Advanced Option Trading Quiz

Welcome to the Advanced Option Trading Quiz.

Here you can test your knowledge gained from the Advanced Course. Try to take the Quiz without any help. You will be able to retake the Quiz as many times as you wish.

Good Luck!

option trading quiz good luck

6 Replies to “Advanced Option Trading Quiz”

  1. hi Louis I pass with 4/4 I am very intersting in Options. Thanks a lot for your site¡¡¡¡¡

  2. Hi Louis How is going today? I wish you everything be ok. I would like to know some reliable alerts options services that you could recommend me Anyway Are you offering this kind of services? Could i copy or follow your tradings paying a fee obviously?

    1. Hi Adrian,
      I don’t offer an Alerts service and I am not a big fan of copying someone else’s trades since you never know what you are getting yourself into when you are trading someone else’s trades. But I think OptionAlpha and SkyviewTrading offer such services. I have not tested any of their alerts, so I can’t say whether they are good or bad.

  3. ok Louis Thanks for your response. For another hand: do you know if i could open a demo account in testywork .com without fund my account with 2000$ ? I am afraid not.
    Actually i dont have this money. I was looking for in Internet but i dindt find nothing .
    Thank you Louis

    1. As far as I know, you can download and temporarily use the desktop platform without funding your account. But if you are referring to paper trading, tastyworks doesn’t have that yet. But they have announced that they will add paper trading in the future.

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