Please give me the answer of my question. My account is on review since last 15 days. And there is no time frame as to when this review will be completed. This is the answer I get when I talk to the speclist. That it will be completed soon, let’s see what the answer is from here. Because it is a simple matter, this is the biggest deception, because anything has an expiry date but not its review. This is their biggest problem. If you have a review account, you have 2 losses or you will lose everything by waiting and trading again. Or make profit and put your account on this review. Now let’s see how long the withdrawal comes. If Vidhraval comes, I will share this thing with you and even if I don’t come, I will share it. Right now I’m having trouble going through

    1. Hello, Banty!
      Thank you for reaching out.
      My name is Anastasiya, I am the official IQ Option support team member.
      We understand your concern, but you can be sure that we do not have any restrictions for paying out any amounts of your funds. We always follow all of our policies, and you may check the Withdrawal Policy details on the website anytime.
      We highly regret the inconvenience, but we are not entitled to have access to your account on social media. Please keep in touch with the support team over email to obtain the information regrading your withdrawal. Thank you.

  49. Very bad customer service, this is what happened : I requested a withdrawal of the money I deposited on the 6th March 2023, my withdrawal has not been paid its almost two weeks now, when I enquired I am told that my account is being reviewed but they cannot tell me when the review process will be completed, I was not even notified about that review process until I enquired about my hard-earned money. Interesting how the response still does not provide WHEN this so-called review process will conclude. By the way account is fully verified and I have made withdrawals before Date of experience: March 06, 2023.

    This is how they responded ” Reply from IQ Option

    Mar 16, 2023
    Hello, we understand your concern however the company has the right to review accounts to ensure safety on the platform.
    Once it is done and everything is fine, the withdrawal will be processed and completed. We thank you for your understanding.

  50. It is a scam. Without even an explanation they blocked my account after I twice sent the documents in order they asked me and I can no longer access the money I had. They are thieves.

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