Start Here!

Welcome to

Hi there, I am Louis and I want to welcome you to,

This article is an introduction to this site and I will try to give you the best possible impression of what the site has to offer. Try to read the entire article. At the end of the article, I will tell you how you can get started with our free education and more.

TradeOptionsWithMe is a site dedicated to helping you reach your financial goals. It does this by providing the necessary help and education on the markets and much more. Luckily for you, all of this content is 100% FREE.

If you are new, you may not know how to get started. I will help you with that. But first of all, let’s get to know each other! You can read about me and my story, HERE! But sadly I can’t read about you anywhere (yet). But to change that, I would like to give you the first task of your success story. Please let me know who you are, what your goals are and how dedicated you are.

  • Who are you?how much money to start investing
  • What’s your name and where are you from?
  • Why are you interested in the markets and how did you become interested?
  • Have you any experience in trading?
  • Any successes?
  • What are your goals for the next month/year/5 years…?
  • How much time are you willing to put in (per day/week/year)?

Try to answer all these questions, if possible. I know this may seem boring and unnecessary to some of you. But it is important to follow along and accomplish all the tasks from the beginning. This is where your success story begins. Not only will I get to know you better and potentially be able to help you now or further down the road, but you can also come back in the future and check back on your goals, revise them and check if you accomplished them. In addition to that, you can check if you have put in the ‘promised’ time. If not, this can motivate you, to change that.

Click HERE To Comment!

My Vision

I want this site to be more than just a website, you visit once and never again. This site is supposed to be the starting point of your story. I want this site to be your guidepost and me to be your guide. If you ever feel lost or need guidance, you can come back to TradeOptionsWithMe.

I will try to help you as much as I possibly can, so never hesitate to ask about something that concerns you. Additionally, please always tell me when you have recommendations and/or feedback for me and TradeOptionsWithMe.

“How many success stories are you going to read before you write your own?”

Options Trading Education

As you probably may have noticed by now, this site mainly focuses on options trading. It doesn’t matter how familiar you are with options. I offer education for every skill group. Currently, there are three courses available:

  1. Beginner
  2. Intermediate
  3. invest into your futureAdvanced

The courses are based on each other, so try to start at the beginning unless you are completely sure that you are familiar with the previous concepts. I tried to make the courses as variable and entertaining as possible. I added many graphics and even video lessons to make the in-depth articles easier to understand and as spicy as possible. Each course ends with a quick quiz to check the knowledge gained from the course. But don’t worry, the quiz can be taken as often as desired.

Remember, education is the most important thing when it comes to trading!


Furthermore, there are plenty of articles that don’t specify on options trading, but rather on the markets in general and other concepts. New articles are posted regularly under the ‘Posts’ tab. These cover a huge range of topics.


Additionally, I have thorough strategy-breakdown articles/videos under the ‘strategies’ tab. This is where I explain different option trading strategies as good as possible. This is ideal to get to know a big variety of different trading strategies to potentially try out.

Live Trades

Under the ‘Live Trades’ tab, you can get a sneak-peak of my trading.  I have begun to trade in a new, smaller broker account where I pick a given number of trades from. The chosen trades are then presented and explained here. This can give you a good idea of how I find, enter, manage and exit trades. Here, I also try to choose a good variety of trades, so I don’t only show winning or losing trades.


Last but not least, comes the ‘Reviews’ tab. This is the place to look at if you are searching for further trading related products as for example broker platforms, software, books or some other education trading site. Here I reviewed some of my favorite products and services. Note that I have an affiliate partnership with some of these companies. This doesn’t mean that I am not honest about these products. I only choose to review a few selected services, I personally believe in. Even if I earn money from certain sign-ups, I am still as honest as possible about the recommended products. This is also how this site ‘survives’. Without these affiliate partnerships, I would not be able to offer free education and more. In my opinion, these partnerships are the best way of monetizing this site without influencing the user experience in a negative way.

Options Trading Foundation Masterclass

This is a 1 ½ hour long Masterclass in which I teach you all the option basics and much more. The entire Masterclass is completely free of charge and I highly recommend taking advantage of this amazing opportunity! This is ideal for beginners. But even more-advanced people can learn a lot from this Masterclass.

If you want to learn more, sign up and attend my free Masterclass, click here!

How to get started?options trading glossary

After getting to know each other, I would love to introduce you to my options trading courses. I offer an options trading email course that should get you started with learning. In it, you will learn everything from the complete basics to more advanced concepts. I really recommend it no matter at what level you currently are. The best part is that the course is 100% for free!!!

If you are interested in the course, just enter your name and primary email at the bottom of this article. I will send you structured training resources every few days for you to look at. The lessons consist of articles, videos, graphics, cheat sheets, quizzes and more. In addition to the trading course, I will also send you a free copy of my trading glossary. This should be used during your learning process. As soon as you run into unknown words or phrases, you can look them up in the glossary.

how much money to start trading

You should really try to go through the lessons carefully to understand the contents, even if it takes multiple tries. Back when I learned how to trade, I found out that you learn much better when taking notes. So think about doing that. Afterward, it is a good idea to use the additional content provided to your advantage: analyze the live trade examples, get to know more strategies, read the articles/watch the videos…

You may feel overwhelmed now, but don’t be. Yes, there is a lot to do and the road ahead isn’t easy. The beauty of online courses and sites like this one is: you can learn at your own speed. If you don’t understand something the first time, who cares? Just read it once or twice again. I have one final tip for your education and that is: be consistent! You don’t have to put in tens of hours every single day. Make a schedule that fits you. If it’s only once a week, so be it. But do it on a consistent basis like one hour per day or X amount of hours per week…

Just remember, this is no ‘get rich quick’ scheme. You won’t get ‘filthy’ rich in the next couple of days, weeks or even months. You have to put in the work and you will see the results. So please try to have somewhat realistic expectations.

To get started for free, enter your primary email below! I will send you all the necessary training resources for you to become an options trading expert.

*By completing this form you are signing up to receive our educational and marketing emails and you can unsubscribe at any time.

I hope you will enjoy the stay and learn a lot. If you ever have a question, never hesitate to contact me personally or leave a comment.

Cheers and Good Luck,


Founder of

Don’t forget to comment below!

403 Replies to “Start Here!”

  1. Cool man. I’m excited to learn about trade options. I’ll be sure checking back to learn about more information.

  2. Thank you for the welcome page also, it sounds very interesting. I would like to learn more about Options, I’ll be revisiting your site soon again.

  3. I believe there are not many side that offer you to learn about the stock market. They just want you to start investing right away without really knowing what you are doing. It’s so great you chose to help us out. Can’t wait to start learning more about options.

  4. Hi Louis, thank you for your welcome! I recently enrolled in a stock trading programme and was looking for more resources. Glad I stumbled upon your site! The more info the better. I can’t wait to see what you have in store. What I have seen already is great. Thank you.

  5. I notice you have a lot to offer in the options trading space and wonder when someone has received the basic education you have on offer are they still free to ask for direction from you or are they on their own?

    I mean, I know that ultimately we make our own buying or selling decisions but can we still bounce strategies or ideas off you and will there be any costs associated with that?

    Thanks for your great info and look forward to hearing from you

    Cheers Gina

    1. Hey Gina, great question!

      You will always be able to come back to TradeOptionsWithMe and I will always help you if I can, no matter in what stage of the education you are. So even if you have completed all three courses, I will try to take care of you. After taking the courses, you can still learn a lot of important other things in the different areas of this site. 

      But just like you said, I am willing to guide you, but I won’t babysit you and trade for you. I won’t give anyone any buy or sell signals, it is and always will be you that pulls the trigger.

  6. Wow! Came across this website and it looks amazing! I’m really interested in what you have to say. So here are the answers to the questions you’re asking:
    1. I’m a stay at home mom looking to make extra income from home
    2. My name is Kayla and I live in the US
    3. I’m interested because I’ve heard it’s a great way to make a living – I find the process intriguing, but it’s still somewhat of a mystery to me
    4-5. No success – but no experience. Teach me Please!
    6. Financial goals: I’m not looking to get rich, but just bring in enough to live comfortably and not worry every time the car breaks down
    7. I’m willing to work as hard as needed so long as it does not impact the time I spend with my family

    I look forward to learning a lot more from you! Thanks for being so willing to help people start their journey!

    1. Hey Kayla, awesome comment! It’s great to get to know you. Amazing goals and motivation as well. Your goal is very realistic and will definitely be reachable with some time and effort.

      For now, move on to the beginner course: Click Here.

      If you ever get stuck or have a question, contact me immediately.

      Good luck!


  7. He’s a great concept indeed! The education needed for trading options is really massive. There’s no way around that from experience. When I’m ready to get back into the game I hope that I certainly find your blog again. In the meantime, thanks for that summary. Keep doing what you’re doing

  8. Finally, just reading your welcome page, had already made me feel at home.

    The mere fact that you mentioned that what you have to teach me,is not a ‘get rich scheme,’ already tells me that you are the real deal.

    I do not know anything about option trading. Guess, I am going to be heading over to your ‘beginner,’ course.

    Though it sounds intimidating, it sounds exciting too.I believe that the secret to success , is to have someone who has been there to show you the way.

    I like to think of you as a mentor. Bookmarked your site and ready to start!!

    Thanks for the awesome site

  9. I really enjoyed your site. Getting to know your customers is a strong start. That builds a relationship with them earning trust. I am a beginner to be sure, I know very little about stocks. I’ve never had the finances to invest before. The education you provide is very helpful. I like the plain language aspect of the site, insider jargon can confuse some of us.

  10. Hi Louis,

    Thanks for all the information, it’s quite a lot to take in so I will need to spend more time looking at my options (no pun intended).

    I have done all of my trading in the AIM stock exchange in London but it’s mostly long-term investments which are starting to come good. I am hoping by next year they will have doubled.

    I don’t use a broker, but I have an online investment account. I’ve heard brokers are more expensive, is this the case?

    1. Hey Craig,

      Thanks a lot for the comment. Sadly, I can’t really answer your question as I am not familiar with non-brokerage accounts. But you can check out my broker reviews to get an impression of the pricing and commission structure of some brokers. (click here!)

  11. Options trading interests me a lot, as my brother is already making money doing it. He influenced me to learn further about this game. So, when I saw your blog, I stopped and browsed. Thanks for the very informative articles.

    If I finally get started with options trading, how much will supposed to be my starting budget? Can I start with just $10 and scale up as I gain profits?

    1. Thanks for the comment and I am very happy that you enjoy my education. Sadly, $10 isn’t a realistic amount to start with. Many brokers and other scammy trading promoters spread lies and tell people that you can start with as little as 10 or 20 bucks. I’d recommend starting with no less than $2000. This may seem like a lot to you, but if you are serious about trading, you gotta have some capital to start with. If you don’t have that ‘much’ money yet, I recommend working and saving some money for your trading. If you want to know more, you may want to read THIS article, in which I discuss this topic even more.

  12. Hi Louis,
    Thanks for your post on this. I had left other comments on one of your posts saying I was feeling a little overwhelmed by it so I’m grateful to land on the introduction page to gain a bit more understanding. Couldn’t agree more on the ‘get rich quick’ hype as that’s a sure fire way to lose all of your savings. Looking forward to learning more on the site.


  13. Options trading has always sounded risky and scary to me. I know money can be lost quickly, and it can be made, if you know what you are doing. I think it is finally time for me to take a look, for free, with you, watch what and how you do,and then get involved. I am looking forward to the adventure. I am willing to put in the work and time to make it work.

  14. Hi Louis and as I see you are not a beginner in Options Trading and have learned much to spread around of your knowledge. A couple of years ago I made some basic steps for Forex Trading and came to the conclusion that to succeed you need to learn so much and spend sleepless hours. I guess that Options Trading is even harder and not an easy money scheme. I made short insight into the content of your site, and I am sure that it contains tons of usable information for options traders.

    1. Thanks for the great comment.

      Obviously, options trading requires some work, especilally in the beginning. But I wouldn’t say that it requires more work than Forex Trading. Forex has open 24 hours of the day, 5 days a week whereas the (NYSE) stock market only has open a few hours, 5 days a week. This fact alone shows that Forex probably is the most time consuming area of trading. 

      Options (and other asset classes) can allow you to trade even with little time and a full time job.

  15. Hi Louis,

    I really liked reading about your Options Trading Education. You break the details down clearly. I’ve been trading OTC pink slips and some options with E*Trade. All self-taught still a lot to learn. Would I be able to incorporate your education platform with what I’ve created with E*Trade?


    1. Hey and thanks for the comment.

      I am not completely sure if I understand you correctly. If your question is, if you can incorporate new things/strategies you learn from my education into your trading, then the answer is a big yes!

  16. Hi Louis. I like your simple introduction to Options trading. Many people wanna trade but skeptical when it comes to stuff online. Without proper guidance and mentorship, one is at a loss.
    Do you recommend Brokers? And what is your take on Think or Swim as a Platform? A review would be appreciated.

    1. I find Thinkorswim a very good broker for trading. But currently my main broker is Tastyworks. It is from the same developers and I love it. But note that they specialize in options trading. You can read my review for Tastyworks HERE. Some other broker reviews can be accessed HERE. I will try to write a review on Thinkorswim soon though.

  17. I’ve always wanted to learn about Trade Options. I’m glad I found your website.

    I would have to start at the beginning. This education makes it easier to understand & the course outline sets a foundation for success. The post, strategies, Live Trades, & reviews really help. How much does this course cost?

    Thank you for sharing your valuable information.

  18. Hi Louis,

    I am Adam from Seattle and I love your website. I am currently going through your beginner courses. I am interested in trading options to create another income stream to add to my job and rental property. I’ve invested in stocks for 20 years or so, but never done options. My goal is to make 100 bucks a day trading options. I have no idea how long that will take starting with 3k, but it’s my goal. The next goal after that will be to make 200 a day and so on until I can replace my job income. I can put in about 2 hours a day learning options trading. Thank for all your help!

    1. Hey Adam, welcome onboard. Interesting to get to know you. I really hope you will reach your goals and I am happy to hear that you are willing to work for your success. The beginner course is a great place to start. If you ever run into some problems or have some questions/comments, please let me know.

  19. Hello,

    I’ve been trading options for about 15 years now, I started out buying calls, then selling covered calls. After that I started selling naked puts. It wasn’t long before I realized you don’t make money when you buy, you make it when you sell.

    So for the last 12 years or so, I have been an options seller. I usually sell iron condors in highly liquid ETFs like SPY, IWM, DIA. I sell a put and a call that have a delta of around 15, 45 days or less till expiration.

    I don’t ususally let them expire worthless, but I buy them back for around half of what I sold them for, then redeploy my capital.

    I haven’t found a website quite like this, and I look forward to exploring it more. It seems like a good place for beginers to learn about stock optoins, it can be tricky at first.

    1. Awesome comment! Your strategy and story is great. Most people start by buying options until they realize that it is very hard to predict big price moves. I trade and teach a very very similar strategy to the one you just described.

  20. I love trading options. Lately, I have been selling SPY puts, but I think that the markets might be a bit overstretched? It certainly isn’t as easy as it was in the past year to do that. However, I love the idea of leverage, but with limited risk that buying options provide.

    How do you feel about currency options? I haven’t delved down that path yet, only spot currency.

    1. Thanks for the comment. That strategy is quite good, especially in the market we had the past months/year. 

      Actually, I don’t have much experience with currency options yet either. Therefore, I can’t really say too much about them.

  21. The thing that I love about options trading is the ability to trade both sides of the stock. You can play the rise (calls) and play the fall (puts) of a stock. I also love how you have the biggest gains through options. I have been trading options for a few years now and they are great. I am surprised how many people do not understand options. You have outlined a lot of great stuff here. I think one of the greatest things that you offer are the live trades. That is crucial to knowing and believing.

    1. Thanks for the great comment. The versatility of options really is a great thing. Not only can you make money on moves up or down, but you can even make money on no moves in the underlying’s price.

      It’s great to hear that you are enjoying my content.

  22. I can’t wait to learn more about trading options! I’m going to check out the beginner course right away.
    Are they any costs associated with the courses? This is a great concept and I’m excited to learn more. Not looking to get rich quick, but would like to be able to live comfortably and get my debt paid off. Any extra income helps!

  23. I am Terry Haney.I am 65 years old and retired.I live in Clearfield,Pa 16830.I was a truck driver before. I want to learn how to trade so we have a better income.I have no experience in trading. In the first month,I would like to learn more about trading.In one year,I would like a better life we have now.In 5 years,I would like to be retired with enough money we wouldn’t need to worry.

    1. Thanks so much for sharing Terry. I truly think your goals are very achievable as long as you educate yourself enough. Enjoy your stay and please let me know if I ever can help you.

  24. I am Kirk, a dentist. I graduated in 1989 from Northwestern University dental school. I am a very hard working / ambitious person. This is a fault as I look at it. I am guilty of taking a lot of risk to get ahead in life. I have always been interested in the markets: forex, futures ect. I have not been successful and I only have myself to blame. I jump in with both feet and my emotions sometimes kill me. With that said I am no quitter. I can get better and I do have the ability to learn. I got married late in life and now I have three young kids. Very young 2, 5, 6. . I am 57 years old. My motivation is obvious: I wish to somehow help my kids with there educations and ease my retirement stress. I liked your you tube videos and this is brought me to your site. I have stayed away from options mainly due to the fact that I know absolutely nothing about the process. But it looks logical to me.

    1. Welcome onboard Kirk. Thanks so much for sharing your story. It’s great to hear how dedicated you are and your mindset seems great. Make sure to educate yourself before risking any substantial amounts of money.
      Never hesitate to contact me if there is something I can help you with.

  25. Hi. My name is Eve. I work full time 5 days a week 50 hrs nights and sleep during the day. I also have a house I’m working on to put it on the market, so I have very limited time. I would like to master butterfly strategies so I can trade them with confidence, knowing how to exit the right way. I have watched your video 3 times already and will put on a paper trade in my tos account, hopefully this week. Just not sure how to exit trades. Eventually would like to trade full time, or part time with confidence. Have been watching many you tube option videos, thank goodness for you tube. But it takes a while to learn and put on paper trades, due to lack of confidence and lack of time. But ‘m getting there slowly. Really enjoyed your video on butterfly spreads. Once I learn simple butterfly’s, would like to learn other butterflies. So thank you for the opportunity.
    Eve E.

    1. That sounds great! It is a really good idea to start by paper trading before risking any real money. I am glad that you are enjoying my content. Please let me know if there is anything that I can help you with.

  26. I really appreciate your website and how you are focused my success story and journey. Getting into trading is something I want to do, but it can be daunting and that’s even with a Finance background. Your content seems to lay it out well and make it seem extremely doable. I am excited to start!

  27. I have never been into trading and you really persuaded me to give it a shot. Your level of persuasion is excellent and the fact that you are providing those courses for free is intriguing. I have signed up and would like to know more details on trading. How long are your videos? And how many videos will you send me per email?

    1. Great to hear that I convinced you to try something new. I’ll send you multiple lessons for a few weeks. Currently, not all of the lessons are video lessons. I am working on adding more video lessons though. The length of the videos also varies. But most of them are over 10 Minutes long. You can check out some of my video lessons on my Youtube Channel.

  28. Hi, I’m Joop, from the Netherlands, and I have just quited my job. Starting june there is no more monthly salary available for me. So I have to live from my savings and from the profits of my stocks account. Starting June I have a lot of time to learn everything about the stock market. I’m already busy with stocks for many years, but do not use options because of bad experience with them in the past. But from now on I HAVE to become specialist in it, in everything. I have to be very careful, but that is possible with options if you trade them well. They can also help you to protect your stocks, but I’m not good in it already. I am very curious about what I am going to learn.

    1. Great to hear from you Joop. I really hope you will enjoy my education and learn a lot. Just be careful to not start too early or too risk too much at once. You should really take your time before risking any hard earned money.

  29. Who are you?how much money to start investing
    I’m RK Gaston; I’m starting with a trading account of $5000 to learn to trade option strategies.

    What’s your name and where are you from?
    I’m from Austin, TX

    Why are you interested in the markets and how did you become interested?
    I want to enhance my retirement. I’ve been interested in the stock market since I was a child in the 1960’s.

    Have you any experience in trading?
    Yes, trading stocks and some options.

    Any successes?
    Some successes; and I lost a lot in the 1980’s

    What are your goals for the next month/year/5 years…?
    I want to learn to trade option strategies

    How much time are you willing to put in (per day/week/year)?
    two hours a day.

    1. Wow, what a great bio. Thanks so much for sharing all of this. You seem like a very nice and humble guy who is willing to put in work. I really hope that you will reach your goals and learn a lot on this site. I wish you good luck on your journey and if you ever have any questions/comments… please let me know!

  30. Who are you?
    Hi Louis, I am a retired Veteran from the US Navy and had the opportunity of being a member of The Blue Angels during my tour. I have been trading penny stocks for the last 7-10 years and along the way made a few nice really big gains, other than that, the only way to really win in penny’s is by scalping. So overall I was pretty successful, but I got tired of the slow days due to low or no volume. I need action when I’m trading and that’s why I am ready to get into options.

    What’s your name and where are you from?
    My name is Tom Preziuso and I live in Buffalo, NY

    Why are you interested in the markets and how did you become interested?
    Well, as I stated in the last question, I have been involved in the pennies for a time, but now being a 100% disabled veteran, I would like to make $2,000/mo my target for extra income when I start trading options

    Have you any experience in trading?
    Pennies along with big board stocks but nothing in options, so this is a whole new thing for me.

    Any successes?
    more successes than losses in the pennies, some of those successes were pretty huge, considering they were penny stocks. Bit looking back I took a lot of risk back then, more than I should have, but I got lucky. My approach with options is going to be much more structured once I have gained the knowledge and become a little more confident than I am right now.

    What are your goals for the next month/year/5 years…?
    Learning the options trading strategies and applying them to my daily trading. My goal for the first month is to be on a path moving forward with your studies, and start live trading as soon as I am comfortable after completing your study along with being successful in some paper trading. I would hope to trading live withing 4-5 months. By years end, my goal would be to net 1k as a start.

    How much time are you willing to put in (per day/week/year)?
    Being retired, time is definitely on my side, so as of now, I am going to set 2 hrs a day through the course, Once I go live, I will put in the hours needed to attain my goals.

    1. Wow, thank you so much for sharing your amazing story and thank you for your service. I truly feel honored!
      Your goals are very realistic and it is awesome to hear that you are willing to put in time.
      If you ever have any questions, comments or anything else, please let me know! To contact me, you can either leave a comment directly under an article or send me a message on my contact page.
      But for now have fun studying and thanks again for your amazing comment.

  31. Hi @ all,
    my name ist Stephan and I’m pretty new at the markets. I’m from Germany and i work in a big medical company as IT Service Manager. I save every month some money to invest in a long term dividend strategy. Additional I put some money away to grow up a options trading account. I’ll start with it when I save about 5000 €. I’m interested in trading since a long time and so i came over the Youtuber Nils Gajowiy to Jens Rabe where i lern something about Options trading. I do papertrading since 1 year and i make about 25 % this year with a max draw down of 30 %. My goals are an average return of 15 % with options and about 12 % with the long term strategy. By the way… I invest some more in P2P and P2B Credits where i make 11 % p.a. since 2 Years. with my technical background i’m very interested in automation and i’m still waiting for the API of Tastytrade to develop a Option Trading Automation Software.

    1. Welcome onboard Stephan. I am glad to get to know you. You seem like a dedicated guy who is definitely willing to study and learn. Furthermore, your goals seem very realistic which is great.
      I have never heard about Nils Gajowiy, but it is good to hear that you already have been educating yourself. Most people just start trading with real money right away. This is one of the biggest mistakes because without the right education and preparation, you won’t become a successful trader.
      I hope you will enjoy my content. Please never hesitate to ask questions.

  32. I buy and sell stocks since 1986 and never made money but on the contrary I have lost 10 of thousands from my savings and hundred of thousands from my profits. My account was fluctuating up and down with all the financial and non-financial crisis since its inception and i did not give it the necessary attention.

    Now that I am almost retired, I have all the time to concentrate and learn and generate a good income from trading stocks and options.



    1. Thanks so much for sharing your story. I am sorry to hear about your mixed success with trading so far. However, it seems to me that you have learned a few important lessons from your experience (like the importance of managing your trades and your risk or the importance of learning before risking too much). I hope that my education and website can help you on your journey to consistent success in trading.
      I would be more than happy to answer any questions if you ever have any.

  33. Hi Louis,
    My name is Gary and I’m a long-term stock investor who’s now trying to learn both swing trading and options. It’s a lot to bite off but I want to take a two-pronged approach so as not to limit my options (no pun!). And they may, in a way, complement each other. I know this is a rough road to take with no guarantee of success but I don’t simply don’t want to rely on a single income in a job that I’m growing tired of (programmer/analyst).

    Thank you for putting together this site. I’m checking out your resources now and look forward to your training materials.

    1. Hi Gary,
      Diversifying your income is a great idea. I really like your approach as it is very true that there is no guarantee of success. Nevertheless, if you are willing to put in time and effort, you odds of succeeding are much higher.
      I want to wish you all the best and good luck on your journey. Hopefully, I and my resources can help you.

  34. Hi Louis
    Thanks for such a great site and concept, I’ve been searching the internet for different options / trading courses available and was glad to find yours 🙂
    My name is Jen, I’m 43 and a kiwi living in Australia.
    I’m interested in the markets , similar to you in that the concept of making money while sitting on a couch was very appealing! However I do know that it’s not exactly the case. I’ve traded a little in shares in the past and am looking to move into options for a more regular income. I would be happy if I was making approx US5k per month. While I’m in the learning phase of options I’m planning on dedicating around 3 -4 hours a day studying, 5 days a week and would love to do some paper trading during this time also.
    Louis I don’t think tastytrades has paper trading for options. Is that correct? Can you recommend a good way to paper trade? I see that they have paper trading on the think or swim platform but I’m intending to use the tastytrades platform once I get started and I don’t want to get confused by switching platforms.
    Really appreciate your time.

    1. Hi Jen,
      Thanks so much for sharing. You definitely seem to be very dedicated as you are willing to put in a lot of work. That is awesome!

      Paper trading is a great tool to test stuff out. It is correct that tastyworks currently does not have paper trading. But they are planning on adding a paper trading feature this year.

      I actually don’t really know of paper trading software apart from broker platforms such as thinkorswim. But you could just sign up to thinkorswim and purely use them for some paper trading and then later on use tastyworks for your real trading.

      I truly hope that TradeOptionsWithMe and I can help you on your journey to becoming a profitable options trader. Please make sure to contact me if you ever feel stuck or if you have any questions or comments.

  35. Hi Louis, as a beginner, wanted to start with ETF, but I’am now plan to switch to options. I watched many videos how I can deal with options. I have now found your videos am now sure to trade with options. I’ve learned a lot more with your videos. I wanted to use Lynx as broker , but when I got to your site, I doubt now to go over to TasteWorks. I’m still scared when TasteWorks is bankrupt I have lost all my money. Finally, I thank you for all information and videos. I admire your work. Thanks from the Netherlands, neighbor of Germany.

    1. Hi Hans,
      Thanks for your awesome comment and thanks for sharing your thoughts. I have never heard of the broker Lynx before. But I can assure you that your money should be pretty safe with tastyworks. They are regulated by very trustworthy regulators and they offer SIPC protection. SIPC is a federally mandated US corporation that aims to protect investors from losses if their broker goes under. So even if tastyworks goes under (which isn’t likely), you can still get your money back. But obviously, it is you that decides which broker to deposit your money to. Just make sure to make a decision that you feel comfortable with as it is your money and not someone else’s.
      I hope that you will enjoy your stay at TradeOptionsWithMe and learn a lot. Please let me know if you ever have any questions, comments or feedback.

      PS. You can also trade options on ETFs.

  36. Hi Louis,

    It’s Ryan from the US. I work as an airline pilot out of NYC, and I do an office job in Minneapolis, and I currently live in Dallas, TX. I learned the basics of options trading from Sky View. I spent a month reviewing their videos, and as my monthly membership dues were approaching, I had to consider whether I was going to continue options trading and continue paying Sky View. For the time being, I decided that options trading wasn’t right for me. While I did like the ability to gain money even when the market wasn’t going up, I did not get approved for spreads from TD Ameritrade from the get-go. I did not want to do another course of the basics with the uncertainty that I would get approved. Furthermore, I feared that my returns would not be as strong as the robo-advisor that I was using. Many months later, my robo-advisor has had less than 1% ROI during this awesome financial year (probably due to poor performance in foreign markets) while my 401k has had 14% ROI. I no longer have the fear of missing out of good returns from a simple solution. I would like to be able to control my investments, and make money by selling option spreads from anywhere in the world–whether I am on the road for work or enjoying a day off.

    I am greatly looking forward to your *free* course. Thank you so much for your generous contribution to the web!



    1. Hi Ryan,
      I am very happy to be able to welcome you to TradeOptionsWitMe. Thanks a lot for sharing your story. I really appreciate it. It is awesome to see that you are willing to take your financial future into your own hands.
      I can tell you that getting approved for Spread Trading is very easy over at tastyworks (the broker that I use). So if you still can’t get that approval from TD Ameritrade, you could consider changing broker.
      I truly hope you will have an amazing time and learn a lot here at TradeOptionsWithMe.

  37. Hello Louis,
    I think this is a wonderful thing that you have done to construct this web site and offer your knowledge for free.
    My name is Allen. I’m an IT Project Manager that works for a Central Ohio bank. But in my past I owned several of my own consulting firms. With one of them I licensed a software application to Pillsbury that was used to run their manufacturing plant operations.
    I have been involved in the market for years. My goals is to generate capital; hopefully enough to provide me with financial freedom. I was in a divorce for 14 years that gutted me financially. I now have some capital accumulated and would like to leverage that to create more capital.

    1. Wow, what a story. Thanks a lot for sharing this Allen. As you already have been in the financial industry for several years, you might already know some of the concepts that I teach. Nevertheless, I still think that you can learn a lot more. If you put in the work, you should definitely be able to achieve your goal!
      Always remember that I am here to help. So if you ever have any questions or comments, make sure to let me know.

  38. My name is Johnny.
    I live in Divide, Colorado with my wife, Cindy and our two cats, Sassy and Callie.
    We are located 9100 feet above sea level. We live in the woods surrounded by pines and aspens.
    Don’t real know much about markets.
    I am working on my own website through WA. I am learning a lot.
    I am interested because I am tired of working for other people who may not have my best interests at heart.
    I am 61 and my wife is 67.
    We want to do what we want to do. We don’t want to be slaves to the 9-5 grind.
    We are both looking into ways to work from home and make a decent living doing it.
    I have no experience in trading what so ever. So I am starting from scratch.
    My goals: daily-learn a little more than the day before. Weekly-start working on a game plan and put into action. Yearly-turn what I learn into a reality and start making an income from what I have learned.
    I am going to try to put in as much time as possible. I still full-time (I definitely want to change this). I am working on my website and I try to write as much as possible. On weekends, I will have more time.
    I have to remind myself, this is not a sprint.

    1. Thank you so much for your awesome comment Johnny! From what I’ve read about you so far, you seem to be approaching trading with a very good mindset. Three things stand out to me:
      1. You have your own website/online business which means that you already seem to have an entrepreneurial spirit (a very good trait for a trader).
      2. Your goals aren’t solely focused on money. Your focus is on learning and improving, not necessarily on short term gains.
      3. You recognize that this is a marathon, not a sprint. Many people come into this business expecting huge gains right from the beginning. This is a very unrealistic expectation.

      Having the right mindset and approaching trading the right way is very important.

      Summed up, I truly believe you can achieve your goals and more if you put in the work and stay dedicated! Remember to never give up!

  39. Hello Louis. My name is Cindy, am 68 years young, and live in Colorado with my husband Johnny and our two cats. I am currently unemployed due to medical issues. I worked for 30 years in the medical administrative field and have no experience in the world of finance, but have always found it fascinating. As it is with many others, I would much prefer to be in control of my financial health than to leave it to those that may not have my best interests at heart. I am not looking for any “get rich” scheme and know that to be the best takes time and studying in order to reach the goals you set forth. Your program seems very straight forward and informative. I like numbers and have an investigative nature. Long term goals are to be able to retire comfortably and have something to leave our children and grandchildren. As for time to devote to the program, as much as possible. As I stated, I am currently unemployed and therefore have more free time. If I return to work fulltime, the time spent would need to be adjusted but feel that even then could devote one to two hours daily and more on weekends. I am looking forward to the journey and the education. Thank you for this awesome opportunity!

    1. Hi Cindy,
      Thanks for your comment. It is great getting to know you and your husband. Even though you have no prior experience, I believe you can still achieve your goals because the internet levels the playing field as long as you are patient, dedicated and willing to put in the time.
      I am happy to hear that you too have recognized that trading is no a get rich quick scheme or anything of that kind. Becoming a successful trader is a journey.
      I truly hope that you and your husband will achieve your goals and that my site can help you on your journey. If you ever need any assistance or have any comments, please let me know.
      Good luck!

  40. Hi Louis,

    I’m Alexander from Jamaica, Thanks for this website, I have been interested in trading in the markets from I was in university when I read the book “Charting your way in the stock market” in 1979. I’ve been fearful in actually investing in the stock market since that time, because I don’t want to fail. But lately I feel more empowered by site such as yours to start now. But just like you, I’m in a financially bad situation and so I’ve been looking for a free trading course to learn Option Trading. It has encourage me to now take the plunge. Thanks again.

    1. Welcome onboard Alexander. Thank you so much for sharing your story! Many people avoid the stock market because of the same reason as you mentioned: they want to avoid failure. But in reality, you should not be afraid of failure. Instead, you should be happy about failure because every time you fail, you will come out stronger. In other words, every time you make a mistake, you can learn from that mistake and avoid it in the future. Thereby, you improve.
      In the beginning, this will happen a lot. Usually beginners make quite a few mistakes. But what differentiates the winning from the losing traders is that the winning traders learn from these mistakes, whereas the losing traders get discouraged by their mistakes.

      So my tip to you is to start out as small as you possibly can and focus on learning from your mistakes. Don’t focus on trying to make as much money as fast as possible. That won’t work.

      And as always, if you have any questions, comments or feedback, make sure to contact me!

  41. Who are you?
    My name is Joel. I am a retired teacher and I want to start another career in selling puts.

    How much money to start investing?
    Up to $1000. After I learn to trade, I will increase the account $10000 or more.

    Where are you from?
    San Antonio.

    Why are you interested in the markets and how did you become interested?
    I enjoy analyzing, I want to make more money and I want to teach my grand kids the benefits of trading options. I just opened a small account 2 years ago and started buying stocks.
    From this I got interested in selling puts. I have studied selling puts for 8 months on my own. I realize I need some structure lessons to really learn selling puts. I have looked at your site and I like it. I believe tradeoptionswithme will help meat my goals.

    Have you any experience in trading?
    Two years buying and selling penny stocks.

    Any successes?
    I break even on penny stocks. I double or triple the penny stocks. Then I will buy one and I lose big on it. I am back down to where I started. I need to get serious in the market and I believe selling puts is the way to go. I want to be able to buy and sell calls and puts.

    What are your goals for the next month/year/5 years…?
    To completely learn about selling calls and puts.

    How much time are you willing to put in (per day/week/year)?
    Minimum of 20 hours and more as needed to meet my goals.

    1. Hi Joel,
      Thanks so much for sharing so much about yourself and answering all my questions. I really like your approach to trading options. You clearly know that education is very important, no matter in what aspect of life. I also love that your goal is to learn about options trading. Too many people just want to make some money as fast as possible. But that’s not how it works. You have to have a long-term approach and focus on learning at the beginning (just like you are doing).
      Furthermore, I find it a very good idea to start out with a small account. By doing that, you once again focus on acquiring the knowledge and skills without risking too much.
      If you put in the time that you currently are willing to put in, you will certainly achieve your goals and more!
      Please let me know if you ever have any questions, comments or anything else.
      Good Luck!

  42. Who are you? Easy Mudd. How much money to start investing? Not sure, maybe 2-5000$.
    What’s your name and where are you from? Easy Mudd, Seattle Washington
    Why are you interested in the markets and how did you become interested? Bought and held mutual funds since early 1990’s. I’ve traded stocks & options in 1998-2000 unsuccessfully.
    Any successes? Less than 50% of my options or stocks were successful. But my buy & hold mutual funds for the long term are successful.
    What are your goals for the next month/year/5 years?…a) Study if option trading again to see if they can be profitable if a mechanical no emotional in/out strategy can be followed (My option & stock picking was based on based on Stochastics, ~100 day moving average, Volume, Direction & emotion). b) Continue with buy and hold mutual funds.
    How much time are you willing to put in (per day/week/year)? ~10hrs a week.

    1. Hi and welcome to TradeOptionsWithMe. I am very glad that you found this site and are willing to educate yourself for a better future. If you put in your suggested time, you should be able to easily achieve your goals!
      Never hesitate to contact me if there might be something that I could help you with.

  43. Who are you? How much money to start investing?
    My name is Joel. I am a retired teacher. I have lived in Texas most of my life, mostly in San
    Antonio. I can start with $2000, more if needed.

    Why are you interested in the markets and how did you become interested?
    I enjoy learning. Options gives me the challenge I want in a second career. I also want to
    teach my grand kids option trading. I want to make more money, a lot of money. The more
    I make, the more I can give money to charities. I want to be a giver.
    Have you any experience in trading?
    I have been trading for two years, mostly penny stocks. My trading was not bad
    considering I knew nothing about the stock market. My account would increase 400%.
    I would then make one bad trade and I am back to even.
    How much time are you willing to in (per day/week/year)?
    I am willing to put a minimum of 20 hours a week to learn option trading and more hours
    when needed . I would never be tired learning to trade options.

    I need guidance to learn option trading. I came across tradeoptionswithme in a search engine
    I like the way the website is setup. The web pages are very organized and I can go from one web page to another page with ease.

    I believe tradeoptionswithme will be a perfect fit for me.

    1. Awesome! I am very happy that you found TradeOptionsWithMe and I love your attitude! A learner’s mindset is a very good mindset to have when approaching the markets. You are nothing else than a student of the markets. If you don’t accept this, you can’t learn and thus can’t improve. But it seems to me that you definitely have accepted this. That is great! Furthermore, you are willing to put in time and effort to make things work.
      Never give up!

  44. Who are you?how much money to start investing: I am planning to retire next spring and want to get better understanding in trading option to supplement my income. Your site is better than others I feel. I will try to put in my time as much as I can. I spent too much money and confusion for all the Gurus already and just have bad impression toward most of them.
    What’s your name and where are you from? Karol and born in Seoul,Korea. have been living in US since 1970 and Masters in Internet Securities field.
    Why are you interested in the markets and how did you become interested? I bought two many single stocks by recommendations from many that are all in RED now and feel hopeless.
    Have you any experience in trading? Only trade with guides from subscriptions lists..Want to change soon after getting more education. I would like to pay back to whom who is the one finally I stick with after consistently generating income for me. I have not found one yet.
    Any successes?
    What are your goals for the next month/year/5 years…? To get confidence in trading options to generate consistent income with about 80% success rate.
    How much time are you willing to put in (per day/week/year)? I can put in more than 3 hrs/day. I try to read as much as I can on daily base. My eye sight is getting worse from reading all those piles of newsletters and cannot digest them all. Too much up selling emails and cannot tell which one is which.

    1. Hi Karol,
      Welcome to TradeOptionsWithMe! I truly hope that TradeOptionsWithMe will be able to make up for all the negative experiences that you had in the industry. I hate people that focus solely on selling instead of on actually teaching and providing value. That’s why 99% of TradeOptionsWithMe’s content is focused on sharing knowledge and on nothing else.
      If you put in the time you wrote, I believe you will definitely be able to achieve your goals and more.
      If you ever need any help with anything, make sure to let me know and I will try to help out as fast as possible.

  45. Name Tom Ross and I am from Northern California. I am a retiring Insurance Agent. I have had an interest in the markets since 1995. Tried day trading in 1996 and lost $4,000 very fast and quite. I need to supplement my retirement income and started trading again 6 months ago and not done very good. My next year goal is $100 a day or $24,000 a year. For the year 2000 I would like to get $150 a day or around $40,000 a year. I am very limited in what I can do to earn extra income. In 1991, I was riding a bicycle and hit from behind by a drunk driver. As a result, I broke my neck and damaged my spinal cord at the cervical 5 vertebra and am quadriplegic paralyzed from my chest down. I spend about 4 to 6 hours a day trading and studying. I am searching for trading help and looking forward to learning from Louis

    1. Hi Tom,
      Thank you so much for sharing your story. I am very sorry to hear about your accident. But it is awesome to see that you are putting in a lot of hours into working towards your goals. If you continually put in 4-6 hours per day, you will definitely achieve your goals (and more). Just make sure to never give up and always manage your risk. Never risk losing too much on one or multiple trades.
      Hopefully, TradeOptionsWithMe will be able to help you on your journey to becoming an even better and more profitable trader.

  46. Hey Louis – I’m excited to start this journey with you. Definitely cannot wait. And I’m really psyched over what I’ve read so far on your site. Nicely done, man. Awesome stuff, great content!! Let’s do this

  47. Forgot to answer the questions:

    Who are you? I’m a husband and father; I work in the IT industry.
    What’s your name and where are you from? Roger – USA, Northeast region
    Why are you interested in the markets and how did you become interested? I want to become an options expert. started a while back, but mostly thru 401k and mutual funds. Some stocks
    Have you any experience in trading? Just buying of stock with moderate success. But always getting crushed during market downturns :~(
    Any successes? Some, but nothing to brag about. Just an average Joe
    What are your goals for the next month/year/5 years…? I want to start doing paper trade stuff and tracking my results via your very cool spreadsheet that I’m going to purchase, and then eventually I want to explore all of the cool things I can do with Options. I dont want/need to become a zillionaire overnight. I’m good with slow and steady gains.
    How much time are you willing to put in (per day/week/year)? Right now I’m putting in 15-20 hours per week and really trying to immerse myself in as much options training & education as possible. TastyTrade has been a huge help, and I’m just starting to get familiar with your website and content. Looks awesome by the way. Thanks – Roger

    1. Thanks so much for sharing your story and who you are. It’s great to see that you want to start out with some paper trading instead of starting out by risking real money right from the beginning. Furthermore, it’s awesome to see that you have the right expectations and aren’t treating this like a get rich quick scheme.
      I completely agree that TastyTrade is an awesome resource for traders!
      If you put in the work that you want to put in, you will reach your goals for sure!
      Never hesitate to contact me if there is anything you need help with.
      Good luck on your journey!

  48. Hi Louis,
    My name is Brian Hewson, a plant operator living in New Zealand.
    I have been interested in trading over the past 5 years but am not sure what type of trading I should get into. It is all very confusing. I have made couple couple of basic trades (day trading shares) in the past that went nowhere. I am determined to become one of the 5% that succeed in trading and not become one of the other 95% that fail. Proper education is what I require to achieve my goal. Looks like this is a good place to start.
    I am not expecting to make millions trading options but making enough, consistently, to at least break even to start with, then work toward making a profit.
    I am interested in learning about options trading but have no idea idea, it all seems a bit overwhelming. I will be starting from scratch.
    I am retiring soon and would like to get into trading to supplement my retirement income.
    My goal is to get up to speed with the right training first, then operate a play money account with a broker, work through different strategies then operate a real money account and be flying solo by the end of next year.


    1. Hi Brian,
      Thanks a lot for sharing so much about yourself and your goals. It’s great to see that you don’t have any unrealistic expectations and that you understand the importance of education and preparation. It is very understandable that everything might be quite overwhelming in the beginning. That’s why I recommend starting with the complete basics just to get an overview of everything.
      In my opinion, a great resource to start with would be my free Trading Foundation Masterclass. In it, I don’t only cover all the basics, but I also outline what it takes to become a successful trader and more.
      I hope I will see you there.

  49. Hello Louis, my name is Jannie Lewis. I’m from Houston, Texas. I’m new to day trading [options]. My daughter suggested it to me and I’m trying to learn as much as I possibly can. I’m currently trying to figure out how to navigate TOS. I will be creating an account with TastyWorks per your suggestion. Thank you for allowing me to be a part this online training session. My goal is to become a knowledgeable and successful trader. My intention is to supplement my income.

    1. Welcome onboard Jannie,
      I hope you will enjoy the stay and accomplish your goals. I really like that you are focusing on acquiring knowledge first instead of trying to get rich quick.
      If you ever are stuck somewhere, just let me know and I will do my best to help.

  50. Hi Louis. Looking forward to hearing your experience so as to learn as much as I can about options trading. I’m really interested to learn about credit spreads. Thanks for putting up this website.

    1. Awesome! I hope you will enjoy your stay. If there ever is anything you are unsure about, don’t hesitate to contact me.

  51. Hi Louis,

    Rez from Canada and I am glad I found your website! I have always been interested in trading but unfortunately my first experience in trading was in Forex back in 2005 and it was a big loss. I have promised myself at some point I will not only recover the lost but also create another income stream from it. I currently have some stocks for long term investment but am really interested in learning and trading options daily.

    1. Great to get to know you, Rez. I am sorry to hear that you have had a bad previous experience with trading. However, I hope you learned something from that experience. You can consider it a tuition fee to the markets. Just make sure to keep your risk small and manageable from now on. Furthermore, focus on education and making good trades instead of on making money in the beginning. I hope you will learn a lot at TradeOptionsWithMe. if you ever need help with anything, make sure to let me know.

  52. Hello!
    My name is Patricia Summerfield from Wadsworth, Ohio. USA
    I am a 50 year old mother currently on Disability.
    I would like to supplement my income. My boyfriend plays the stock market. I want to learn more about it.
    I have no experience.
    My goal is to have enough money to move to Florida.
    I’m able to put in a few hours a day.

    1. Hi and welcome, Patricia.
      Thanks so much for sharing who you are and why you want to get started in the world of trading. It’s great to see that your boyfriend also is interested in the stock market. This will allow you to learn from and help each other. I really hope TradeOptionsWithMe will help you accomplish your goals.
      Never hesitate to contact me if you ever have any questions or comments.

  53. Hi I am an older male 84 to be exact. I have had some instruction courses and I often use Tastytrade for learning options strategies. Started trading late in life and am trying to get younger people interested in trading today so they have more than adequate funds for their retirement. Thinking your site might be just the place to have them get the passion for using options to build their capital and set them free from a lifetime of toil with little return

    1. Hi Al,
      Thank you so much for introducing yourself. I have to agree with you that Tastytrade is a great resource to learn about options. Furthermore, I love that you are trying to encourage trading amongst younger people! That’s just awesome!
      I really hope you and everyone else will learn a lot at TradeOptionsWithMe. Never hesitate to contact me if there is anything you are unsure about.

  54. My name is Matt and I am an engineering student looking to earn some extra money. My roommate trades stocks but not options and I know this is a way to control larger value stocks with less capital. I have no experience in trading except for a stock market simulation game I did in high school haha. I cannot create a goal currently because I do not know what is a realistic return on investment. I am skeptical of the claims that you can create a consistent income but willing to learn. I also read about that options trading is more predictable than stocks and I am interested in that because I believe the stock market is random and no one can predict what will happen. I enjoy math and economics, and have already done research on my own, and am willing to put in work. I just sent in my email for the masterclass and am excited to learn.

    1. Welcome to TradeOptionsWithMe Matt.
      Thanks a lot for sharing who you are. It is totally understandable to be skeptical at first. I really like your reason for not providing a goal. Having realistic expectations is one important part of learning something new. So it’s great to see that you aren’t treating this as a get rich quick scheme, but as a learning experience instead.
      I really hope you can find some value in TradeOptionsWithMe and will learn a lot. If there ever is anything you need help with, make sure to let me know.

  55. I am Lance from Toronto, Canada

    I have been trading Options with mixed results. 2017 was good, 2018 bad. Hopefully 2019 should be good
    I work full time so cannot spend so much time on Trading

    1. Hi Lance,
      Thank you for commenting. It’s great to hear that you already have had success with options before. 2018 was a very tough year for extremely many traders. The markets in 2018 were nothing like the markets in the years before 2018. So it is understandable that your trading wasn’t the best in 2018.
      I hope TradeOptionsWithMe can help you make 2019 your best trading year yet.

  56. Hey Louis,
    Matthew, 45 y/o from Illinois/Indiana area. Living abroad now, working across the country as a travel nurse. Have been working as a nurse for over 25 years. My wife and dog also travel with me. I became interested in learning how to trade a little over one year ago after getting into the cryptocurrency market as a means of possibly making some additional income. I never enter into an endeavor half way and have dedicated many hours over the last several months educating myself on cryptos, stocks and trading, but have only dabbled a little at trading, mainly swing-trades and a few options. My wife decided to enter the trading world after seeing how much interest and time I was investing.
    We both are very dedicated and are spending most of our spare time educating ourselves. I earned my Bachelors in Nursing, and she earned her Masters in Business Admin last year, all online, and are very aware of the self-motivation needed to learn on your own with guidance.
    Our goals for the next year are to become profitable traders, not get rich quick by any means, and eventually would like to become full-time traders within the next couple of years.
    Thank you in advance for offering up free education on your site and sharing your hard earned valuable knowledge with no strings attached.

    Matt and Julie

    1. Hi Matt and Julie,
      Thanks a lot for your comment. It’s great to get to know you a little better. Furthermore, it’s awesome to see that you already have experience in learning things for yourself online. It is really important to be motivated and put in the time when learning something new. You two clearly are willing to put in time and effort to accomplish your goals. So I truly hope you will accomplish them. Hopefully, TradeOptionsWithMe will be a valuable resource on your journey to becoming profitable traders.
      Never hesitate to contact me if you ever have any questions or comments.

  57. Hi. I am Doug from southwest PA. I am 59 and retired. I became interested in trading through a Tradeway seminar in January. My pension is going to get cut by 30-40% in July. My first goal is replacing that money, and my second is to make enough for my wife to retire early. I am brand new to this and am ready to start paper trading. I babysit my grandchildren 4 days a week through the school year so I have plenty of time to put toward trading.

    1. Hi Doug,
      Great to get to know you. I am sorry to hear about the upcoming pension cut. But I hope that trading will allow you to make up for it.
      Just remember to start slow. Don’t start by risking any substantial amounts of real money. Instead, focus on your education in the beginning. Hopefully, TradeOptionsWithMe can help you reach your goals.
      If you ever have any questions or comments, I would be more than happy to help.

  58. Very refreshing to hear a European accent. I was born in Nairobi, Kenya in 1949.
    Retired and almost a senior citizen living in Toronto Canada. My senior Education was in the U.K.
    As a college student I had to opportunity to travel all across Europe. Enjoyed visiting Munich etc in Germany with a German class mate.

    I like investing in the stock market but only now am beginning to see some green.

    Hope to learn lots more from you.

    1. Hi Kartik,
      Thanks for commenting! It’s awesome to get to know you and your story. Don’t be demotivated if you are struggling to generate consistent profits. Investing and trading is everything else than easy. It takes time to learn and become profitable. But as long as you stay committed and don’t give up, you will surely reach your goals.
      Never hesitate to contact me if you ever need help with anything.

  59. Hi Louis, I’m Matt. I’ve been interested in the market for about 8 months and have done some day trades and swing trades. I haven’t lost my initial capital but it’s also not growing. I’ve spent many hours learning strategies with the goal of generating additional income in retirement. I’m set for a comfortable retirement already due to investing in my 401K for 30+ years. I’ve always been the hunter gatherer type so I can’t picture myself just consuming when I retire. Trading options seems to have a realistic chance of being a consistent way to generate additional supplementary income. My initial plan is to put $25-$30K in a brokerage account and use it to generate about 1k per month. I’m willing to spend a few hours each day learning and growing in my new “profession”. Does this sound reasonable?

    1. Hi Matt,
      Welcome to TradeOptionsWithMe. I do think your goal is achievable. However, I definitely think it will take some time to get to that point. Ideally, you shouldn’t expect to make too much in the beginning. In the beginning, it is much more important to grow your knowledge and experience, than you capital.
      But if you put in the time and are patient, you might very well reach your goal.
      If you ever need help with anything, just let me know.

  60. Hi louis,
    my name is Beppe from milano ,I trade with stocks by some years and I have tested ups and downs
    I would like to see and learn to trades with options to improve my way to operate.
    can i take 5-8 hours a week for the study with the target of trades with options in six moths

    1. Hi,
      I am sorry for the late reply. 5-8 hours sounds like a very good plan. I definitely think that your goal sounds achievable.
      Make sure to let me know if you ever have questions or comments.

  61. I am a total newbie to trading. I have done 5 calls, 2 have been successful, 3 have not. I have no concept of what I am doing but so willing to learn.

    1. Hi Deb,
      You have certainly come to the right place and it is great to see that you are willing to learn. Always feel free to contact me if you need help with anything.

  62. hi im calvin, im from namibia im 31 years old, im a auto electriction, ihave bing working low paid job for almost 10 years now, i wana do better for my three kids in life, i have read and watch DVDs of tim sykes and how can anyone, can be come a rich, he show me that dreams came true with hard work and learing, im not working any more and i have free time on my hands to learn more..plz i need your help

    1. Hi Calvin,
      Thanks for your comment. I agree with the lessons that you learned from Tim Sykes. If you put in enough time and work, you will certainly achieve your goals. I hope TradeOptionsWithMe can help you along the way. I recommend starting with my free Options Trading Courses.
      If you ever have any specific questions, comments, feedback or anything else, just let me know.

  63. My name is Dave. I currently live near Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. I have been involved in the market for some time. I currently invest primarily in dividend paying stocks. I use the dividends to fund my retirement. So far so good. Now I’m looking for what I hope is exponential growth.

    1. Hi Dave,
      It’s great to get to know you. Furthermore, it’s definitely beneficial that you already are involved in the markets because you won’t have to start from zero now. I truly hope that TradeOptionsWithMe will help you reach your goal of exponential growth.
      Make sure to let me know if you ever need help with anything.

  64. Who are you? Phillip
    How much money to start investing? Im going to start with $500 adding more weekly.
    What’s your name and where are you from? I live in Texas.
    Why are you interested in the markets and how did you become interested? Always been int.
    Have you any experience in trading? Very little, but learning daily
    Any successes? Not yet
    What are your goals for the next month/year/5 years…? To leave my job and do this full time.
    How much time are you willing to put in (per day/week/year)? 12 hrs per day. 5 days week.

    1. Hi Phillip,
      Thanks so much for your comment. It’s awesome to see that you are ready to put in a lot of time to learn how to trade. If you consistently put in that many hours, you should definitely achieve your goals. I really hope that TradeOptionsWithMe and I can help you on your journey.
      Never hesitate to contact me if you ever need help with anything.

  65. Who are you?how much money to start investing – I am a small shop owner.
    What’s your name and where are you from? – My Name is Lovevanshi … from India MP
    Why are you interested in the markets and how did you become interested? Financial freedom makes it interesting.
    Have you any experience in trading? No Just learning.
    Any successes? Not yet.
    What are your goals for the next month/year/5 years…? Want to be financialy free in next 1 year and to remain everafter
    How much time are you willing to put in (per day/week/year)? One hour Daily.
    THANKS for all your Support

    1. Hi Lovevanshi,
      Welcome to TradeOptionsWithMe. I like that you are focussing on learning right now instead of starting to trade as fast as possible. I always recommend starting with a phase in which you just educate yourself before risking any real money.
      I really hope that TradeOptionsWithMe will help you on your journey to financial freedom. Always remember that I am here to help you if you ever need help with anything.

  66. Hi Louis,
    This is great. I’m looking forward to learning with you.
    Who are you? Paula
    How much money to start investing? I’m going to start with $1500 adding more as I make more weekly.
    What’s your name and where are you from? I live in NYC.
    Why are you interested in the markets and how did you become interested? Always been interested. I have IRA and some stocks.
    Have you any experience in trading? Not trading yet
    Any successes? Not yet
    What are your goals for the next month/year/5 years…? To be a full time trader and travel. Be financially independent, buy my dream home – live life in abundance!
    How much time are you willing to put in (per day/week/year)? 10 hrs per day. 5 days week.

    1. Hi Paula,
      Thanks so much for your comment. It’s awesome to get to know you a little bit. You seem to be very dedicated as you are willing to put in a lot of time in learning how to trade. That’s great! I really hope that TradeOptionsWithMe will help you on your journey to becoming a full-time trader.
      If you ever have any questions or anything else, make sure to contact me. I am always here to help.

  67. I just started reading your articles here. Thank you. This will be most informative.

    1. I am very happy to hear that. Make sure to let me know if you ever need help with anything.

  68. Hi Louis,

    I’m looking forward to learning and growing my account with you.
    Who are you? Jim
    How much money to start investing? I’m going to start with $2000 adding more as I make more weekly.
    What’s your name and where are you from? I live outside of Boston MA.
    Why are you interested in the markets and how did you become interested? I have always been interested in trading, not had much success. Got interested in stocks and options in 2000, unfortunately lost a large portion of a windfall in 2001 after the Towers fell. Done some trading since and just got serious the past year to learn and become a full time trader.
    Have you any experience in trading? Yes several years off an on, not much success or what ever success i have had lost it later. so not much consistency in trading, and that is what i am looking for.
    Any successes? Not yet
    What are your goals for the next month/year/5 years…? To be a full time trader and travel. Be financially independent, travel without restrictions and provide a future for my family.
    How much time are you willing to put in (per day/week/year)? 5 hrs per day. 5 days week.

    1. Hi Jim,
      It’s great to get to know you and your goals a little better. I really hope that TradeOptionsWithMe will help you achieve consistency in your results. If you put in the time and focus on educating yourself and becoming a better trader, it is definitely possible to achieve your goals.
      Make sure to reach out to me if you ever need help with anything.

  69. My name is Sombronah Griffin, and I am 81 years old (going on 60). I am very mentally alert, an physically sound. Enough of that. I live in McKinney Texas, just North East of Dallas Texas. I still work a part time job, but I need to work at something that does not require driving, or answering to a boss, I can name my own hours, work in my underwear (if I so desire) at my computer , and earn the desired income amount of my own choosing… I am a retired High School Band Director, with a masters degree from North Texas University. I had some experience about 5 years ago trading options, but I wasn’t successful enough to continue. Hopefully that will change with all the bells and whistles you offer with your course schedule. I’m very excited about the possibilities and the opportunity to work with you, a true professional. Thank You.

    1. Hi Sombronah,
      Thanks for much for sharing so much about yourself. It seems like you are very motivated to begin your journey to becoming a profitable trader. Hopefully, the resources provided on this site will help you in this journey. Just note that if you ever are stuck and need help, let me know and I’ll do my best to help you out.

      1. Hello Louis,

        First there’s something about this site (and the way you encourage everyone) that pumps one with energy and makes one dream big. That’s very good and thanks for doing such good job.

        Now Back to the questions.

        Who are you?
        (I don’t know how to answer this question really ? but I’ll try).
        I am a high school teacher and a budding web developer who is looking to change careers into being a full time web developer. I am quitting my job next week to focus on extending my knowledge as a web developer but I need something to make me a side income. Since trading has always interested me, I decided *this* is it.

        What’s your name and where are you from?
        My name is Michael Adewunmi. I am from Nigeria.

        How much are you willing to invest?
        Well as a high school teacher in a third world country who is quitting his job with 5 years savings less than 800dollars, I am looking to start off with 500dollars and hope to add an extra 500dollars if i can save it up from any paid freelance gig I get after quitting my job.

        Why are you interested in the markets and how did you become interested?
        I have always loved a situation where I can sit at home, use my brain and make an income. The Market seem to be one of the solutions I have.

        Really, I have always been interested in the markets. I started off with where I traded binary options and lost it all.

        I later downloaded IQ options and ran the demo trade which most of the times goes well (and sometimes doesn’t).

        While I was about to put in Money into IQ Options, I read your article on Quora that adviced never to trade IQ options. After much research, I saw the overwhelming negative feedback from google playstore and the stories of countless individuals that got scammed by Iqoptions. So, I decided never to venture into it since it looks so much like a scam.

        I came to your site, read some articles and have watched the video where you introduced everything about options to beginners. I got interested but haven’t taken any steps due to my tight schedule at work. I am however now looking to take the next step and immerse myself fully into the learning process (by starting all over again).

        I hope to be a good trader and make this a profitable career while I also improve my web development skills.

        Have you any experience in trading?
        No experience! The only experience I have is the awful binary trading experience which ended a disaster since I only had to make guesses and hope it goes in my direction. It’s obvious things aren’t as easy as and IQ OPTIONS paints it.

        Any successes?
        No successes yet! Only annoying and embarrassing losses.

        What are your goals for the next month/year/5 years?
        I would love that in the next few months, I can *deliberately* make at least 200dollars a month using the strategies I learn (I know this won’t come easy but I need the figures here to track my success). However in a year and eventually in 5 years time, I would love to be able to proudly say I have made a profitable career out of options trading and be able to travel the world. Really? I wanna travel the world ?.

        How much time are you willing to put in (per day/week/year)?
        Since I will be free for most times after quitting my job next week, I am willing to give at least 4hrs per day. Of course, some days will leave me on the screen for 12hrs ? but 4hrs each day for 5 or 6 days is what I am commiting to.

        1. Hi Michael,
          Thank you so much for sharing so much about yourself. It is awesome to get to know you. I am sorry to hear about your binary options losses. However, it’s good to see that you found a way out of the binary options trap.
          It looks like you have a clear plan for your future. I certainly believe that you can achieve your goals if you put in the promised hours. I really hope that TradeOptionsWithMe can guide you in the right direction of your trading journey.
          If you ever need help with anything, make sure to let me know.
          Cheers and Good Luck,

  70. Hello,
    Ny name is George Ramsteck and I’m from Illinois, and I’m retired.
    I started checking out trading to see if I could do it and to supplement my income.
    The problem is I haven’t become very good at it and am putting my trust in people that
    say they can help as long as you keep buying more products. So my trust level in hese people has deteriorated, and I’m starting to do more on my own.

    1. Hi George,
      Thanks a lot for your comment. Learning to trade can take time and effort. However, people shouldn’t only be willing to help you if you buy their products. Even though paid products can sometimes help, it is totally possible to acquire sufficient trading knowledge without spending fortunes. I hope that all the free education on TradeOptionsWithMe will help you on your journey to becoming a profitable trader.
      If you ever need help with anything, make sure to let me know. I am more than happy to help, even if you don’t pay me.

  71. My name is Charles Grix and I am retired living in San Felipe Baja Mexico. I am intertestede in learning to trade options to sumplement my retirment income and to fund our Charitable Family Foundation to support our community here in educating youth and helping seniors. I have traded options and stocks in the past but had limited success then swithched to Real Estate where I was doing well until 2010 when the RE crashed. I share the same sentiments as George posted.
    Thanks for what you do.

    1. Hi Charles,
      It’s great to get to know you a little bit. Thanks so much for commenting. I love that one of your goals is to help others by contributing to your charity foundation. I truly hope TradeOptionsWithMe can help you on your journey to achieving this goal.
      If you ever need help, do not hesitate to contact me.

  72. I have been trading options for a couple of years now and had some great trades but I am still negative in overall profits. My best trade to date was a LEAP call on NVDA that returned 1200%. I am still learning and am trading in my Roth account because I am 73 and have no savings. Still working full time out of necessity and hope to become a successful trader in order to provide future income for my wife and me. I put in several hours a day studying the markets. I just learned recently that one of my brokers offers pre-market and aftermarket trades. I use the NASDAQ website to track real time as well as pre-market and aftermarket prices. I just came across Tim Syke’s weekend trader for seniors via email and would like to give it a try but I am not sure about it since it is marketed by Paradigm Press. He does a personal video presentation that is very impressive. He is non-stop talk and never reads from a script so it looks like he really knows his stuff. His flashy lifestyle is somewhat skeptical though. My main goal is to become proficient enough to earn a living before I am not able to work my regular job. I am an aggressive trader but never risk more that I can afford to lose. I only have about $200 per month new money to add to my account. Hope to be able to compound my earnings to reach my goals within the next couple of years. Looking forward to following your teachings.

    1. Welcome to TradeOptionsWithMe,
      Thanks so much for sharing so much about yourself. It’s great to get to know you a little bit. It seems like you already have a plan for how to achieve your goal which is awesome. I truly hope that my content and I will be able to help you reach your goals.
      Make sure to let me know if you ever have any questions or comments.

  73. I am ready to get started. Where do we begin? I have been trading options for 2 years and had a couple great trades but I am still negative income. I like aggressive trading and I never invest more than I can afford to lose.

  74. Hello Louis, i am Wim Ruiter, 50 years and from the Netherlands, live in Zaandam a city next to Amsterdam. Just broke up with my girl after 15 years, she cheated on me and left me for a younger guy, i gave her everything… It really hurts.
    I like to invest up to €5000 but want to start small because i am a beginner.
    I got interested through my brother who is trading (not succesfull yet) stocks.
    Watching a lot on YouTube these days and learned a lot, i almost spend all my free time there.
    My goals are to quit my fulltime job and be profitable and let my ex know that i am capable to raise my income.
    I will do what ever it takes to be succesfull, all the free time after my work i will spend for being a succesfull trader. Yes i admit i am driven by revenge…

    1. Thank you for commenting. I am sorry to hear about your breakup. I hope you will get over it soon.
      It’s a very good idea to start out small as there will be a learning curve.
      Make sure to let me know if you ever have any questions or comments.

  75. Great information. Discovered your work on Youtube… meandered across to the education here. I am in my late 30’s….have been trading for 4 years….have been researching options for the last 3 of those years. Have been trading the indexes naz, s@p, and dax primarily….and forex, gold, and oil. I am testing my ideas out on “paper trader” from “that massive brokerage firm” …..and so far not over impressed with my performance…so busy working sharpening my strategies….

    1. Hi Keith and welcome to TradeOptionsWithMe. Thanks for commenting. I truly hope that my content will help you get your trading to the next level.
      If you ever have any questions or comments, make sure to let me know.

  76. Started to manage my own portfolio in 1988. Twice I turned a portion of my portfolio over to a financial manager and once to a hedge fund manager. I out performed both.
    I am retired with an income portfolio, and several IRA’s. The first RMD is to start in 2 yrs. My two goals are 1) to increase the income in my income portfolio without jeopardizing principal and 2) to increase the funds in several IRA’s within any given year so my RMD’s can be paid out of the cash balances versus selling stock.
    I have used covered options on a very limited basis. I have day traded using a small set of stocks I know well across several sectors that I trade over and over again.
    Time wise I put in 2 to maybe 3 hours a day.

    1. Hi Charlie,
      Thanks so much for your comment. Welcome to TradeOptionsWithMe. If you ever need help with anything make sure to let me know.

  77. My name is Kevin I am 55 from Devon in England. I have been trading off and on for around 5 years using FX. I really have just broken even I am not great at technical analysis and wonder how much is luck and how much is reading charts?

    I want to make around 2K a month and can commit as much time as need be.

    Many thanks

    1. Hi Kevin and welcome to TradeOptionsWithMe. Thanks for leaving a comment. I certainly believe that luck plays a role in trading. However, I also believe that it is possible to become a successful trader without any luck. I really hope that the resources provided on this site will be helpful.
      Make sure to let me know if you ever need help with anything.

  78. Hi Louis I am Adrian , 58 years old, I live in Argentina (CityBell / BsAS Province) I have been studied FOREX, some index like DAX30 but i Couldnt finde the way to make money in a consistent way. I am so interested in OPTIONS I would like to earn 1000 usd /month as first target.
    Thanks and I hope you have a nice day

    1. Hi Adrian,
      It’s great to get to know you a little. Forex is a very tough sector, especially for beginners. I really hope that TradeOptionsWithMe can help you learn all you need to know about options trading.
      Never hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or comments.

  79. Hi Louis.
    I’m Giorgio, 59 years old, from Casale Monferrato, Italy.
    I’m just getting started to study options.
    At this moment I do paper trading using tws interactive brokers. I mainly trade credit spread with low delta (0,20).
    I’m particularly interested in:
    – adjustment of the strategies that go bad;
    – portfolio management.
    My goal is to achieve a return on investment of 20% per year.
    I have full-time work and I can trade part-time mainly in the evening (american market; 16-22 CET).
    I can study options an hour per day and some more at the weekend.
    Best regards.

    1. Hi Giorgio,
      Thanks so much for your comment. Your goal seems very achievable, especially if you put in the time long enough. Your time zone is also great for trading in the US markets. I truly hope that TradeOptionsWithMe will help you achieve your goals and more.
      I’m always here to help. So let me know if you ever need help with anything.

  80. Hi Louis,

    What a great site! I tread slowly when it comes to any type of education in stocks/trading and have to say I like what I see. The connections to your reviews do worry me slightly unfortunately, and i apologize but you said yourself, the website has to be ran somehow and the lessons are free. So thank you for sharing your knowledge with us. Hopefully i can return the favor is some way at some point in time. Hopefully sooner than later. Thanks!

    -Ivan Castillo

    1. Hi Ivan,
      Thanks so much for your comment. I really appreciate it. However, I can guarantee you that my reviews aren’t biased in any way. The reviews reflect my honest opinion about the products in them. Just to give you an example, you could check out my IQ Option review. I could be earning a lot more money by promoting them. But instead, I decide to tell the truth. Furthermore, I mention downsides in all of my other reviews as well. Nevertheless, I understand your concern.
      If you ever have any questions or other comments, make sure to let me know.

  81. Hey Louis
    Marc here from Utah USA.
    I had been looking around watching videos from Tim Sykes and was about to sign up for the trial from Skyview Trading when I found you. While those programs seem to offer good tools I realized there is more learning I can absorb before I take a larger leap.
    I’ve always been interested in the market as a kid, (graduated in Financial Economics where I learned about options) but got burned during the dot com bubble and it left a sour taste in my mouth for the stock market.

    I started moving my investments to real estate and alternatives and had done quite well.

    I started trading stocks again and have developed a strategy to help remove the emotional side. It came down to tracking a handful of stocks and getting in and out quickly (days to weeks) I post about my trades ( and point out why I sold or am still holding on (usually holding to make a better profit or grab dividends).

    I have been up about 40% for the year with lots of small wins that have added up. Dollar wise they may be small but % gain is huge if considered annualized and I free up more cash for my next trade. I’m sure if did similar calls with options I would be up more and could even profit on the stocks that are sideways.
    Im taking a chunk of my profits from my most recent Real Estate deal (5-10k) to start trading options.

    I’m hoping to start mastering a few strategies with a small account and expand it over the next 5 years or so to trade full-time.
    Glad I found your amazing free education so I can get the basics and refine my skills paper trading and with a.small account before I jumped in with any program.
    Do you have recommended programs or is it best to just learn yourself and try it out with paper trading.

    Sign up for your Master class. Looking forward to good things.

    1. Hi Marc,
      Thanks so much for your in depth comment. Tracking trades is a great way to become a better trader and understand your strengths and weaknesses much better. I think it’s a great idea to start out very small or even paper trade to test out new strategies.
      In my opinion, the best way to learn is by starting to acquire as much knowledge for free from different sources. As soon as you have all the basics down and feel that you have a good foundation, you can think about signing up to a paid program. You can check out my reviews of different trading sites if you want to find out what I think about them.
      I really hope this helps.

  82. My name is Jessica Ray, from Baytown, Texas. I am a home maker and mother of five ages four, five, seven, seventeen and twenty. I became interested in options trading when my husband had me watch a segment on YouTube about Curtis Carroll, aka San Quentin Millionaire. My husband thinks this is something I will thrive at. I have zero experience, therefore no successes thus far. My goal is definetly to change that. My goal for the first month is to gain more profit than loss (actually always lol), my yearly goal is to be successful enough that this becomes a second income for our family. In five years I want to be set! I dream BIG and have all the confidence in the world that this will change our life for the best! I am willing to invest as much time needed to succeed.

    1. Hi Jessica,
      Thank you so much for your comment. It’s great to get to know you a little. I truly hope that you will achieve your goals and that TradeOptionsWithMe will help you achieve them. Never hesitate to let me know if there is anything you need help with.

  83. Hi Louis,

    I am Megan from the United States. I have been interested in the market for a while now, especially after hearing stories about people making a good living doing options trading. I have been buying and selling stocks the traditional way and have never done any options trading at all. My goal is to be able to make a living doing options trading a year from now and I am willing to spend 20 hours a week to achieve my goal. Thank you so much for this wonderful site and I am excited to get started.

    Best Regards,

    1. Hi Megan,
      Welcome to TradeOptionsWithMe. Let me know if you ever have any questions or comments. I am always here to help. I wish you the best of luck on your journey to achieving your goals.

  84. Hi. I have been interested in options trading for a while. I took some beginners courses before and I think this part I have it covered, but, I will like to progress further. I am living in Spain and I will like to earn money enough to sustain my living. I am finding the trading education absolutely amazing and your web is one of the best I’ve found already. I want to give 20 hours weekley for this training. Thank you very much for all your resources.

    1. Hi Isabel,
      Thanks for your comment. I am very happy to hear that you are enjoying the provided resources and progressing at a good pace. I am sure that you will achieve your goals if you put in the promised time. If you ever need help, make sure to let me know.

  85. Hi Louis,

    My name is Stefan. I just subscribed. Relatively new to options, although I did some trades.

    I am living in Los Angeles, for the last 40 years, but born in Europe, Romania. I lived in Europe for 30 years.

    Willing to put the efforts to learn more from you. Everyday, 2-6 hours/day, 7 days/week.

    Great website. I appreciate your good quality, hard work. Rare find! And free???. Thank you very, very much!???. Vielen Dank!

    I am traveling often to South America and Europe and I have some initial questions for you:

    1) I intend to use your link and open an Tastyworks account, although I have 4 brokerage accounts: TDAmeritrade, Schwab, Trade Station, and Robinhood (Level 3 Options, Stocks, Cryptocurrencies). My question is: Will Tastyworks allow me to trade abroad/outside US while I am traveling for
    2-5 months, after I open the account with them in Los Angeles, as an American Citizen?

    2) Does Tastyworks offer IRA/Roth IRA Accounts?

    3) Do you know other legal Brokerages/Platforms to trade Crypto, except Robinhood and the newly created Bakkt? I mean regulated Brokerages/Platforms, NOT the type of CoinDesk or other exchanges of this type that are not regulated.

    4) What’s your opinion about Robinhood?

    Thank you!

    Best Regards,
    Stefan ,

    1. Hi Stefan,
      Thank you so much for your comment. I am happy to welcome you to TradeOptionsWithMe. Now to your questions:
      1. As far as I am concerned, you should still be able to use tastyworks while traveling. However, just to make sure I recommend contacting the tastyworks support team as the answer might depend on the specifics.

      2. Yes, tastyworks offers IRA accounts

      3. As I have no experience with crypto, I can’t give you any crypto broker recommendation.

      4. I’d say Robinhood is an ok broker. They are fully regulated, offer legitimate products and services. Their platform isn’t bad either. They have low commissions, however, this often comes at a cost. This cost is their trade executions. I have heard that Robinhood’s trade executions are quite sloppy and thus, you might often lose more than the money you saved on commissions through a bad trade execution. All in all, I’d say there definitely are worse platforms. But there also are better ones, especially for relatively short term to mid term trading.

      I really hope this helps.

  86. Hi Louis,

    My name is David, and I live in Canada. I’ve been interested in the stock market since I was a kid and went on a tour of the NYSE. My current work allows a lot of free time during the day and I would like to take advantage of that fact to supplement my income. I have no experience in trading save for a few (unsuccessful) trades I made years ago buying shares in a company I used to work for. I am, for all intents and purposes, a complete beginner. My intermediate goal is to supplement my income by approximately $1000.00 per week. Longer term, I would like to become proficient enough at trading to be free of any conventional work commitments and achieve financial independence. I have at least 2 hours per day (some days more) to dedicate to my education.

    Thank you Louis…

    1. Hi David,
      Thanks for your comment and sharing so much about yourself. I really appreciate it. Hopefully, TradeOptionsWithMe will help you achieve your goals. If you ever need help with anything, please let me know.
      Good luck on your journey!

  87. Name is Anthony from Denver. Trying to teach myself option trading and find it confusing. Have a TW/tasty work acct with 3000. I am doing this as a hobby but want it to become a vocation. I like what I have seen on your website. TastyWork upgraded and the platform is different than their educational guides. I just want to be able to place a trade (small) and learn. Thx you.

    1. Hi Anthony,
      I hope TradeOptionsWithMe will help you learn everything you need to know about options. If you ever have any specific questions or comments, make sure to let me know.

  88. Hi,
    I would like to expand my knowledge on option strategies. I have started six months ago and doing ok but there is a lot to learn. Looking forward to knowledge.

  89. Hello Louis,
    I am a computer consultant and I am very new to trading.
    I have been learning about stock trading, options trading and forex trading in that order.
    I am going to stay away from futures and commodities as it appears to be much more riskier than the others.
    I have been searching the internet for information to gain knowledge
    I have found a lot of trading marketers with the usual free web videos & reports with a hook for a paid service of some kind stating that there material has a high value $10,000 or more and offering a discount price of $1497.
    I have purchased some books by Mr. Cohen to learn about the various options strategies.
    I have a candlestick book to learn about the candles.
    I have been piecing together all of the relevant info from all the various sources to gain some insight about trading and building a trading business plan.
    I believe that options are the best choice, however, it does come with some complexity.
    I am going to start trading with about $10,000 and I will start with a risk management of 1% on each trade.
    I just found your site and I am excited to see what your site is all about.


    1. Hi Victor,
      Thanks for your comment. That sounds like a great plan! In my opinion, books offer much more value for their price compared to most trading courses.
      I hope that TradeOptionsWithMe will help you on your journey to becoming a profitable trader. Make sure to let me know if you ever need any help with anything.

  90. Hello Louis,

    My name is Rodrigo and Im from Boynton Beach, Florida

    First of all, many thanks for your altruistic approach towards helping others gain education and knowledge in the stock market.

    I have been a shipbroker for 37 years and have had my own business for 22 years. I always had a curiosity with the stock market but never got involved with it since I foolishly let myself get convinced by family not to do anything with it because it was too risky and dangerous. This negative opinion about it came as a result of a family member loosing all his wealth by making very large speculative trades with commodities. However, abt 16 months ago decided to look into “day trading” as a way to supplement my income since I had suffered a big loss of income as a result of my main client gone bankrupt. I started paper trading abt 12 months ago with low float stocks between $1-10 but have never managed to be consistent and that is why I have not started a live account yet. I am very bored and frustrated with this type of trading so started reading about options and I will like to learn more about them which has led me to your site.

    I would not start my live trading account with more than $5,000.- and despite that, my goal is to start trading a live account after having 3 consecutive months of consistency in paper trading. My goal is to be making $3,000 per month by the end of my third month and by the end of my 6 month of trading be up at $5000 per month and $10,000 per months by the end of my 12 month of live trading.

    I have been using Thinkorswim as a platform

    Look forward to your comments and to start learning more about options

    Thank you


    1. Hi Rodrigo,
      First of all, thanks for your thorough comment. I truly appreciate it. Furthermore, I really like your approach to learning how to trade. It is a great idea to test out your strategies and gain confidence by paper trading. Additionally, it is a superb idea to start out small and grow over time. That’s how you avoid losing too much in the beginning.
      I hope that my education will help you achieve your goals. Make sure to contact me if you ever need help with anything.

  91. Hello,
    What’s your name and where are you from? Edward from Midwest USA
    Why are you interested in the markets and how did you become interested? I have been investing for a long time (decades). My dad first introduced me to the markets and finances in general.
    Have you any experience in trading? I have experience in mutual funds, stocks and bonds.
    Any successes? I have been mostly a “buy and hold” investor. I’ve held one extremely profitable position that also pays a handsome dividend.
    What are your goals for the next month/year/5 years…? My main goal is to progress from “just” an equities trader to also an options trader. I am fortunate to have a solid educational background and enjoy learning. I’ve been studying options for a few months and hope to be much more proficient by the sixth-month point. Within a year, I’d like to supplement my small business income. In about five to seven years I plan to be retired, but still involved with my small business and options trading.
    How much time are you willing to put in (per day/week/year)? I have a very flexible schedule and can dedicate about four hours every business day to learning options strategies.

    What words of wisdom can you give to me? Thanks in advance for your assistance.

    1. Hi Edward,
      Thank you so much for your comment. It’s great to get to know you a little bit. Furthermore, it’s good to see that you already have some experience with equities. This should definitely make learning about options easier.
      I love your longer-term approach to learning about options trading. 6 months should certainly be enough to give you a more than sufficient understanding of options, especially if you put in the promised time.
      If you ever have any specific questions or comments about certain lessons, please let me know.

  92. My name is Dean, I live in Indiana. I have never traded anything on the stock exchange outside of blindly having money in my 401k invested. I had read a book 20 years ago on Penny Stocks and had read very little on options as well. What I did read back then (pre-internet days) was very confusing and I lost interest because of this. I was on Youtube looking at an unrelated video recently when an ad came on for an options trading system. I started reviewing this information and decided to investigate the company more which led me to your site. Glad I found it. The more I read the more I felt that this is something I believe I could do and be successful at it given the proper training and education tools. I am 59 and would like to retire in the next 3 years if not sooner. I work full time but can dedicate 3-4 hours a day to my venture and training. I would like to replace my current $100k a year salary. I can put around $25k in my account once I feel confident I have paper traded successfully for at least 3 solid months. I am interested in options and penny stocks (your thoughts).

    Thanks for all the info, I am just now getting ready to delve intot he master class.

    1. Hi Dean,
      Thanks for your comment. I can understand that you got confused by a book about options from 20 years ago. When explained badly, options can seem very intimidating and confusing. I truly hope that TradeOptionsWithMe will break down options in an easy and intuitive way. If you ever feel like anything is confusing or doesn’t make sense, make sure to let me know.
      It’s a very good idea to test out your trading strategies/skills by paper trading. One of the biggest beginner mistakes is to start out too soon too big.
      There certainly are some profitable penny stock trading strategies. Just make sure to stay away from options on penny stocks. Most options on penny stocks are very illiquid and not suitable for most options strategies. In general, when trading penny stocks, make sure to check the liquidity.

  93. I’m a Business Analyst and to start investing with about $500, will increase as I go on.
    I’m Michael Orimogunje from United Kingdom.
    Interested in the markets for long term investments and extra living income.
    Some experience in trading stocks and Forex.
    No success yet.
    Goal is before month end to be able to place successful options trades, year to be expert confident in trading options successfully and increase my account position.
    8 – 12 hours daily.

    Thanks Louis.

    1. Hi Michael,
      Wow, great to see that you are willing to spend a lot of time each day to learn how to trade options. If you put in this time, you will have very good odds of achieving your goals. Let me know if you ever have any questions or comments.

  94. Hello- I am a 61 year old retiree. A good friend of mine worked in the Options Exchange in Chicago years ago. He tried to educate me on options, but I didn’t have the time or money to invest. I own Walmart stock and my broker had us trading options on that stock the last view years. I now have .the time and the desire to learn more about options. I would hope to be able to invest in options as a part time second career. I’m not looking to make big $$$, but right now my goal is to try and add $1,500 a month to my income.

    1. Hi Bill,
      Thank you for commenting. It is great to see that you now have time to learn how to trade options. I really hope that TradeOptionsWithMe can offer you the resources to accomplish your goal. If you ever feel unsure about something, don’t hesitate to ask questions. I am always here to help.

  95. Hi Louis

    Who are you? I’m a Graphic Designer.

    What’s your name and where are you from? Rafael from Australia

    Why are you interested in the markets and how did you become interested? I’m interested because I think the markets offers, to those with the right skill set, the opportunity to be financially independent. I became interested in the markets because I work for a Financial Group, so I’ve got exposure to the markets on a daily basis.

    Have you any experience in trading? I did a Technical Analysis course and traded forex.

    Any successes? to some extent but not enough .

    What are your goals for the next month/year/5 years…?
    Next moth: Understand the options mechanics and be able to make my own decision when trading.

    How much time are you willing to put in (per day/week/year)? 3 hours per day.

    Thanks Louis

    1. Hi Rafael,
      Thanks for commenting. It’s awesome to get to know you a little. I hope that TradeOptionsWithMe’s content will help you achieve all your goals and more. If you ever have any questions or comments related to trading, let me know. I am always here to help.

      1. Thank you Louis.

        I’ve done the Options Trading Foundation Masterclass and let me tell you it’s really good. I’m listening again and again until all those concepts will become second nature in my mind.

        The assignment and terminology handbooks are really helpful as well.


  96. Hi Louis,
    I am a baby trader. I have traded minis and micros S&P on a demo account but no live training. I have done well with the S&P but I am interested in options because of the diversity of trading approaches and the risk to reward. Looking to to earn some additional income and build my savings for retirement. Would like to make this my early retirement plan. Looking forward to learning from you.

    Regards Barry

    1. Hi Barry,
      Thank you for your comment. Even though you might not have a ton of experience with real trades, you still seem to have some experience with some sort of trading platform. That’s more than some people. I hope that my content will help you better understand options and achieve your goals. Always let me know if there is anything you are unsure about.

  97. Bobby Goforth
    Bristol Tn
    Have dabbled in Forex (15 yrs ago)active stock trader for past 20 yrs, learning options trading, looking for your tracking chart

  98. My name is Terrance originally from Kansas City, Ks. but have been residing in Lee’s Summit, Mo. for the past 15 yrs. I am semi-retired from the USPS and now currently work part-time for Ford. I have traded mainly in my 401k and a few individual buy and hold stocks. I have been recently been educating myself on investing in the markets from a more professional perspective. I attended Online Trading Academy at the tune of around $4k a year ago. My trading plan which is part of the training I received from the Online Trading Academy is to use a 3 trades per week with a 3 to 1 risk reward ratio and risking no more than 5% of my account on anyone trade. My goal is to open my new brokerage account with $4k earn 5% per week compounding the earnings for 3 years which translates into $2.8 million. I know that its seems like a daunting task but I believe it can be obtained investing in the markets. I am currently drawing down my 401k monthly and need to create better returns to not out live my money. I looking to specialize in a market and strategy that I can employ requiring around 10 hrs per week or 2 hours per day.

    1. Hi Terrance,
      First of all, thanks for your comment. It seems like you already have learned a lot from your other trading education which is great. I fully agree that you should keep your risk per trade very low. A good risk to reward ratio or at least a good probability of profit on each trade is a good trading practice as well. I really hope that TradeOptionsWithMe can provide you with plenty other good trading lessons and will help you achieve your goal.
      Make sure to let me know if you ever have any questions or comments.

  99. My name is Guy/Ghee Boutin. I am 63 years old. In 2013 to 2014 I traded quite a lot, making some excellent wins trading
    Options, but eventually lost my gains and startup money.
    I didn’t fully understand what I was doing yet.
    So I haven’t traded since then.
    I study approximately 1-2 hours a day. I would like to trade for a living some day when I feel competent enough.
    Right now I have a lot of learning to do. Thank you for all the free info. It is much appreciated.

    1. Hi Ghee,
      Thank you for leaving a comment. It is common for beginners to have some ‘beginners luck’ and then to give it all back again. This can be quite frustrating. Therefore, I highly recommend educating yourself as much as possible before risking any significant amounts of money again. By having a clear plan with a low-risk level, you can avoid blowing up even when you are new.
      I hope that TradeOptionsWithMe can help you achieve your trading goals.

  100. My name is Shon I’m 21 and from Pittsburgh, PA. I’m currently in the Air Force and taking classes for a Finance/Accounting Degree.

    Why are you interested in the markets and how did you become interested? I’m interested because I believe if you put in enough time/effort you can become financially independent.

    Have you any experience in trading? I have just about no experience with trading and have been trying to educate myself before I attempt to.

    What are your goals for the next month/year/5 years…? Within a month I’d like to just focus on learning the basics of option trading. Within a year I want to have a good understanding of the market and option trading as well as placing my own trades and earning a decent amount for a second income.

    How much time are you willing to put in (per day/week/year)? 4-6 Hours a day

    1. Hi Shon,
      Thank you for leaving such a thorough comment. It’s is a very good idea to start by educating yourself before risking any actual money. I also love that your first goal is focusing on learning instead of earning. That’s a great open-minded attitude for learning as much as possible.
      I wish you luck on your journey and hope TradeOptionsWithMe can help you achieve your goals. Let me know if you ever need help.

      1. Thank you Boss. I have an open mind and willing to learn. I believe that through knowledge, comes power. One can never succeed without bettering themselves 1st.

  101. What a great welcome page! I appreciate your time and effort which allows us to learn for free.

    Who are you?
    Hi Louis, Both my wife and I are retired from the corporate world. However, we are owners of a mini-storage facility that I manage and maintain. The business is debt free.

    What’s your name and where are you from?
    My name is Steve and I am from Kennewick, Washington.

    Why are you interested in the markets and how did you become interested?
    I would like to find another source of income to subsidize our retirement and to help offset our health insurance payment. I became interested in the market when we just recently inherited some stock.

    Have you any experience in trading?
    No experience whatsoever with stock options but just started dabbling in stock on a site called Robinhood.

    Any successes?
    So far most of my trades have been profitable. I have made very small trades as I am new to the markets and am not looking for the big hitter. I will sell to be in profit, be it $5.00 or $50.00

    What are your goals for the next month/year/5 years…?
    Learning how to trade options and the strategies that go with it. And to become a successful options trader.

    How much time are you willing to put in (per day/week/year)?
    Since I am retired, I have no set schedule so I plan on putting in at least 2 hours a day.

    1. Hi Steve,
      Thank you so much for your thorough comment. I am happy to hear that you liked this page. It’s also great to see that you have very realistic and down-to-earth expectations. Many people have the illusion that they will become overnight millionaires which simply is the wrong approach.
      I truly believe and hope that TradeOptionsWithMe will help you reach your goals. Please let me know if you ever need help with anything.

  102. Who are you?
    My name is Swaneel (SAM) Kalsi

    How much money to start investing?
    I have about $4,000 to start with.

    Where are you from?
    I reside in Orange County CA.

    Why are you interested in the markets and how did you become interested?
    I just like the fact that there is another way to make money besides having to invest in a business. Furthermore, I lost my business recently and am trying to find alternate ways to make money.

    Have you any experience in trading?
    I have some stocks, but nothing on the Options side of things.

    Any successes?
    I am positive on my stocks. Not lost yet..

    What are your goals for the next month/year/5 years…?
    Month: learn how to trade options.
    Year: start to consistently trade options.
    5 Years: Retire; if possible.

    How much time are you willing to put in (per day/week/year)?
    4-5 hours per day.

    1. Hi Sam,
      Thanks a lot for your comment. I really appreciate it and it’s great to get to know you a little. In my opinion, $4000 is a great amount to start with. Furthermore, your goals are very realistic as well, especially if you put in those 4-5 hours a day. I really hope that my education and content will help you stay on track to achieving your goals.
      Never hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or comments.

  103. Who are you?
    I’m in my mid 50’s, from a science background. I like music, DIY projects around the house.

    How much money to start investing
    My wife an I have about $104k in IRAs, and I’d like to start using more of that in my options strategies.

    What’s your name and where are you from?
    Scott – originally from Missouri, then Texas, Arizona, Northern Virginia, and now living in the Charlotte, NC area.

    Why are you interested in the markets and how did you become interested?
    I think I’d heard about the stock market in high school, but when I was hanging out in the library in college I discovered books on chart patterns and have been interested in technical analysis ever since.

    Have you any experience in trading?
    In my first semester of college (‘84), I discovered price charts and subscribed to Commodity Price Charts (weekly paper charts with stochastics, MA, etc.). I paper traded agricultural futures (up $25k on a single corn contract in a few days – I was hooked!) and eventually started buying options. In the 90’s I started trying to use covered calls, and recently I found Tastytrade in the past few years and am now (trying to) focus on selling premium in defined risk spreads. I also use Tradestation and am interested in automated strategies, too.

    Any successes?
    Moderate successes with defined risk spreads, I need to combine better directional bias with the spreads.

    What are your goals for the next month/year/5 years…?
    Get a regular trading routine, build enough of a track record to feel comfortable committing larger amounts of my portfolio to trading, replace day job with trading income.
    Month – budget time to spend on education, backtesting
    Year – commit a risking a full 1% of retirement portfolio on each trade
    5 years – join a prop firm (Apiary fund, Topstep Trader, etc.) and replace my day job’s income, including benefits.

    How much time are you willing to put in (per day/week/year)?
    Three hours per day, seven days a week.

    1. Hi Scott,
      Wow, what a great and thorough comment. Thanks so much for being so open about yourself, your experiences and future trading goals. Tastytrade is a great place to learn about options. Even though I have never used Tradestation myself, I have heard that they are a great broker with many great features.
      You seem to already have quite some trading knowledge from books and other sites already. So I hope that you will still be able to learn new things from TradeOptionsWithMe. If you ever have any questions or comments, please let me know.
      Otherwise, good luck on your journey. I really hope you will achieve all your goals and more.

  104. Hi,
    My name is Chandra B, 61 yrs old and semi retired in the Real Estate industry where I’ve done comfortably well for my family and me. I have most of our retirement money in some well balanced high quality index funds and this portfolio is doing well. I been trading stocks not so actively in the past, but of late I’ve become quite interested in all the new biotechs, cannabis, 5G, renewable energies and most thing that have patents and promises… industries. I’m particularly interested in micro and small caps since I think that’s where the real gains are! Over the past month I’ve spent quiet a bit o $$ on buying these penny stocks but not without first doing some extensive due diligence on the companies.
    I have never traded options and this strikes me as something I’d like to do. I’ve followed some free online classes on options trading and I understand the potential gains of this type of trading vs stocks. But I am not comfortable taking the plunge, not without some more knowledge in this area.
    I appreciate you sharing your knowledge and education FREE. I look forward to learning from and with you.
    Thanks a lot,
    Chandra B

    1. Hi Chandra,
      It’s great to see that you are focusing on education before risking any money. Way too many people start trading with no experience and no education. This rarely ends well.
      Trading low cap and penny stocks can be profitable. However, I advise you to be careful with options on penny stocks. Penny stocks often have low liquidity and thus options on penny stocks are even less liquid. Always make sure to check liquidity before trading.
      I hope that my content will help you on your journey. Let me know if you ever have any questions or comments.

  105. Saludos Louis,
    My name is Luis, I am a retired postal worker and I live in Puerto Rico.
    I’ve been trading for years with mixed results, the market has always
    intrigued me. My goals are income growth and asset preservation.
    I am willing to put the hours to achieve my goals with ten years time horizon.
    Thank you so much for this wonderful site and your precious time.
    Much health to you and your family. Trade and prosper !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Hi Luis,
      Thanks for leaving a comment. It’s awesome to see that you have a very long term approach to trading. Most beginners are too short-sighted and expect too much too soon. I hope that you will learn a lot from TradeOptionsWithMe. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments.

  106. Hello Louis,
    Thank you so much for this great website and your time!
    My name is Jason and I’m a truck driver in upstate NY. I have some experience in the stock market and kind of have always broke even. I have always been intrigued with options and really want to learn them and be successful. I want to spend a few hours a day learning and be successful. My short term goal is to be consistent enough over time to supplement my income and preserve my capital. My long term goal is to hopefully be successful enough trading that I can retire early and trade full time.
    Thank you

    1. Hi Jason,
      Thank you for your comment. Having goals for different time frames is great. Sometimes, it can be hard to motivate yourself if you only have a very long term goal because it might seem so far away. But if you also have shorter-term goals as well, you can see your progress more clearly.
      I hope that TradeOptionsWithMe will help you reach your goals. Don’t hesitate to ask questions if you ever have any.

  107. hi tommy york here, I am interested in the markets to make extra money. I have day traded the indicies for two years and pretty much broke even.
    I became interest in options because of leverage. I have some knowledge of options but could use more. Free options training is a rare commodity,
    so here’s to you. More knowledge would help me in my quest and would definitely be appreciated. Thanks tommy york

    1. Hi Tommy,
      Thanks for leaving a comment. I will definitely continue to put out more free options education. Hopefully, the existing content is helpful as well. Even though leverage is a great thing, you always have to be careful with it. Never overleverage yourself so that you can’t afford to lose the money risked. Make sure to leave a comment if you ever have any questions or comments.

  108. G’day Louis – I’m an Aussie trader nearing retirement as a self funded retiree. I’m regarded as asset rich, but once outside of my employment I have little income. I’ve never been a property investor, preferring to having cash in the bank & a small share portfolio. Money in the bank with interest rates at 0.5% just doesn’t cut it.

    I had a fling at options a few years ago, but with little success (fortunately no large blow-ups though). Now with your fantastic site (and some others) I’m getting serious about my study & am determined to succeed. There is a lot to learn, with the careful management of options I can limit my exposure and restrict my losses. I have taken your advice and opened an account with Tastyworks – their site is amazing, chock full of knowledge to assist the newcomer to options.

    I’m confident that with your help and that of Tastyworks I will make it.

    Thanks for your help and interest in my progress….Peter

    1. Hi Peter,
      Thank you so much for your comment. I really appreciate your openness. I hope that TradeOptionsWithMe will help you on your journey. Just make sure to start out small with very limited risk during the learning process. Make sure to let me know if you every need any help with anything. Good luck on your journey.

  109. hello lou, my name is eric mason I live in hillside, NJ. I only paper trade with options . I have a little experience with the fx market. I step away from investment for a few months.
    im back now since this virus broke out in the us. my time is unlimited I’m very eager to learn..i know i’m teachable, just need the right schooling…

    1. Hi Eric,
      Thanks for your comment. This is certainly a very interesting time to get into trading. Make sure to focus on education first. If you decide to start with real money, start with very small position sizes. I hope my education will help you achieve your goals.
      Never hesitate to contact me if you ever have any questions or comments.

  110. Hi Louis
    My name is Mike and I am from Chicago. I got interested in investing because I liked the idea of having my money work for me. I became interested by reading about the different methods and philosophies that people use to invest and trade. I have a little experience. I would still consider my self a novice. I have had a little success in investment that I have made. I got interested in option after reading the book ANTIFRAFILE
    THINGS THAT GAIN FROM DISORDER by Nassim Nicholas Taleb. Highly recommend reading it if you haven’t. The book is not only about options, but he is an option trader and talks about its advantages in parts of the book. I like the idea of options because it seems there are endless strategies and the potential for a higher percent of returns and less capitol needed compared to buying stocks. My short term goal in the days and months ahead is to build a solid foundation on the basics thru the advanced strategies. I hope to start trading options in two or three months. Long term goal is to be able to trade options to generate extra income. It would be nice to make extra money on my own time and my own abilities. I can commit to one or two hours a day and up to fourteen hours a week and possibly more.

    1. Hi Mike,
      Thanks so much for your comment. I also appreciate your book recommendation. I have personally not read this book yet. However, I have read two other books by Nassim Taleb (Black Swan and Fooled by Randomness) and really enjoyed them. So I will definitely check out Antifragile as well.
      I also completely agree with you that options allow you to build almost any position. Stocks limit you to a simple linear bullish or bearish position. With options, you can do almost anything.
      If you ever have any questions or comments, please let me know.

  111. Hello Louis,

    Here are the questions you are interested in…

    Who are you?
    I am a man on a mission!

    What’s your name and where are you from?
    My name is Tommy Torres, and I am from Corona, California.

    Why are you interested in the markets and how did you become interested?
    I am interested in the market because I believe our money should be working for us. I am also disabled so I can only work from home, which make this the perfect opportunity..

    Have you any experience in trading?
    I have an Etrade account that has been open for a little less than a month. I have bought a few shares, but got intrigued by what Options can do. I have made a few options trades… no special trades other than buying a call or a put. I have not been able to implement any strategies yet.

    Any successes?
    I’ve been correct on a couple of calls and puts, but I have also lost a couple calls and puts. Looking for the best strategies to limit my risk with reward.

    What are your goals for the next month/year/5 years…?
    My goal is to be create income trading options. My goal is to learn as much as I possibly can to provide for my love ones. Next month I hope to somehow create an income trading options. One year from now, I want to be learning and earning more. Five years from now or less, maybe I can be as successful as someone like you Louis! I have a baby coming so I have plenty of motivation.

    How much time are you willing to put in (per day/week/year)?
    Time is no problem for me.. I try to keep up with the news, trends, forums, learning videos, etc. Although the news doesn’t really match whats going right now in the market in my opinion. Maybe I’m getting the wrong news 🙂
    Everyday since March on weekdays:
    Mon – Fri I’m Up at 6am – 1pm – researching, following the market, reading the news, and trying to make (I guess you would call them) blind trades.
    Sometimes my wife gets on me for reading too much, says I over do it. I am somewhat OCD. I’m just trying to absorb all I can possible. I am currently reading Options Trading by Mark Anderson… good book. I have no problem putting in the time to be successful. I actually find learning how to trade options quite fun! That’s probably why I’m searching for strategies on a Saturday.

    Thank you for taking the time to help Louis.
    Hope you and your family are well and keeping safe!

    Best Regards,
    Tommy Torres

    1. Hi Tommy,
      Thank you so much for your thorough comment. It is great to get to know you a little bit. Furthermore, it is awesome to see that you are willing to put so much time into learning how to trade. I truly hope that TradeOptionsWithMe will help you on your journey to achieving your trading goals.
      If you ever feel unsure about the contents of a post or anything else, don’t hesitate to let me know and I will try to help you as soon as possible.

  112. Hi, Louis
    below are the answers to your questions…to get to know us.

    Who are you?
    24 year career firefighter, currently a Fire District Chief with my Department.

    What’s your name and where are you from?
    Greg, I am from Franklin, TN

    Why are you interested in the markets and how did you become interested?
    I received an email about creating cash flow trading options. It sounded interesting and something I can learn with the right instruction. Also, at 50 I want to use my brain and not my back. Like I did when I was younger. Hopefully, I can create good consistent supplemental cash flow for my family.

    Have you any experience in trading?
    I have some recent basic education in options but no actual real trades.

    Any successes?
    I haven’t tried to trade any options yet but I did create a TD Ameritrade Account, been practicing in their simulated trading software

    What are your goals for the next month/year/5 years…?
    I want to create a supplemental income I can do on my days off, and help me acquire cash flowing assets. So, I can retire in 10 – 12 years or less.

    How much time are you willing to put in (per day/week/year)?
    I would like to put in 5-10 Hours a week or as much time as necessary to get up and going as soon as possible. My work schedule 24 hrs on duty, 48 hrs off, allows me a lot of time to learn.

    Thank-you for sharing all your options trading experience with us Free…I truly appreciate it.

    1. Hi,
      Thanks for taking the time and answering my questions. It is awesome to get to you know you a little. I truly believe that if you put in the promised time and stay consistent and persistent, you can achieve your goals.
      Hopefully, my content will help you do so. Let me know if you ever have any questions or comments.

  113. Hi Louis

    See below for my answers.

    Who are you?
    I am a 26 year old male who works for a general contractor
    What’s your name and where are you from?
    Jarrett from Central TX
    Why are you interested in the markets and how did you become interested?
    Markets have interested me for the past 8-5 years or so because it’s intriguing how you can make money by simply buying and selling
    Have you any experience in trading?
    I have only bought mutual funds
    Any successes?
    My mutual funds do well
    What are your goals for the next month/year/5 years…?
    I want to learn how to be successful at trading options over the next month and years. 5 years from now I would like to be able to get into trading full time
    How much time are you willing to put in (per day/week/year)?
    Starting off maybe 8-12 hours a week

    1. Hi Jarrett,
      Thanks for answering my questions. It is great to meet you. I hope that the resources that I provide will help you achieve your goals and more. Make sure to let me know if there ever is anything I can do for you.

  114. Who are you?
    I am an almost 27 y/o man who is a full time student and full time worker in the Oil and Gas industry
    What’s your name and where are you from?
    Spencer, and I am from Texas
    Why are you interested in the markets and how did you become interested?
    I am interested in learning how to work from home and make a livable income. I have been interested for the past couple of years, however I didn’t feel like I had the income to spare to take it serious enough to put the time and effort into it.
    Have you any experience in trading?
    I have no experience.
    What are your goals for the next month/year/5 years…?
    goals for the next month would be to have the knowledge to make a confident trade with reasonable expectations to make a profit. Within a year, I would like to have skills to profitable and making a respectable supplemental income. 5 years I would love to be totally reliant on my trading knowledge and skills to be my source of income.
    How much time are you willing to put in (per day/week/year)?
    I am willing to put in at least 1 hour a day, but more aggressively 3-4 hours.

    1. Hi Spencer,
      Thanks for the comment. It is great to see that you first want to build up a certain level of confidence before trading. One of the biggest mistakes that beginning traders make is to just start trading even though they don’t know what they are doing. Starting with education and building up enough confidence/knowledge to trade is a great approach.
      I hope my training will help you achieve your goals. Let me know if you ever have any questions or comments.

  115. Hi Louis

    See below for my answers.

    Who are you?
    I am a 47 year old female and not working now
    What’s your name and where are you from?
    Zatul from Malaysia
    Why are you interested in the markets and how did you become interested?
    Markets have interested me since last year and it’s iso ntriguing how you can make money by simply buying and selling
    Have you any experience in trading?
    Any successes?
    What are your goals for the next month/year/5 years…?
    I want to learn how to be successful at trading options over the next month and hope to be a full time trader with consistent profit within this year
    How much time are you willing to put in (per day/week/year)?
    4 hours daily

    1. Hi Zatul,
      Thanks for commenting and welcome to the exciting world of options. It’s great to see people from all over the world. I hope that my resources will help you on your journey to learning options. Definitely, let me know if you ever have any questions or comments.

  116. My name is Cam and I am from Oregon, traded stocks but now interested in options and willing and can spend 6 to 8 hours a week learning about options my goal is earn extra money trading options.

    1. Hi Cam and welcome,
      Thanks for your comment. I am happy to get to know you a little bit. Make sure to let me know if you ever have any questions or comments.

  117. may 7, 2020
    Hi Louis,
    try to answer your questions.
    • Who are you?
    Man, 76, married twice, father of five wonderful daughters (the oldest is 47 and the youngest only 5), many years in the Real Estate, theoretically retired but always in activity;
    • What’s your name and where are you from?
    Luigi, from Rome, Italy, now living between Italy and Dominican Republic;
    • Why are you interested in the markets and how did you become interested?
    I need to grow my savings and I would have more spare time to dedicate to my daughters; I can continue building real estate or try an alternative that leaves me more free time to devote to my family;
    • Have you any experience in trading?
    Many years ago I tried for several months to trade stocks and futures;
    • Any successes?
    I loved it, I learned many things, I made mistakes, I lost, I gained and once I lost a lot to not have enough margin;
    • What are your goals for the next month/year/5 years…?
    I would like to trade for the years to come as the only way to guarantee economic independence for me and my family; I’m available to take some calculated risk, I want to pay attention to limiting losses;
    • How much time are you willing to put in (per day/week/year)?
    I’m available to devote to trading the time necessary to obtain the results I plained but I would like to keep it within two hours per day or ten-twelve hours per week.

    1. Hi Luigi,
      Thank you so much for your detailed answers to my questions. It’s great to get to know you a bit. You touch on a very important point in your comment, namely taking calculated risks. Trading without risk is impossible, but trading without calculated risk is deadly. Too many beginners just blindly accept stupendous risk which eventually leads to them blowing up.
      I hope that my site will help you reach your goals. Let me know if you ever have any questions or comments.

  118. My name is Eric Tam.

    I am Canadian by birth, now living and working in Hong Kong.
    I am interested in the stock market, because I want to be able to retire in my 60’s, and have a stable income provided from multiple income sources.

    I have very minimal experience investing in the stock market. I have bought some stocks in the Hong Kong Hang Seng stock market, mostly losing money. And in the last 3 months, have started an IBKR account to start trading stocks in the NASDAQ and some other stocks worldwide.
    I have minimal stock investing experience, I previously relied on a stock broker.
    I have zero experience trading, and with options.

    I have no successes to speak of, for me, selling my stock (5 years later) at no loss, and collecting dividends is a win.

    My goals are to achieve a 5-7% return on my investment every year. I am hoping to reinvest my profits into my investments for compounding. As stated previously, I am building a retirement fund.

    I have maybe 2 hours in the evening to educate, improve, and work on Trading. Maybe 3 to 5 days a week. Sometimes less when my work schedule is busier.

    Thank you for setting up this website to help newbies such as myself.

    Best of luck to everyone!

    1. Hi Eric,
      Thank you very much for your comment. Your goal is very realistic which is great. Many beginning traders start out with the expectation that they’ll make 200+% each year which is just very unrealistic. I hope that my content will help you achieve your goal.
      Let me know if you ever have any questions or comments.

  119. 1-2 Hi Louis, I’m Bob 76 and just getting started. glad to see you are smarter then me and realized when your young. if you don’t start on your future now, nobody well do it for you. 3-4 social security, it don’t work, thinking the gov. is here to help,not, your on your own.——————-some trading. started with $12,000. a year latter $4,000. on paper trading it goes up and down between $1,500.y the way the other went to expert webinars, a couch that was $3,000 for 3 months with 4- 1 hr phone calls in the first month. after that you need to make an appointment. 5 my wife and I are living on SS with $2600 to pay mortgage, bills, med, food,etc. my goals I would like to try $2-3000 extra a month, and help my 4 sisters and 1 brother supplement there SS. 7 2-3 hrs per day 7 days a week

    1. Hi Robert,
      Thank you very much for your comment. Sorry for my relatively late reply. I hope that TradeOptionsWithMe will help you achieve your goals.
      Let me know if you ever have any questions or comments.

  120. Who are you?
    My name is Jammie, 43 yrs of age, living in Washington DC. I love your videos on youtube. I thought it was really great videos. Thanks for sharing those videos and giving me an opportunity to learn and understand this beast (options) more.

    Why are you interested in the markets and how did you become interested?
    After having invested in my 401K for over 10 yrs, I realized my 401K has not been performing very well and hence decided to take over the reigns of it, by myself. Due to my full time job commitments, I would rather have someone else manage my money but now I find it tough to trust someone to manage my money until, I realize I just can’t do it anymore. Also, I was able to survive the latest crash and now looking for opportunities to make some money. Seems like this is a great time to invest but, I’m aware of the dangers of investing in equities and I’m looking at options to hedge my profits and if possible get me a steady stream of income as well.

    Have you any experience in trading?
    I do trade stocks and would like to think that I know how to read charts. I’ve taken a few online classes on options and some taken others trainings in the past as well, I do understand the options lingo and ‘ve been trading for about 6 months with options now. But, I’m still relatively new to options and I would like to be proficient in options. I do my research using TOS and execute my trades in IBKR.

    Any successes?
    My returns on my investment are much higher than my 401K returns from the past. So in that sense, I been successful.

    What are your goals for the next month/year/5 years…?
    There are a lot of opportunities in the near the future. I would like to learn options strategies that I could use to exploit them in the next month or two. Long term, I would like to get to a consistent 25-30% ROI is all that I seek for now.

    How much time are you willing to put in (per day/week/year)?
    I definitely think I can spend about 5-8 hrs a week.

    1. Hi Jammie,
      Thank you for your comment. I love your humble attitude. Even though you have been trading for multiple months and have had some success, you still recognize that you can learn much more. That’s a great mindset. I hope that my teachings can help you achieve all your goals. Certainly let me know if there ever is anything you need help with.

  121. Hello Louis,
    I am Joe, a 57 year old Air Force Veteran. Thank you for the welcome and your website. I am hoping that I can gather as much education about options as I can from you and I appreciate that you do this gratis.
    Like you and for pretty much the same reasons, I became interested in trading in general. The thought of being able to make a living, trading anywhere in the world is rather appealing. I have dabbled a little in both live and demo trading with option but mostly forex. About a year or so, I found the Nadex exchange, based out of Chicago. Have you heard of it? It is the only U.S. regulated binary options exchange. Like you when you started, I do not have that much capital to start and like options, it does not take much to get started. To make my long story short, I haven’t been able to consistently make profits. I recently came across Dark Pool trading and I want to dig into this further. But first I want to go back and re-learn everything that I have gathered so far and hopefully learn more about options. Which brings me to your site and how I found it doing a search for options for beginners. Again, thank you for this site, it is much appreciated.

    1. Hi Joe,
      Thank you for leaving a comment. It is great to get to know you a little. I personally have no experience with Nadex, so I can’t comment on them. But in general, you have to be careful with binary options since there are many shady ‘brokers’ in this sector (which does not mean that Nadex is one of them).
      It’s a great idea to re-learn everything so that you have a stable foundation to build on moving forward. Hopefully, my site will help you accomplish this and more.
      Let me know if you ever have any questions or comments.

  122. Hi Louis,

    This is Mohammad from Toronto. In general, I am very interested to learn about technical analysis of financial market and trading.
    I have some experiences with Stock trading and future trading in the past with not much success especially with future day trading.

    My result with Stock trading was OK so far but it’s a bit boring for me. My result with future day trading was bad with lot of pain and lost. found it too fast and aggressive for me. Anyways, I think options might be a good choice for me and I would like to learn more about it and give it a try when feel ready. Thank you!

    1. Hi Mohammad,
      Thanks for leaving a comment. It’s great to get to know you. Day trading futures certainly can be very overwhelming and risky especially when you don’t have that much experience.
      I hope that my education can help you achieve your (options) trading goals.
      Definitely, let me know if you ever have a question or comment.

  123. Hello Louis,
    My name is Alex. I just came across your webpage and have been reading it a lot. I love the resources you provided.

    I am a new options trader. I am a beginner. My goals are:
    1. Generate steady monthly income
    2. Have a mechanical way of trading
    3. Trade in a short time a day 15mins – 1hr daily.

    I want to be consistent with this. I am interested mainly in options.

    That’s me.

    1. Hi Alex,
      That’s awesome! Thanks for the comment. It’s great to see that you have 3 concrete goals in mind. I really hope that my resources will help you achieve these goals.
      If you ever have a question about anything, make sure to let me know.

  124. Im new, 0 options knowledge.
    1. Extra monthly income
    2. I have the time to learn and trade

    I want to learn options

    1. Hi Rafael,
      That’s great. Thanks for sharing your goals. Let me know if you ever have any questions or comments.

  125. I am Prakash. I am from Mumbai, India
    I am a retired banker.
    Basically I am an investor for last 20 years and having good success
    with my intuition.
    Now I want to start option trading as I find it quite interesting.
    My main goal is to learn option trading in depth. Money will
    come in due course.
    As I am retired person, I can put 3/4 hours a day.
    Any successes?
    What are your goals for the next month/year/5 years…?
    How much time are you willing to put in (per day/week/year)?

    1. Hi Prakash,
      Thanks for leaving a comment. It’s great to get to know you. Already having experience (and success) with other investments is certainly a good starting point. Just make sure not to get too confident when starting with options. Start out small and focus on learning. Let me know if you ever have any questions or comments.

  126. Thanks for genuinely helping people like me get started with learning options trading.

    I have been successful in trading the equity markets – stocks, etf (including leverage/inverse), vix – and just about a little over two months ago started trading options – only short puts to start with (…as they say selling insurance is one of the most lucrative business out there).

    In this short period, I have found success trading this option strategy but I don’t want to be over-confident and I know there is more to learn. I believe in the same principle – Understand first, Invest second – that is why I am here, and looking forward to taking your course.

    Thanks again, and wishing you and your team further success.

    Greetings from the beautiful island of Guam!

    1. Hi Jack,
      Thank you for your comment. Your attitude toward trading is awesome. Most people that have any kind of success will quickly get over-confident and blow up as a result of that. It’s great that you recognize this and focus on becoming a better trader.
      I hope that my content will help you achieve your goals and more.
      Definitely, let me know if you ever have any questions or comments.

  127. Hi, I have been looking at the stock market and have been taking calls from some telegram channels. But now I want to be independent of those channels and pick trades by myself. Searching for resources landed me here, and this seems to be the most promising website from where I can gain sufficient knowledge to become an Independent trader.
    Thanks for creating this website. Hope to take a lot from here

    1. Thanks for the comment. I certianly hope that my site will help you achieve your goals and become an independent trader. Let me know if you ever have any questions or comments.

  128. Hey Louis,

    I am Sébastien and writing to you from the South of France where I live. I have been introduced to options trading a week ago by a friend of mine who makes a living out of it . The promise of getting regular additional income is really tempting so I was seeking for educational content and that is how I came across your site. Trading options is a bit daunting from someone like me who really starts from scratch but I shall religiously read your master classes 🙂 Let’s see! Anyway, that gives me the opportunity to congratulate you for your site and the time you dedicate to it! I have one question for you if I may, my friend recommends to trade the US options instead of the european ones but that obliges me to open an US dollars current account; does that make sense for you?
    Many thanks in advance.

    1. Hi Sebastian,
      Thanks for your comment. I personally also prefer trading the US markets since they offer better liquidity. To trade the US markets, it is definitely best to open an account in USD. Otherwise, the conversion rates will likely lead to very unfavorable results.
      Make sure to let me know if you ever have any other questions or comments.

  129. good afternoon
    I am Alexander, I live in Tenerife (Spain), my Mom was from Austria so I speak also German. I started trading a few years ago by trading stocks, then I spent a while trading futures, I discovered them after stocks and finally I started with cfd. At the beginning of my training I did a theoretical technical analysis course but I did not know how to put what I learned into practice. Finally, I had a more specific training with how to put stop losses, take profits, how to manage risk, and which position size I should trade so that my operations are already taking sense. Now I am interested in trading with options because I see that perhaps it is a professional way of operating and I would like to learn how it works.
    I can put between 4 and 6 hours a day for learning about options.
    I want to thank in advance for having this free quality options training.
    best regards Alex

    1. Hi Alex,
      Thank you very much for your comment. It seems like you already have a solid understanding of the financial markets since you already traded other assets. This experience should make the transition easier for you than if you were just starting out. I hope that my content will help you achieve your goals.
      If you ever have any questions or comments, make sure to let me know.

  130. Hi Alex,
    I am Ayo, I live in the UK. I am a beginner in trading, so to say. I have an investment trading account that is not doing badly and I am also day trading using paper trade. I have followed different traders with different claims on youtube, but your approach and the fact that these are free and divided into different categories would make a better understanding. I am interested in learning and subsequently trading Options professionally. I hope to scale it to be a source of making additional income. I can put in 2-3 hours daily.
    I respect and thank you well in advance of this quality option training which is offered for free. One question though, is it possible to trade options with little capital?

    1. Hi Ayo,
      Thanks for the comment. If you already have experience with other investments, the transition to options should definitely be smoother than for complete beginners.
      I’d say it is very well possible to trade options with relatively little capital, definitely less capital than stocks. A rough estimate for a good starting amount would be $2000-$5000.
      Let me know if you ever have any other questions or comments.

  131. Hi, my name is Steve Richardson and I live in Apple Valley CA (high desert of southern california). I’m interested in the markets because I have disposable income and I want my money to start working for me. I invest in stocks right now with an investment club through and I invest personally through I look to double my investments in a five year period (each stock theoretically to grow 15% per yer). When I started investing I would have 1 or 2 high performers and 2 or 3 stinkers, the rest being average performers. I’ve gotten better at my analysis and timing so I’m getting more high performers. I try to focus on dividend paying companies. Short term goals are to learn option trading up to intermediate level confidence. Long term is advanced options trading and economic freedom (my money works for me and grows). I can put in a couple hours every day if needed – certainly 10-16 hours per week.

    1. Hi Steve,
      Thanks for your comment. Since you already seem to have a lot of experience with stock trading, the transition to options shouldn’t be too hard for you. I really hope that TradeOptionsWithMe can help you learn options and achieve your goals. Never hesitate to contact me if you ever have any questions or comments.

  132. Hello!

    I’d rather not disclose my full name in public comments 🙂 but you can call me Tad. I’m from Virginia and I’m interested in the markets because I see them as a way to do several things with the money I have currently sitting in a bank savings account.

    I became interested in trading when a friend showed me a new trading app, but then I ditched that for something more in-depth and opened an account with TDAmeritrade – and dove into their educational resources. That got me really interested.

    I bought a couple stock as I learned – stable buys – and I’m just watching them. My goals with trading are to spend a couple of hours a day and learn as I build an investment portfolio, then once I have garnered the knowledge to do options or something a bit more immediately lucrative, put a portion of money into that endeavor. My life goals are a house in the next three years, some travel, and a little financial security – nothing too fancy. Thank you for providing education.

    1. Hi Tad,
      Thanks for leaving a comment. It’s great to get to know you a little bit. That sounds like a good plan with some achievable goals. Hopefully, TradeOptionsWithMe will help you achieve those goals.
      If you ever have any questions or comments about anything you find on my site, definitely let me know.

  133. Hi Louis, my name is James, and I am from Fayetteville, Arkansas USA. I am keenly interested in learning how the stock market works. I would like to learn about the factors that control the movement of a stock’s price, and how options work. I became interested in options trading because of the current state of the US stock market. They say chaos is a traders best friend.

    I will be starting with $2000. I do not have much experience, but I do hope that I can grow this figure to more than $20,000 over the next 12 months. If I can make it to $200,000 in 5 years that would be great! I don’t have any major success but I was able to grow my account by $1,000 over the course of 3 weeks.

    I am prepared to devote at least 5 hours during the work week, and 10 hours during weekends to learn and become better at trading. According to my amazing mathematics skills, that amounts to a total of 15 hours per week.

    1. Hi James,
      It’s awesome to see that you are dedicated and willing to spend a lot of time learning how to trade. Just make sure to start out slow and focus on making good trades instead of on trying to make the most money possible. Especially in the beginning, you shouldn’t expect too good results too soon.
      I hope that my site can help you learn as much as possible. If you ever have any questions or comments, make sure to let me know.

  134. Hello Louis.
    Good morning.
    My name is Ali, I am from Singapore and retired.
    I have been in the stocks markets almost fourty years….yes fourty years haha…but only buy stocks and never see it again until this year when I retired and looking for side incomes instead of no more incomes.
    Passive investor I guessed and only collect dividends. Don’t really care if markets goes up or down. Don’t even bother to open up scrips issue letters or subscribe either. But now I am trying to change all that and become active.
    Any success ? Not sure what success means…but have been collecting dividends every year.
    Goals ? I am opening up a TD Ameritrade account ( still waiting for approval ) and planning to trade options in the USA markets for side passive income. My risk level is moderate.
    Time available ? Now I am planning to be an active stocks investor and full time options trader because I don’t have much else to do.
    Hope I have answered all your questions.
    Am glad to find your website.
    Thank you.

    1. Hi Ali,
      Thank you very much for taking the time to answer my questions. It’s great to get to know you. Since you already seem to have some stock market experience, you might be a faster learner than a complete beginner. I really hope that my content will help you learn everything you need to know about options and more. If you ever have any questions or comments, definitely let me know.

  135. Who are you?
    62 yr old IT Project Manager
    What’s your name and where are you from?
    Kevin from Ohio

    Why are you interested in the markets and how did you become interested?
    I’ve been interested in stocks for some time, but never really did any investing other than my 401k. I heard about options and how I may be able to supplement my income and build a way retire in a few years comfortably.

    Have you any experience in trading?

    Any successes?

    What are your goals for the next month/year/5 years…?
    I want to create a supplemental income and cash flow with the hopes of generating enough consistent income to retire in the next 3-5 years

    How much time are you willing to put in (per day/week/year)?
    I would like to put in 5 – 10 hours a week.

    1. Hi Kevin,
      Thanks for your comment. Since you are just starting out, make sure to focus on learning as much as possible before starting to trade any real money. And even when you start trading with real money, make sure to start out very small. If you aren’t profitable with small sums of money, you won’t be with large sums.
      With that being said, I hope that my training will help you learn as much as possible. Definitely let me know if there ever is anything you need help with.

  136. This is one of the best educational websites I found in a long time. I am trading Options for the last 15 years but the way you explain and educate in options strategies is great. I am learning many tools to apply properly in options trading. Ultimately I am developing a system of success and higher profitable percentage trading.

    I appreciate all the work you have done for the “Trading with options” community.
    Suresh Desai

    1. Hi Suresh,
      Thank you so much for the positive feedback and kind words. I really appreciate the encouragement!

  137. Hi Loui. Im Henry F . I have some experience trading stocks and zero experience with options. I started about 10 years ago , lost a lot of money in the stock market so I gave it up. Recently, with this pandemic I started educating myself and saw an opportunity to buy stocks in companies like zoom, PTON, DOCU. i bought some stocks and so far doing ok. However, I’m risking a lot of money so I decided that options is the way to go. I work as a nurse, so I want to spend at least 1-11/2 hrs a day trading .I plan to retire from nursing in 5 years ,so hopefully by then I have the knowledge to trade options and have that as a source of extra income.

    1. Hi Henry,
      Thanks for your comment. I like that you are giving yourself a realistic amount of time and you seem to have a realistic goal. Way too many people start with utterly unrealistic expectations. Hopefully, my content will help you reach your goals and more. If you ever have any questions or comments regarding my education, or trading in general, definitely let me know.

  138. Hello Luis:
    I purchased your Excel template and the strategy lab tool. I am very pleased to buy these products.
    I read the revies in detail, you took a lot of time to present your honest opinion. I working on your strategies lessons.

  139. All of my experience with the stock market has been looking at my 401k. So i am here to be taught everything.
    I’m very eager to get going.

    1. Hi Harold,
      Thanks for your comment. I hope that my education will give you a good introduction to the world of trading. Let me know if you ever have any questions or comments.

  140. Is it normal for the option to go to .01 before expiring.
    Will it be back to any value on expiration day vs the day before.
    I see this happening many times and it is very frustrating.
    Should you always hold to expiration day and then close out.
    Will you get caught having to own stock and drain your account bal. to cover?


    1. Hi Daniel,
      Thanks for your comment. At expiration, an option is either ITM or it is OTM. If it is OTM, it will expire worthless. So the closer you get to expiration, the closer the option’s value will move to its intrinsic value (the amount by which it is ITM). Before expiration an option won’t trade for nothing which is why most OTM options with little time left will trade right around $0.01.
      How long you hold your options totally depends on your strategy but usually I don’t recommend holding until expiration. Instead I prefer to close my option positions earlier.
      As long as you don’t sell any options, it is up to you to exercise your options to buy/sell shares of the underlying.
      If you sell options, you run the risk of being assigned. But this isn’t a disaster either. To learn more about assignment, check out my guide to options assignment.
      If you don’t fully understand my answer, I highly recommend going through my free options trading courses in which you will learn much more about these things.
      I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any other questions or comments.

  141. Hi, I’ve signed up for the Masterclass, confirmed my email, but still haven’t received the email with the link to the masterclass.

    1. Hi Thomas,
      Sorry for the inconvenience. There was a small error on our end. It should be fixed now. If you still didn’t receive the correct mail, try signing up again.

  142. Hi Louis,

    I’m David, an engineer from Perth, Western Australia. I’ve been investing through shares for a few years but have always wanted to get more involved and learn about stock market trading. A book from the library a couple of weeks ago sparked my interest and curiousity about options. I haven’t made a trade as yet, and still evaluating and trying to find the right trading platform, however I hope to get enough confidence to make that step over the coming weeks leading into the new year.

    I have three young children at home so finding the time at home will sometimes be a challenge, but I’m in no rush and the objective over the next couple of years would be to steadily gain some experience and confidence and hopefully get some enjoyment out of it. I’m still got many years left until I retire and I’d say my risk tolerance generally is moderate to high, however for the moment I would be happy if I could outperform the market and my share portfolio.

    1. Hi David,
      Thanks for the comment. I love your approach. Many beginners would immediately start making trades to ‘try out options’. But instead, you realize that it’s best to first educate yourself before risking any money. Furthermore, you have a very realistic time-frame for you to achieve your goals. Many people expect way too much way too soon.
      I hope that my site can help you achieve your goals. Definitely let me know if you ever have any questions or comments.

  143. *Who are you?
    I am a single woman who just lost her job due to budget cuts because of COVID-19.
    *What’s your name and where are you from?
    My name is Esther Jeudy and I am from Port-au-Prince, Haiti.
    *Why are you interested in the markets and how did you become interested?
    I’ve interested in the markets for quite some time now because of the versatility that it offers and the options that are available concerning buying and selling.
    *Have you any experience in trading?
    *What are your goals for the next month /year/5 years……?
    One of my main goal that I want to obtain is financial freedom, to be able to do more for others and help my family as well. Now as for my goals in the next month is that I want to learn as much as possible and apply everything that I’ve learn to real scenarios.
    *How much time are you willing to put in (per day/week/year)?
    Since I’m currently unemployed, 6-8 hours for starters.

    1. Hi Esther,
      Thanks for the comment. It’s great to see that your 1 month goal is to focus on learning as much as possible. Learning how to trade (or anything else) takes time. Understanding this is very important. So make sure to start out small and don’t risk any significant amount of money until you are completely sure of what you are doing and have proven yourself this with very small sums of money.
      I really hope that my content will help you achieve your goals. If you ever have any questions or comments, please let me know!

  144. Hi Louis

    I’m Marco, from Portugal, trying to become a professional trader.
    I started this journey 10 years ago with forex trading, I tried it for 2 years and gave up, as i never felt confident enough with the results i got either from paper trading, either from trading with very small amounts. The best thing was I didn’t lose too much money and got to learn a lot about technical analysis.
    I later got to the conclusion that forex is harder to trade because currency pairs are less volatile than stocks and other assets. Wish I had turned to stocks as I see now I lost a golden decade on the stock market to just buy the dip and nothing else.
    So in January this year I decided to try again to become both a trader and an investor. I’ve been having moderate success with the stock investment part. The trading is still very difficult.
    I am fascinated with options since I started learning it. In February I made my firts 2 trades with options, which were long puts in the corona virus crash. I made 6x and 10x of profit in those 2 trades. However, I lost 80% of that profit in the next 4 months as I kept buying puts, thinking the correction was not over. Meanwhile I got to learn a bit more about credit and debit spreads, and I hope to learn more advanced options strategies with you.
    I’am willing to put most of my time into this, as I want to do this for a living. I have already bought the spreadsheet and the Strategy Lab to really commit myself.
    By the way, amazing site, really cool! I trully appreciate the work you have done here. Hope I can take a few doubts with you once in a while. Thanks for work with this site!

    1. Hi Marco,
      Thank you very much for your comment! It’s great to see that you are so motivated. My first advice for you would be to start slow and focus on learning as much as possible before risking any significant amount of money.
      If you ever have any questions or comments, don’t hesitate to let me know!

  145. *Who are you?
    I am 64 male
    *What’s your name and where are you from?
    My name is Harry from Vancouver Canada.
    *Why are you interested in the markets and how did you become interested?
    I am interested in the market to learn something new and also make some money if possible. I got interested in market since I have been buying and selling stocks for many years so I want to take it to next level.
    *Have you any experience in trading?
    I have been buying and selling stocks for many yrs but have not done trading.
    *What are your goals for the next month /year/5 years……?
    One of my main goal that I want to obtain is financial freedom, to be able to do more for myself and my family and. My goal for next month is to lean as much as possible and use that knowledge to start trading next year and make some money in the yrs to come.
    *How much time are you willing to put in (per day/week/year)?
    I am ready to devote as much time as required. I am very determined and dedicated person and always give my best to learn something new.

    1. Hi Harry,
      Thank you for leaving a comment. It’s awesome to get to know you a little. Already having experience with buying and selling stocks can certainly help flatten the learning curve. Nonetheless, I recommend trying to take your time. If you don’t feel that you really understand what you are doing, don’t risk any noteworthy amount of money. Even if you feel that you are ready, start very small. If you aren’t profitable with a small amount, you won’t be with a big amount.
      Let me know if you ever have any questions or comments.

  146. What’s your name and where are you from?
    hi my name is Caio Navarro and I’m from brazil
    Why are you interested in the markets and how did you become interested?
    I’ve taken interest in the market because of how fast-paced and volatile it is.
    Have you any experience in trading?
    I’ve been trading for around 8 months
    Any successes?
    I have a 36% profit
    What are your goals for the next month/year/5 years…?
    month – finish my quant trading bot
    year- I want to grow my portfolio to at least twice the size
    How much time are you willing to put in (per day/week/year)?
    as much as it takes

    1. Hi Caio,
      Thanks for the comment. It’s great to get to know you. I hope that you will find my resources useful. Definitely let me know if you ever have any questions or comments.

  147. Who are you?
    Hi I am Jim from Boston
    What’s your name and where are you from?
    Why are you interested in the markets and how did you become interested? I got interested in the markets many years ago, when the company I worked for offered me Stock Options. Not knowing anything about them I researched them and became intrigued with the market and was hooked ever since.
    Have you any experience in trading? Many years with stocks, and only a few with options
    Any successes? Some successes-2017 $46k profit, 2018-12K profit, 2019-1200 LOSS
    What are your goals for the next month/year/5 years…?
    for the next month I plan on following the course and getting as much info out of it as possible.
    For the next year, create a trading plan, following it and making money on a consistent basis
    For a 5 year plan, take the 1 year plan, see what went wrong, fix it, see what went right and expand it
    How much time are you willing to put in (per day/week/year)?
    What ever it takes to make this work.

    1. Hi Jim,
      Thanks for your awesome comment. I love your iterative approach. Learning from your mistakes and thus improving is one of the best ways to become a better trader (or better at anything). I hope that my content will help you achieve your goals. If you ever have any questions or comments, please let me know.

  148. Louis, interested in taking the course you have to offer. I retired after a 35 year career with a fortune 100 company working in the commercial paper markets and financial analysis. Currently living in Nashville and have been trading the markets for many years mostly stocks and bonds. Have been trading options for the past 3 1/2 years selling calls and puts with a 63% success ratio. Largest trade has been 6 contracts but mostly I have traded 1-3 contracts. Just wanted to learn more about trading options and I have plenty of time to dedicate to learning new concepts. Appreciate your insight and look forward to learning the ends and outs of option trading.

    1. Hi Richie,
      That’s awesome! Thanks for leaving a comment and checking out my site. I hope you will enjoy my content and learn a few things here and there.
      Let me know if you ever have any questions or comments.

  149. Hi Louis,
    I am Patrick from southern Germany and very happy to join your project as well.
    Unfortunately, I am not yet very experienced with (active) trading but have a small portfolio of some ETFs from savings plans and stock positions as well. It shows a small overall profit but since I have been doing it for only a few years, we cannot really judge it.
    My primary goal is to learn something new and find out if I like it. So for starters I think I will be able to invest about one hour per day. If that goes well I might be investing more time and effort to become proficient and take it to the next level. Maybe in 5 years I will be able to quit my daytime job and make a living from trading 🙂
    What I really like about the algorithmic trading is that it is a really systematic approach compared to classical sentiment trading. Thank you for all your awesome content!

    1. Hi Patrick,
      Thanks for the comment. It’s great to get to know you. If you ever have any questions or comments, don’t hesitate to let me know.

  150. HI Louis,
    I’m Rick from the U.S.
    I became interested in the markets during the global pandemic like a lot of people to see if I could supplement my loss of income
    I have been trading stocks since last August, but not options yet because I need to educate myself more about them
    I have made a profit on all of my trades except for 2, but luckily the losses were small
    My goals are to substantially increase my retirement income and also to supplement or replace my present income from my job
    Since I already spend way too much time on research (my wife just told me yesterday that she’s starting to feel like a stock widow, lol) and strategies to buy stock, I guess I have more than enough time to learn how to buy/sell options from you

    1. Hi Rick,
      Thanks for your comment. It’s great to get to know you a little. Since you already have some experience with stocks, options shouldn’t be too hard to learn for you. Just make sure not to become overconfident after your successes with trading stocks. Trading is still risky and regardless of your strategy, every trade could go wrong. So always have an exit plan in mind and never risk more than you can easily afford to lose on a single trade.
      I hope my content will help you learn options. Let me know if you ever have any questions or comments.

  151. Hello I’m Mike from the US and I need to grow my finances and have the freedom to other do things in life I had invested in stocks at the start of the pandemic and would have had allot more money if I had stayed in them longer but got scared and pulled out.I won’t mention what some of those stocks are worth now. I had never heard of options but now that have I want to learn many ways to have income and grow and it fascinates me also. Credit spreads make my head hurt because no one actually explains WHY you do them they just show the numbers. Anyway I feel frustrated with many option explanations so I saw you sight and it looked interesting. Thank you for all you do


    1. Hi Mike,
      Thanks for the comment. Don’t be too hard on yourself if you left some (or a lot of) money on the table. The current market is crazy.
      I really hope that my content will help you better understand options. If you ever have any questions or comments, don’t hesitate to let me know.

  152. Hey. Just found your site. I’d really like to master Short butterflies. I have been trading for a while part time. Had the mist success with long/short portfolios and Crypto, but… that was wen the VIX was at like 14. Ever since volatility went up I keep getting stopped out of any portfolio plays so I tried options but was quickly overwhelmed with so many moving parts.

    I did find the low capital risk of the short butterflies and the high probability appealing. I also understand that there are ways to manage the butterfly to minimize losses even while price is not going in your favor.

    Anyway, I thought a good approach would be to pick a strategy and master it, instead of bumbling all over the place.

    1. Hi John,
      That sounds like a great plan. I really hope my education will help you achieve your goals.
      Let me know if there ever is anything I can help you with.

  153. Hi, I’m Richard. Live in the US. Want to learn how to trade options. Have been day trading for about a year. Have had some success, but am looking for something more stable and a little less risky. I don’t know very much about options trading, but want to learn, so am willing to put in the time. I am hoping options will give me long term success and help grow my portfolio. I am close to retirement and want a stable income.

    1. Hi Richard,
      Thanks for the comment. Diversifying your investment strategy to something more stable is a great idea. I hope my content can help you understand options and achieve your goals. Let me know if you ever have any questions or comments.

  154. Name is Ben and I live in Phoenix, AZ. Have a very basic knowledge of Option Trading and wish to expand my knowledge base. I have been trading stocks for many years but looking to add this type of trading to my portfolio. Hoping your course will help me get there. Thank you.

    1. Hi Ben,
      Thanks for the comment. I hope my content will be helpful to you. Let me know if you ever have any questions or comments.

  155. Hi!. I am Richard from US. I am interested in learning to trade options. More specifically, i would like to know how to do vertical bull put trades. Wondering if there is any education available for that. I have been mostly day trading, but would like to learn how to make a steady income through options trading. Thanks!

  156. What’s your name and where are you from?
    My name is Mike and I live in Zanesville, Ohio. It is a rural conservative town of about 30,000 people.

    Why are you interested in the markets and how did you become interested?
    It seems like a natural extension of my entire job history. Ever since the fifth grade, all I’ve ever really done for money is buy products at low prices and sell them for a profit. From pencils and baseball cards in my youth to a million-dollar Amazon business at 44 years of age. I understand that the stock market is a different animal, but that I why I am here…to learn.

    Have you any experience in trading? Any successes?
    My wife and I have been investing in low-risk ira’s since our twenties. We bought a bit of Tesla and Bitcoin in 2017 and have seen good returns. We own a few other stocks that have been trading pretty flat. I’m also down about $1000 on the meme stocks from January…oops. I do believe that I would have come out with a profit if trading had not been halted on GME, but regardless of that, I know it was a foolish bet. I knew that it was foolish before I made the trade, so I’m not surprised about the loss.

    What are your goals for the next month/year/5 years…?
    In the next month, I would like to have a better understanding of the market and investment strategies. In the next year, I would like to own roughly twenty long-term stocks while actively trading stocks and/or options.

    How much time are you willing to put in (per day/week/year)?
    If I’m being honest, I will struggle to find one hour per day for education. Once I begin trading, I can imagine that my available time may increase, but I do understand that my limited schedule may only allow for long-term trades. I’m ok with that. I do not need to become a day/swing trader. My main objective is a better understanding of the stock market and a solid portfolio.

    1. Hi Michael,
      Thanks for your comment. I love your attitude and your focus on educating yourself! Developing a solid understanding of the markets is a much better goal than “becoming a day trader”. I hope that my content will help you get there.
      Definitely let me know if you ever have any questions or comments.

  157. Hello Louis!
    My name is Tre and I’m a relative novice to stock purchasing and trading. I have dibbled and dabbled a little since the onset of the pandemic and have experienced some impressive gains as a newbie, however, I am certain that there is much more to be learned. I’d love to learn more about options trading from your experience and perspective and hope to gain valuable insight from you to further compliment that which a dear friend is sharing with me. I appreciate your willingness to share the information you are so generously offering.


    1. Hi Tre,
      Thanks for your comment. It’s great to get to know you a little. I hope that my educational content will help you learn some valuable lessons. If you ever have any questions or comments, certainly let me know.

  158. Hello Louis;
    I’m from Istanbul, Turkey, lived in the US for quite sometime.
    My major is in international finance but in the years past I discovered it wasn’t the thing I should go with. So I took a different career path in growing construction business but the pandemics hit us pretty bad, leaving me not too many options but to take refuge in the field I’m educated a bit. I made some research online, found you, realized I had to practice a lot to catch-up, and ended up here. I can’t really say I got much experience other than some theoretical stuff.
    So my primary goal is to catch up and stick with the finance practices along some coding which I also began learning fresh.
    I can put few hours-a-day everyday.
    Looking forward to get started.

    I appreciate your time.

    1. Hi Emir,
      Thanks for the comment. I hope that my resources will help you learn as much as possible. Just make sure to wait with risking any significant sums until you really understand what you are doing and have a clear plan.
      Definitely let me know if you ever have any questions or comments.

  159. Hello, Im Derek from a small town in Illinois, USA. I have been watching the markets for the last 20 years, but never really got to involved in it until about 3 years, I like patterns and trends so study stock charts and looking at patterns for anything repeatable is what I like to look for and have had some success in that. I have about a 65% win rate, with my win/lose money ratio of about a little under 2 to 1. My goals being here is to learn more about options from two sides 1 to make more speculative trades with a smaller upfront cost on calls/puts. Also to generate income from current long positions I hold. I am also still trying to figure out what works best for me as a trader so I’m still exploring varies strategies to see what works best for me. Outside my full time job im putting in 2-3 hours a day and 10-12 hours on the weekends researching varies strategies and just trying to learn.

    1. Hi Derek,
      Thanks for your comment. Exploring different strategies and investment vehicles like options is a great way to diversify your investment approach. I hope that my content will help you accomplish your goals. If you, at some point, have any questions or comments, don’t hesitate to let me know.

      1. Hello,

        My name is Amy. I would like to develop the skills, habits and mindset to consistently profit from option trading. I am True Trading Group Certified.
        I live in a suburb of Seattle, Washington and I am married with two teenaged boys. My financial goals are to 1) consistently grow a profitable cash and margin account at a rate of 10% profit per week while 2) achieving a 73-80% win rate average trading in a bull or bear market. I would like to teach my children how to profit from the market giving them a foundation of successful long-term investing and trading habits. Ultimately, I would like to day trade regularly and retire my husband from his software development role 5 years early. I am an intermediate investor, former business owner, former Business Manager at a software industry leader and have a desire for self-sufficient income generation. I have several investment and brokerage accounts. I grew one margin account over 500% in the past 3 years with passive investing. I am willing to do what it takes, committing the time and resources to be a successful trader. I understand the value of quality mentorship, patience and discipline on this journey.

        1. Hi Amy,
          Thanks for the comment. It’s great to get to know you a little. I hope this doesn’t demotivate you, but I believe 10% a week is a very optimistic goal. If you factor in compounding such a return would make you one of the most successful investors of all time within a few years. For a breakdown of setting goals, you could check out my article on setting investment goals.
          I hope my content will help you. If you ever have any questions or comments, let me know.

  160. Hi Louis,
    My name is Tim and I’m from a small city in Ontario, Canada. I am retired and have a couple of registered accounts. The managed one has returned about 13%/yr for 20+ yrs and my self directed one is up just under 10% over 3 years. I have just opened a margin account and thought I just wanted to try a few covered calls but now that I have discovered your site I would like to expand my knowledge base and become a successful independent trader.

    1. Hi Tim,
      It’s great to learn a little bit about you. Thank you very much for your comment. I hope that my content can help you achieve your goals. If you ever feel unsure about something, don’t hesitate to reach out to me.

  161. Louis,
    I’m relatively new to trading options and I’m looking forward to learning and adding your information to my trading toolbox.

  162. Hi Louis,
    My name is Alex and I’m 47 years old. I’m from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. I really love the financial markets. I have traded Brazilian stocks since 2006, but the results were not so great. However, since last year I have been trading US stock options adopting the Sky View Trading’s strategies and I got a ROI of 24% as a result.
    I am committed to study at least 2 Hrs/day to improve my knowledge and to be able to get around $40.000 a year.

  163. Hi Louis,
    My name is Alex and I’m 52 years old. I live in Boca Raton Florida but was born in Venezuela. I have been in the United States since I was 6 years old.
    I have been interested in learning how to trade since I was a young boy. However, the internet, Youtube, and social media was not available then, and I was never able to meet a mentor back then.
    With all this new technology at our disposal, I see an opportunity to learn, and I’d like to think, it’s never too late to learn.
    I’d like to spend about an hour or two per day to study and would love to be able to replace my current 8 to 5 job with trading some day. Even if it takes a few years. I would love the freedom this type of knowledge could bring.

  164. Hello M y name is Doug I am semi retired had some stocks from payroll deduction when I retired I bought some stocks won some lost some before I loose all of it I would like to try options
    I live in Nelson BC and can spend at least 2 hours a day investing. My new boss wants me back to work soon and when I work there I work 12 to 16 hours a day 7 days a week getting to old for that.

  165. Hi Doug,
    Karli checking in from New Jersey, I came across you from searching youtube for options learning information. I currently work in the healthcare sector and would like to learn options and invest full time. I have 2 hours day to commit to learning and have been dabbling in stocks for less than a year now, but realize that options are very lucrative. Still scares me due to lack of understanding, hence the interest in your course. Thanks.

  166. What’s your name and where are you from?
    hi my name is Al Whitehead age 87 Originally from Boston area moved to Indiana years ago
    Why are you interested in the markets and how did you become interested?
    Have been interested for building my retirement. Also greatest game I have found
    Have you any experience in trading?
    Was trading stocks from about 1990 to 2000 took a big hit and then started taking some courses. About 5 years ago started to trade options using Tasty Trade information
    Any successes?
    Have been reasonably successful double capital in last 5 yrs
    What are your goals for the next month/year/5 years
    In the next month, I would like to have a better organization skills. recordkeeping is my biggest weakness. in the next year have my process more automated. I am a top down trader (market, sector, sub sector then ETFs & stock ).
    I make sure to not risk any more than 2% in any one trade. I do have some e-currency that I invested in about 4 years ago. Do not actively trade in it as it has become about half of my capital and feel I never should have all in any one sector.. Want to start taking about 20% of gains for travel and charity

    How much time are you willing to put in (per day/week/year)?
    Most days I spend at least 5 hours Learning, Scanning, keeping up with emails etc.. However I will take a week or two off to travel or occasionally skip a day or two just because I feel I need a break.

  167. My name is Sebastian. Currently reside in Idaho. Looking to move to China in the next year or so.

    I’m interested in options trading after seeing some vids about it on youtube and listening to some podcasts from people who worked “normal” jobs and made options trading a full time career. Being an accountant, I’m very comfortable with numbers, charts, graphs, etc.

    I have zero experience with trading. I’m excited to learn and start!

    My ultimate goal is to replace my current income with income earned from options trading. If I’m successful, I’d like to teach others how to do the same.

  168. Who are you?
    How much money to start investing. $2500
    What’s your name and where are you from? Wyllene (pronounced (Will-leen) Watson and I from the US, I currently live in Georgia
    Why are you interested in the markets and how did you become interested? I have been intimidated by the market. I want to overcome my fear of trading and the possibility of losing my investment. So I decided to learn about the market to gain knowledge of how to earn an income trading the market.
    Have you any experience in trading? Yes.
    Any successes? Small wins and major losses.
    What are your goals for the next month/year/5 years…? My goal over the next month is to learn how to trade with the butterfly strategy and within a year have seen a substantial increase in my account. My goal is to use the market to earn as my main source of income.
    How much time are you willing to put in (per day/week/year)? I am willing to put in 4 hours per day 4 days per week.

  169. About Me
    Hi there, I am Winner.
    I have been interested in the Forex market for the past few years and like you, I also got intrigued by the idea of making easy money while sitting on a sofa somewhere in the world. But I’m more interested in the automation of the various strategies and finding out what works best.
    Who am I? What’s my name and where am I from?
    My full name is Shane Winner and I use my last name exclusively. For us to have a good relationship it starts by using my last name ‘Winner’.
    I am from Trinidad and Tobago in the West Indies and I know very little about trading. I am teaching myself to code in Python, C++, MatLab, etc. in order to develop these algorithms.
    Why am I interested in the markets and how did I become interested?
    I am 61 years of age and I am FLAT BROKE! No retirement savings and no medical insurance. I have plenty of time to devote to my quest of developing a good stream of income and I want to believe that I have the intelligence to accomplish it.
    I see the markets as one possibility, correctly done, that will afford me a viable income.
    For me, ‘correctly done’ means automation or algorithmic trading using tried and tested systems.
    My Trading experience?
    My trading experience consists of reviewing YouTube videos and extracting information from various sources. When it comes to actually playing the markets, my financial shortcoming as well as the anxiety of sitting there hoping and wishing that the trade goes as planned was enough to funnel me towards algorithmic trading.
    Any successes?
    To date, I have invested $100 in the Forex market and made a profit of $77 within the first two hours. I took all my money out and never invested again.
    The anxiety was too much!
    What are your goals for the next month/year/5 years…?
    Programming, Programming, Programming! From today onwards, I will be programming. That means learning to program, developing bits of code and researching strategies, and transforming them into code.
    Somewhere in there, I will be implementing my newfound knowledge into live trades.
    How much time are you willing to put in (per day/week/year)?
    I have time….plenty of time but no money. Currently, I devote at least 6 hours per day to this project.

  170. let’s see how much I will learn after investing time on all courses and then applying them in real life. I want to increase my retirement nest egg.

    Also, I want to protect my portfolio

  171. I came to your site from QuantConnect where I am following your Full Algorithmic trading videos. I am also interested in learning options trading and I think your website is a great place to start. Great work!!!
    Best Regards

  172. I have been trading options for 5 months. I use ThinkorSwim and really like it. So far, I am only selling “covered calls”. I have made money every month on my trades but what is frustrating is many of the stocks go down in price. Even though I keep the money from the option sale, I’m underwater on the stock the next month which makes things more difficult. I’m not good yet at determining if the stock will go up or down. So, if I sell an option on the underwater stock, I have to make sure it doesn’t go up more than the strike price plus the amount of the call, if so I have to buy the call back at a higher price now I am losing money. Is this normal part of options trading? It seems the most important part is being able to read the technical data so you have a good idea of future stock movement.

    1. Hi Ken,
      The idea behind a covered call is to make your position less dependent on the stock movement since you can generate returns even if the stock’s price does not move. For this, you give up some of the upside potential though. However, you should not be at a net loss if the price of the stock rises since the profits from the stock should more than offset the losses from the short call.

  173. I’m ready to do this whatever it takes to knowledge is powerful and I have the time to put into my goa; thank you

  174. Hi Loius,
    I am Mohan from India, I have been doing passive investing in US stock market for few years. Job has been driving my main activities. As I move up into the age train, started to think about alternative income opportunities. And I consider to get more into active investing and Options trading even more encouraging with all its twists and turns. I did few option trading with entry level knowledge and made few gains and more losses, in the past 1 year. That’s when I thought I need to learn more to be an active swing trader and hence here I am.

  175. My name is Onyedikachi Okoroji. I’m from Nigeria. Been in the Banking Industry for a while but really want to learn to be a better trader. I believe I can get better no matter how difficult it gets to learn. I want to be better

  176. I have been a banker for many years. I have been trading options for a few years now but I am keen to learn as much as possible and become better and better every day. This is a full time job for my wife and me. We have invested a reasonable amount of capital and would like to gain much more knowledge to ensure consistency and a decent return for many years to come.

    I do listen to your Youtube videos and quite enjoy them. I like the conceptual flavour of the videos. I do not mind going through all modules to learn as much as possible.

    My focus now is to use as many metrics and risk tools available to understand my option portfolio and at some point look at adding algo trading to my portfolio or at least understand it better.

  177. Hi Loius. Bigmabina all the way from South Africa.I don’t really know anything about trading options or trading in general. I would love to start from the bottom since you offer free of charge education. My Goal is to achieve the best results in your education. Glad I pump to you.

  178. Hallo Louis,

    Just stumbled across your site. Lots of good info, hope to try some of your ideas!

    I’ll write you once I digest your methods and read the entire site. Like you, I read everything i can, I’ve bought courses, but most of the good ideas I see come from experienced traders on YouTube and the web in general.


  179. Hi, my name is Eric and I am interested in learning how to trade options for extra income on the side. I am starting with about $1k to trade. I am from Illinois. I was never interested in stocks or investing until just recently. Some of my friends started buying individual stocks and I didn’t like their methods, but it piqued my interest. My real entry into the stock-world was through the idea of stock options as a side-job. I just recently invested $10k in an index fund and bonds, and I really want to learn how to trade options on the side. I have watched some videos, downloaded thinkorswim, and I would really like to learn how to get started, but I want to make sure I do it right. My goal is just to achieve a steady, conservative income. I am not interested in anything high-risk, and I am not expecting to become rich. I just want to bring in extra money for vacations, charity, etc. I have already invested quite a bit of time learning what I know now, but I am running out of steam. I am hoping I can get the answers I need here to get started!

    Looking forward,

  180. Who are you?how much money to start investing
    My name is Richard Climie and I have about 25K to invest

    What’s your name and where are you from?
    I am in Hobart.Tasmania, Australia

    Why are you interested in the markets and how did you become interested?
    Yes I need to recoup my superannuation stolen by a crook from Florida

    Have you any experience in trading?
    Any successes?
    some, but mostly not

    What are your goals for the next month/year/5 years…?
    To make 5% on my capital every month

    How much time are you willing to put in (per day/week/year)?
    As long as it takes, I am willing to spend several hours a day if necessary
    However the big problem is time difference
    I cant trade the live US market as I would be sitting up all night at my computer – the NYSE opens at 1.30 am my time eastern Australia
    Any ideas how to overcome this would be most welcome
    Options seem v volatile and can change from hour to hour
    I have missed many profits because I was asleep and by the time I checked, the option had gone up and then down

  181. Hello, my name is Edgar. I am 19 years old and I am from Chicago, Illinois, just like you! I am interested in the markets because I realized that I can not have a boss telling me what to do for the rest of my life. I found out about the markets when I was about to turn 18 years old and I instantly became fascinated. I did some research and soon found out that it takes a special kind of dedication and discipline in order to be successful. One thing that all my previous managers would say about me is that my work ethic is unmatched. One day I had a conversation with myself, and I asked myself, “You work so hard for other people’s dreams and other people’s companies, but why can’t you put the same work discipline into your own dreams?” Ever since then, all I have been thinking about is being able to achieve my goals before I help other people achieve theirs. Reading books like “Rich Dad Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki and “Principles” by Ray Dalio, really motivated me into becoming more financially literate. I have a small amount of trading experience. When I turned 18, I created a brokerage account and found some people on Twitter that would free alerts. At first, I made some money but ended up losing it all. I quickly noticed that I had to put in the work and needed to stop relying on other people’s alerts. It only took around 4 months for me to lose about $2,0000. LOL. My goal for the next month is to become the most knowledgeable about the markets as I can be. My goal for the years is to be able to understand the market and become a consistently profitable trader. And my goal for the next 5 years is to be able to trade full-time as a career and change my family’s life. I am willing to put in as much time that is needed to become a successful trader. I understand that losses happen in the market, but the most important thing is to never give up and to always push through the times of uncertainty. Before I end this reply, I just want to thank you, Louis. I understand the amount of work it takes to be able to give out education and especially for free.

  182. Hi, my name is Kurth and I’m from Trinidad. I am interested in learning to chart properly, to use the desired information to Trade Options and to make it my main stream of income. I developed a love for the market and became interested knowing that one can trade from any where in the world and make money if you are successful. I was introduced to Options Trading through a friend and I have no experience in Trading. My goal is to acquire as much knowledge and understanding through this platform of education starting from now, and to become a confident and consistent trader. I am willing to invest three (3) hours per day to accomplish that task.

  183. My name is Efi Baron .
    I’m from Israel.
    I’m a retired architect.
    I’m willing to increase my income besides my pension.
    I have successful experience in long-term investments and a short unsuccessful period in day trading.
    My goal is to learn options trading and increase my income by 20% .
    I can allocate up to 2 hours daily

  184. Hi, I started trading around 2002, futures options. Naked short options. Made a lot, then lost it all.
    I live in Ohio, I’m semi-retired and could use the extra income. I have a 5k account with Think or Swim. Trading mostly Vertical Spreads now.

  185. Hi Louis: I am 63 years old and I live in New Hampshire. I have been interested in trading since my girls were in diapers. I used to buy a Barron’s paper on Sundays and follow a stock by hand. Kind of like my own scanner lol. Life happened and I got back into trading about 10 years ago. I have been successful but would like to become more consistent. Getting older I need something with a steady stream. My goals for the next 5 years is to make enough so I could be taken care of in my later years and leave some to my kids. I spend at least 3 hrs a week on research and education trying to get more diversified so I can trade no matter what the market throws at us. I love doing this.

  186. I am retired, 75 years old, play golf 3 to 4 times a week, have time to devote to learning. I have been actively trading options for about 2 years with a small account. I have had marginal success. I trade only risk defined setups, vertical credit spreads, iron butterflies, and currently studying broken wing butterflies. I typically trade only 1 or 2 contracts.
    My biggest challenge is determining the trend. Where is the underlying NOT going to go. Not up, bear call, not down, bull put. I use a couple of advisories – Profits Run, Schaeffer’s, Netpicks. I usually modify their suggestions to a more conservative bent – a little further from the money.

  187. Hi Louis, I must commend you on the quantity and quality of material you’ve put up here – it’s really very kind and many others charge a fortune for this.

    My name is Mark and I live in the UK, a few miles from London. I’ve been trading stocks since the 90s. I have a full time job and two young daughters and so I can only dedicate an hour or so per day to trading.

    I discovered Options trading about 10 years ago and I’ve tried some quite advanced strategies such as Iron Condor but on average my account balance always seemed to stay the same as I wasn’t so good at managing risk !

    My goal is to make a small but consistent gain every week using credit spreads regardless of what the market is doing so that eventually I can stop working for someone else ! I’m particularly interested in trying to automate this as it removes the emotion from the trades plus I don’t have the time to watch the markets. I am determined to make this a success.

  188. Hi Louis/All, I’m Maria from Canada. I became interested in the markets when I started to work for a big bank here in Canada back in 2013. Back then it was mostly retail mutual fund investing. I gradually progressed to stocks and just this Mar started options (since I didn’t have much starting capital). I paid an expensive annual membership to an options trader’s course with alerts, but his strategy was only naked options on overextended stocks. In less than a month of options trading, I made my net annual salary…only to lose it all. It was a hard and humbling lesson to learn, but I am willing and able to dedicate 6-8 hrs a day studying, studying, studying. My immediate goal is to learn, try out, and be proficient in at least the bull put spread since I am now down to a small account. My goal within a year is to replace my net annual salary since I desire to free up time so I can share the gospel of Jesus to as many people as I can. I appreciate everything you have done and continue to do for the trading community. May God bless you!

  189. Hello Louis,
    My name is baraa and I am from Canada. I attended an investing workshop with phil town and I got hooked on the concepts of growing money. He showed how he trades options and I was sold. I want to learn how to trade options so I can grow my current income and perhaps retire doing it.
    I am willing to put in 2-3 hours a day to learn.

    Thank you for putting this together and I am looking forward to learning from you and following your journey!

  190. Who are you?
    -Apart from being just another North Indian born in the capital City, My
    childhood could be described as: A Child With a Fixed Mindset. As, my interests were well-defined but limited to being a hoarder for electronics and a geek for Computer Systems. And throughout I’ve been honest with what passionates me and kept my spark alive. Untill; I was introduced with my tipping point: Capital Markets and more Specifically, Options trading. I can never stop spinning my head around on developing a perfect Quant(Though I know, Nothing is Sure Shot) but it’s never half-bad to at-the-least imagine something Utopian, innit?

    How much money to start investing:

    What’s your name and where are you from?
    Sparsh Jain, India

    Why are you interested in the markets and how did you become interested?
    I met fate to my software engineering career by joining a Prop Trading firm.

    Have you any experience in trading?
    -Not in the way that I see option trading now.

    Any successes?
    – duh 🙁

    What are your goals for the next month/year/5 years…?
    – Be smart enough to cut premiums and give my loved ones the promises I made

    How much time are you willing to put in (per day/week/year)?
    -All In

  191. Hi Louis,
    I’m in Rangoon, Burma (Myanmar). Living here for over 20 years now from USA. Occasionally fly back to the US to visit family.
    I’ve been in the market for about 20 years but didn’t monitor my trading account. Now that I’m basically retired would prefer to generate some extra income.
    I have been looking at options for a few weeks and find it quite interesting. I’m willing to put in whatever hours of work daily to understand options and generate regular consistent income from it.
    With the help of your courses, guidance I am confident that I will be successful. I think the key here is to enjoy the process and treat it as a business.
    My goal is to start live (5k cash) trading within 3 months time. Simultaneously while I’m taking your courses practice paper trading which I think will help immensely.
    Much appreciate your time to create these valuable courses and I plan to take full advantage of it.
    Thank you

  192. Hi my name is Evan Shaw, from Coralville, Iowa.

    I would like to make some affordable cash on the side and maybe one day turn it into a business.

    My biggest inspirations have been The Intelligent Investor and Tony Robbins, but the interest goes back further.

    I don’t have much experience nor had any large successes, just own a couple stocks.

    1 month goal: Learn about options trading
    Year goal: Be trading successfully
    5 Years: Understand the market fairly well and be trading

    At first half an hour maybe longer, maybe 20 mins, depends on the day.
    A few hours.
    As much as it takes.

    Thank you Louis, Evan

  193. Hi

    Who are you?how much money to start investing
    Hi , my name is Debbie Adams. I have about 20, 000 dollars to invest, I will be adding about 1400. every 2 wks
    What’s your name and where are you from? I am from Washington DC, born and bread. Currently married living in Charles County MD since 1996. I am 61 yrs old. Am a registered nurse. Still practicing virtually ( mental health) . Working from my home office
    Why are you interested in the markets and how did you become interested? to increase wealth building potential. My 401 k was dimished after a nasty divorce 3 years ago.
    Have you any experience in trading? some. On Fidelity and have account with Etrade.
    Any successes? not too bad. Making about 300 /day on options. but poorly skilled at charting, pricing, entry and exits. Following recs from Capital trade group.
    What are your goals for the next month/year/5 years…? To retire in 5-7 years.
    How much time are you willing to put in (per day/week/year)? 2-3 hrs per day. 7 days per week.

  194. Hi Louis!
    My name is Barbara, I am 54 years old, I live in Italy, and I am a freelance software developer. I found your awesome playlist on algorithmic trading by looking for some info on this topic. I was wondering if I could make my ability to write software profitable and now, after coding along with your lessons, I think yes, I can. 🙂
    I can code (and that’s ok, I’ve been paying my bills with this for my entire life!) but I just know the basics of trading. No actual experience. I took your masterclass on options and I want to know more. My short-term goal (6 months) is to learn how much I can (market and options theory and algorithmic trading and so on). My mid-term goal (3 years) is to put my knowledge in practice, make experiments, learn more, write algorithms, refine them etc. My long-term goal (>3 years) is to have a second income. It would be nice if one day it could become my only job because I LOVE coding! I am currently devoting an hour a day to studying, and I think I can keep this pace most of the time.
    Thank you so much for all this awesome free stuff!
    Catch you up soon! <3

    1. Hi Barbara,
      That’s awesome. Thanks so much for the comment. I wish you all the best on your journey.

      1. Thank you, Louis. I don’t know how far I can go, but I know that it will be a remarkable and funny trip. 🙂

  195. Who are you? how much money to start investing? What’s your name and where are you from?
    Hello Louis, my name is Jonathan K., I’m 44, I am french and I live in Cambodia. Initial capital: 20K. I have been a successful professional poker player/poker club owner for 10 years in France and Asia. At some point I got tired of poker, and I always had a passion for probabilities, statistics, maths, coding and more recently economics and machine learning. So a few month after Covid started I decided to stop poker and give a serious try to my passion, namely trading.

    Why are you interested in the markets and how did you become interested?
    The idea of making money by taking many positive expectations bets has always appealed to me. I first got interested in the markets around 2010 by discovering the website of a french guy who was scalping US index futures and posting daily live trade, market outlook and lessons videos. Most of what I know about the markets, I learned from watching those videos for many years. I also read many books.

    Have you any experience in trading?
    After years of just watching, I finally gave a try to real money trading but quickly decided that although I loved to watch that form of fast-paced discretionary trading, that wasn’t much for me. I’d rather trade in a systematic or algorithmic manner. I have also traded crypto futures but on longer term.

    Any successes?
    I’ve lost a minimal amount (around $2k) trading e-micros futures. Fortunately the money I’ve made on cryptos largely covered that loss.

    What are your goals for the next month/year/5 years…?
    month: learning Options with the help of your website. year: learning more, studying McMillan book, getting more proficient on Quantconnect. 5 years: still learning…
    My objective is to become a profitable trader like I was a profitable poker player. What I love first and foremost is learning, dealing with probabilities, coding, money will come naturally along the journey. I am not overly hurry or dreaming about get rich quick, I know trading is extremely tough and I love the learning process as long as I am confident I am learning something solid.

    How much time are you willing to put in (per day/week/year)?
    All my time, 8-10 hours a day, 6 days a week, I have already been doing so some time now.

  196. Hello Louis, my name is Jonathan K., I’m 44, I am french and I live in Cambodia. Initial capital: 20K. I have been a successful professional poker player/poker club owner for 10 years in France and Asia. At some point I got tired of poker, and I always had a passion for probabilities, statistics, maths, coding and more recently economics and machine learning. So a few month after Covid started I decided to stop poker and give a serious try to my passion, namely trading.

    Why are you interested in the markets and how did you become interested?
    The idea of making money by taking many positive expectations bets has always appealed to me. I first got interested in the markets around 2010 by discovering the website of a french guy who was scalping US index futures and posting daily live trade, market outlook and lessons videos. Most of what I know about the markets, I learned from watching those videos for many years. I also read many books.

    Have you any experience in trading?
    After years of just watching, I finally gave a try to real money trading but quickly decided that although I loved to watch that form of fast-paced discretionary trading, that wasn’t much for me. I’d rather trade in a systematic or algorithmic manner. I have also traded crypto futures but on longer term.

    Any successes?
    I’ve lost a minimal amount (around $2k) trading e-micros futures. Fortunately the money I’ve made on cryptos largely covered that loss.

    What are your goals for the next month/year/5 years…?
    month: learning Options with the help of your website. year: learning more, studying McMillan book, getting more proficient on Quantconnect. 5 years: still learning…
    My objective is to become a profitable trader like I was a profitable poker player. What I love first and foremost is learning, dealing with probabilities, coding, money will come naturally along the journey. I am not overly hurry or dreaming about get rich quick, I know trading is extremely tough and I love the learning process as long as I am confident I am learning something solid.

    How much time are you willing to put in (per day/week/year)?
    All my time, 8-10 hours a day, 6 days a week, I have already been doing so some time now.

  197. Who are you?

    Salutations of peace, my name is Ahmed. I have a finance educational background from Central Connecticut State University.

    how much money to start investing

    Per recommendation, I have sufficient funds to invest in certain trade markets with $2,000.

    What’s your name and where are you from?

    My name is Ahmed and I am from Connecticut. Although my name is Arabic, my ancestors are from India and now Pakistan.

    Why are you interested in the markets and how did you become interested?

    My educational background is in finance and combine that with an interest in mathematics, artificial intelligence, entrepreneurial investing, and market trends, and I’ve come to realize my interest in the markets.

    Have you any experience in trading?

    I have no formal experience in trading, although I did do multiple university projects practicing virtual trades in the markets with an allocated dollar amount.

    Any successes?

    No formal successes, but, God-willing, this will change in the near future.

    What are your goals for the next month/year/5 years…?

    One month goal consists of reading and notating as much as possible about various markets and targeting specific niches of interest.

    One year goal consists of implementation of gained knowledge and active trading in specific niches of interest and making part time income.

    Five year goal consists of regular trading output and replacing full-time income.

    How much time are you willing to put in (per day/week/year)?

    I am willing to put in 2-3hrs per day/14-21hrs per week/700-1050hrs per year.

  198. Who are you? how much money to start investing? What’s your name and where are you from?

    Hello Louis, my name is Jonathan K., I’m 44, I am french and I live in Cambodia. Initial capital: 5-10K. I have been a successful professional poker player/poker club owner for 10 years in France and Asia. At some point I got tired of poker, and I always had a passion for probabilities, statistics, maths, coding and more recently economics and machine learning. So a few month after Covid started I decided to stop poker and give a serious try to my passion, namely trading.

    Why are you interested in the markets and how did you become interested?
    The idea of making money by taking many positive expectations bets has always appealed to me. I first got interested in the markets around 2010 by discovering the website of a french guy who was scalping US index futures and posting daily videos. Most of what I know about the markets, I learned from watching those videos for many years. I also read many books.

    Have you any experience in trading?
    After years of just watching, I finally gave a try to real money trading but quickly decided that although I loved to watch that form of fast-paced discretionary trading, that wasn’t much for me. I’d rather trade in a systematic or algorithmic manner. I have also traded crypto futures but on longer term.

    Any successes?
    I’ve lost a minimal amount (around $2k) trading e-micros futures. Fortunately the money I’ve made on cryptos largely covered that loss.

    What are your goals for the next month/year/5 years…?
    month: learning Options with the help of your website, coding and backtesting on QC.
    year: learning more, getting more proficient on Quantconnect.
    5 years: still learning…
    My objective is to become a profitable trader like I was a profitable poker player. What I love first and foremost is learning, dealing with probabilities, coding, money will come naturally along the journey. I know trading is extremely tough and I love the learning process as long as I am confident I am learning something solid.

    How much time are you willing to put in (per day/week/year)?
    All my time, 8-10 hours a day, 6 days a week, I have already been doing so some time now.

  199. Logical, methodical, progressive information regarding a speculative strategy that can be quite confusing at the outset. Impressive work. I look forward to the additional lectures and writings. Your reference list was also very helpful. Thank you for what you are doing for others.

  200. Hi Louis,
    1972-74, I was stationed in Germany in the US Air Force. My friend married a German girl and now their sons are grow up and have families. I love Germany and the people. I go to see them almost every year.

    My first profession was electronics. I worked as a technician and worked my way up to manager for an aerospace company. I only invested in my 401K. I did not understand the ups and downs of the accounts. I always dreamed of having my own business.

    1992, I got laid off from my aerospace company and started my mortgage broker career. It was very hard for me to change from a salaried person to self-employed. Now, I love being self-employed and helping people with their mortgage needs.

    I was born and raised in Los Angeles and in 2005, moved to Las Vegas. I could see the cost of living was getting too high in Los Angeles.

    Now I am 71 years old and want to develop a solid knowledge and the ability to trade options. I have $2,000 to invest.

    Danke schön

  201. Hi Louis, thank you so much for providing this site!! My name is Ron and I have been trading options for a couple years but only trading naked calls. I didn’t understand the various strategies and the risks involved so I believed I was playing it safe. I started with a very small account and have made some money but have had plenty of losses too.
    I am 71 yrs of age, retired, and just hoping to supplement my income. I reside in the US and absolutely agree with your approach that stresses “learning”. I’m always trying to learn but readily admit that it takes me longer than younger folks. However, I was raised on a farm and hard work for me is not a foreign concept!
    I find it VERY admirable that you are sharing your knowledge and experience in this manner and commend your honesty–a rare commodity these days in so many ways.
    Thus, when I stumbled across your site, I was delightfully surprised!!! Can’t wait to start reading/learning your materials! Thanks, Ron

  202. Hi Louis, absolutely love your site!! Have been trading for about a year but have lots to learn. Would like to start at the beginning with your Masterclass. Thank you for the terminology glossary already rec’d. Really looking forward to studying your materials!!

  203. Hi Louis, let me start by saying I am sooo impressed with your site and mission statement. I love to hear somebody stressing the importance of “education” re the task at hand, and the importance of “committing the time” necessary.
    My name is Ron and I am from western PA in the US. I am 71, retired, and very much enjoying my search of options knowledge. I’ve actually been trading for about a year and have had both successes and failures. Honestly, I believe my better trades have been more by accident than “knowledgeable design”–something I now feel is going to change with your help.
    I’ve already completed your Masterclass and was blown away by it’s simplicity and accuracy. Thank you for the free gift in addition to the class-a very useful product.
    My plan is to continue my studies with you and hopefully begin making better educated trades while slowly adding to my account. You are an incredible breath of fresh air!!!

  204. Hello Luis,
    I am Alojz Turk, and I would like to learn options trading. So I’m going to rework all of your material that teaches options trading. if certain topics are not clear to me, I will ask you by e-mail. Alojz

  205. My name is David Deahl. I started my Chicago film production company in 1971. When I retired 7 years ago I went back to school (in a class room) to learn futures, forex, options and technical analysis and I am still learning.
    I had a very successful company and was able to retire with a healthy nest egg. My goal is to preserve and grow my wealth. Since I am retired I am able to watch the markets every day. I have found trading to be very challenging and have not yet found my stride. Sometimes, I think I should follow my own advise to others, which is to simply dollar cost average no matter what the markets are doing.

  206. Hi
    Mr Louis
    My name is Rohit khanna ,and I hail from India.I am very much new to Option Trading and not very familiar with option work,strategy,parameters,Ranges and so on.
    Kindly Become a Mentor for me and show me the right path to acheive success and goals in my life

    Rohit Khanna

  207. My name is Aaron, I’m 60 years old and I’m from the San Francisco Bay Area.
    I’ve always been interested in the stock market. I tried trading before but didn’t have much success. I’ve done some shorting before but lately I’ve been interested in options.
    My goal is to grow my wife’s next egg and perhaps make this a source of income for our retirement years.
    Would 1 hour a day for starters be a good way to start your program

  208. Hi Louis, This is Nik from Austin, TX.I have some experience with trading stocks and options but I need to improve my knowledge and skills to make better informed decisions. At the moment, I usually trade index stocks and/or very obvious buys such as when blue chip stocks crash due to unwarranted fear. Also, I keep selling calls for stocks which i own to generate side income but it lacks a defined strategy wrt stricke price etc.

    I would like to improve my technical knowledge and make more informed decisions. My goal is to become financially independent to a point when i can stop working corporate jobs over the next 10 years

  209. Who are you? I’m old bugger, en pension .
    What’s your name and where are you from? My name you find in e-mail. Live in outskirt of Copenhagen in Denmark
    Why are you interested in the markets and how did you become interested? I like to learn something new. Could it be combined with some income – would be nica.
    Have you any experience in trading? I have traded Forex.
    Any successes? Found it to very time consuming. Have taken the course Baby-Pips. This i found very good with many quisses.
    What are your goals for the next month/year/5 years? To get started soon as posible
    How much time are you willing to put in (per day/week/year)? All depends: 1 to 4 hours.
    Yours truly
    P L

  210. Hello friend,
    My name is Friscian, I’m from Costa Rica. My background is in data engineering and machine learning. I have loved financial markets for many years and that is why I got started in programming in the first place. I have done a little day trading in the past on crypto markets but quickly understood that I would be better off with an automated approach rather than a gut-feeling approach to the markets. I simply knew I don’t have the skill, however; I am very good at programming and I see that as my edge.
    Mt goal is to become an independent quant trader and to be able to consistently get paid from the market. Therefore, I am completely dedicated to make that happen as soon as possible. I also like to mention that you have been a great help in the last few days, thank you for sharing such amazing educational content.
    Cheers !

  211. I am 69 and living in Chicago as semi retired professional.
    Interested in options trading education from a reputable source with access to support and resources as I work on improving my learning curve.

  212. Hello Louis,
    It is a real pleasure to make your acquaintance.
    I am David. I am from Nigeria.
    I became interested in the markets because I realised that you only need to gain the right information, put in the effort to use that information and reap bountiful rewards capable of securing your long-lasting financial freedom and wealth.
    I have no experience whatsoever in trading.
    For the next 3 – 5 months, I intend to get information and gain the right knowledge from the courses you offer and then put them to practice. Thereby securing financial freedom and bountiful wealth for myself and my family.
    I intend to put in at least 8 hours per week for now as I have to balance my other obligations. But I will give it all I have got in that 8 hours to secure the outcome I desire!
    Thank you so much for providing this opportunity Louis.

    Kind regards.

  213. My name is Angee, I’m from Maryland.
    I’m interested in the markets because I’m looking for a way to make consistent income out of a regular 9-5 or a gig job where I’m driving around all the time. I became interested in the markets after 2020 when I saw that I missed out of the biggest come up due to lack of knowledge.
    I have some experience in trading. I was consistent for at least 3mos, had more wins than losses. But when I decided to get lazy and join and accord where they give you trades, I started losing everything, then I stopped completely.
    My goal for the next month is to start slowly building an account. Starting with $100 building to atleast $250-$300. In the next year, I should have established the position of making enough to survive off of. In 5yrs I should have established a routine in trading that allows me to pay bills, pay off debts, establish savings, and live comfortably.
    I want to trade 5 days a wk, a few hours each morning. Monitoring trades through the day.

  214. Who are you? I’m Student
    What’s your name and where are you from? My name you find in e-mail. Live in India
    Why are you interested in the markets and how did you become interested? I like to learn something new. Could it be combined with some income – would be nica.
    Have you any experience in trading? I have traded equity
    Any successes? No, This i found very good with many quisses.
    What are your goals for the next month/year/5 years? To get started soon as posible
    How much time are you willing to put in (per day/week/year)? All depends: 1 to 4 hours.
    Yours truly

  215. I am a disabled veteren from Virginia, retired, living month to month on an army pension, VA disability, and social security. Living has gotten more expensive and I need to supplement my income to be able to put food on the table and pay my bills. I have done a little option trading and made a little money but not enough to help my situation much. I did make a few good option trades and netted around $13,000.00. So, I quit trading for a while but now I need to get back into it to catch up with my expenses. I would like to make a few substantial trades to start with and then increase my income significantly over time. Like I said, I am retired so I have plenty of time with nothing do so I can devote considerable time to this effort. I have relied on traders that can tell me what to invest in, when to get in and when to get out. So far I don’t have the expertise to pick my own trades without that kind of help. I hope your Options Trading Education can help fill in the gaps where my knowledge of Options trading needs help.

  216. I am a disabled veteran living paycheck to paycheck, like most of us are now days. I’m from MInnesota but spent most of my military career in the southeast. My pension doesn’t go as far as it did just a year or so ago. When we get a cost of living raise it is usually a very small percentage and sometimes doesn’t even cover the cost increase of my medacare. I started looking into the markets as a way to supplement my incomeh and quickly make some extdra money. I did a little option trading and had a few successful trades and I made around $13,000.00. Now I’m back looking to improve on my previous experience. I would like to have a little nest egg so if they decide to cut or stop my pension I can still pay the bills. Since I’m retired, I can spend all the time I need to dedicate to doing just that. I have a little experience, but I would like to improve my knowledge of trading options for bigger gains in less time.

  217. I have intermediate level of knowledge and training experience. I have done the wheel strategy. However, I do not like the downside risk exposure with naked puts and being assigned with stocks that have declined substantially.

    I like credit spreads, but have not found a consistent way of predicting stock movement direction or reversals.

    I have not dabbled with debit options, but if one can predict using technical indicators the dimension of movement (it has move a lot) and direction, this could be a powerful tool.

    I am testing out Tony Zhang’s Optionsplay. He appears on CNBC and sounds reasonable, but I am not sure about his win rate using his strategy of trading options. (high premium >35%)

  218. 1-Who are you?
    I am a mechanic engineer and HVAC designer.
    2-What is your name and where are you from?
    My name is Slobodan, I’m from Belgrade, Serbia.
    3-Why are you interested in markets and how did you become interested?
    I am interested in trading in order to generate passive income and later to make a living from trading. I became interested in trading when I read several books by the author Dr. Alexander Elder. I am especially interested in learning the theory of options in detail so that I can later applied in options trading.
    4-Do you have any experience in trading?
    I have completed 1 year trading school, and so far I have only traded on a demo account with stocks and options.
    5-Any successes?
    Trading on a demo account with stocks is going great, but with options poorly, because I have basic knowledge about options, but I don’t know anything about different strategies with options. I want to study that area of options first and then gradually apply it.
    6-What are your goals for the next month/year/5 years…?
    I want to learn the theory of all strategies with options so that I can gradually apply them and progress in conquering them. Normally first on a demo account and only then on a real account. I consider that I have passed the actions.
    7-How much time are you willing to put in (per day/week/year)?
    On a daily basis, I can set aside 4-6 hours, that is, as long as I can physically sit in one place, every day of the week; the same also at the level of the year

  219. Dear Louis,
    I am delighted with your offer to train traders for free. This is simply unbelievable that in today’s time, there are people like you – You act according to the Christian principle “Help your neighbor”.
    It will be a great honor for me to be your student, and to acquire the knowledge that you will generously give me.
    I wish you much success in your future work, and I am sure that our cooperation will be successful!

  220. Hi I am from TX . I see that in options trading no one teaches the tools that can capture the volatile for options trading.

    Guidance would be appreciated.

  221. Hello! I’m Rose Jones from North Carolina. I’m interested in trading to make money with time and location freedom to support my family financially. I just completed a 4 month options course and would like to become profitable. My success is that I now have this skill. Since I’m still in the red from paying for the course, my next success will be the follow through to being in the black, then green. My goals are to cover my salary and more. I spend 2-5 hours since I study during my children’s extracurricular activities.

  222. my wife and i want to trade options in hopes of increasing our income. we are from eufaula ok.we have some experience trading years ago.

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