Free Options Trading Foundation Masterclass

I am very excited to give you this opportunity. I recently created an ‘Options Trading Foundation Masterclass’. Basically, this is a 1 ½ hour long Masterclass in which you will be able to build a strong options trading foundation.

After watching this Masterclass, you will know how options work and generally, you will have a knowledge foundation on which you can build upon.

Options Trading Foundation Masterclass

My offer to you is to teach you all the basics and more within slightly over one hour! This is a no BS offer. Unlike all other shady marketers, I won’t be selling you any worthless service or product. My Masterclass actually delivers valuable content. I will actually try to teach you something.

I promise, there will be no selling at all! No Bullshit! Only value!


Because I hate it when these shady marketers waste everyone’s time with their shitty offers.

You haven’t even heard the best part of this Masterclass yet.


Yes, that’s right. I won’t be charging you a dime! Do you know what this means?

It means that you have no excuse not to take this Masterclass. If you come up with any excuses, then that is okay. But it will show me and more importantly, yourself that you aren’t dedicated enough to become a successful trader. And that is fine. If you don’t want that, I have no problem with it at all. Just don’t come to me and ask why you are one of the 90% failing traders.

Either you want to learn or you don’t. Period!

So what are you waiting for? Enter your best email and I will send you a link to the Masterclass:

*By completing this form you are signing up to receive our educational and marketing emails and you can unsubscribe at any time.

What You Will Learn:

  • All the Option Basics
  • Options vs Stocks and other Assets
  • Option Types (Call Options, Put Options, American Options, European Options…)
  • Strike Prices
  • Option Moneyness
  • Expiration Dates and Cycles
  • Buying vs Selling Options
  • Trading Options
  • Contract Sizes
  • Option Chains
  • How to Develop the Right Trading Mindset
  • How to Become a Profitable Trader
  • And More

How You Will Learn:

Throughout the Masterclass, I will present a wide variety of different examples of all the different concepts discussed so that you can see the theory and practice. Besides interactive examples, there will also be Quizzes to test the presented topics. In my opinion, this is one of the best learning tools. However, don’t worry, it doesn’t matter if you get something wrong.

Still not convinced?


That’s a bummer! But there still is hope.

In addition to the Options Trading Foundation Masterclass, you will also receive:

  • A Free Gift that actually is useful (revealed in the Masterclass)
  • A 35-Page Assignment Handbook filled with assignments and solutions so that you can practice everything learned during the Masterclass

Who is this for?

This Masterclass is for everyone that wants to get into options trading. It doesn’t matter if you are a crazy-experienced stock trader or if you have never put on a trade in your life. Absolutely no prior experience is required for this Masterclass. So once again, you have no excuses!

The only requirement that I have is dedication. If you aren’t willing to put in some time into your trading education, don’t even bother signing up.

Be honest with yourself. If you don’t take advantage of this opportunity now, you never will because you just aren’t committed to trading.

One last time, the Masterclass in completely free and I won’t be trying to sell you anything. This is not a BS sales webinar! I actually want to help you.

Who is this not for?

Like I just said, if you aren’t dedicated and willing to put in an hour to learn, I don’t want you on my Masterclass


Because you just would be wasting your time. There is no point in watching my Masterclass if you aren’t willing to take action anyway…

I truly hope you can see the value in my offer. If you do, that’s great. See you in a few minutes then!

*By completing this form you are signing up to receive our educational and marketing emails and you can unsubscribe at any time.

28 Replies to “Free Options Trading Foundation Masterclass”

    1. Hi Jeff, you have to enter your email address into the email field and click join. After doing so, you will receive an email with a link to the Masterclass.

    1. That’s weird. Everything works fine on my side.
      I just added you manually. So now you should have received an email with a link. Please let me know if it still doesn’t work.

      1. *stretches**
        So, I successfully watched the masterclass and I just finished the assignments.

        After watching the master class and rewatching, I have come to realise I might have to change my mindset because I now think I might still have a long way to go before I make money at all. However, I hope to commit myself to proper learning (first) and follow your advice before I start trading.

        Guess What? I feel more confident now. In fact I feel too confident ? and if you had not mentioned that there’s more to learn, I would have taken the wrong step and blindly start trading.

        I decided to take a break now. After a while, I’ll go back to revise all I have learnt and come back here tomorrow to continue. I hope this drive to learn truly continues.

        In addition, Solving the assignments helped me A LOT! I later realised I didn’t master some important things while watching the video. ?IF YOU ARE A BEGINNER, PLEASE SOLVE THE ASSIGNMENT.

        In fact, I got completely lost when I saw the question about *closing a Long stock*. And Even when I finished the assignment and was checking your answers, I was still confused and had to think and understand your answer properly. It made me understand the true difference between closing a stock and closing a short or long option call and put. Then, it reinforced what I learnt from the video concerning exercising one’s option right and closing an option position.

        I am sure I understand it pretty well now. Thanks a lot Louis. This video is a required place to start for any beginner.

        Thanks a lot for the free resources. They are life savers. Hoping to stick to my learning plan and to keep learning more before I begin trading.

        Thanks once again for the selfless and wonderful work you’ve done here Louis.

        1. Hi Michael,
          Thanks a lot for your kind comment. I am very happy to hear that you enjoyed the masterclass and learned something new. Furthermore, it is awesome to see that the exercises served their purpose. Taking a break and letting things ‘digest’ is a good idea.

    1. You should have received a confirmation email which you have to accept. After doing that, you should have gotten a mail with a link to the masterclass. If that didn’t work, I am sorry for the inconvenience. I will send you a mail with a link in just a moment.

  1. Hello Louis, I also did not received teh link to Masterclass..just confirmation mail, which I confirmed.. Petra

    1. Hi Petra,
      Sorry for the inconvenience. Sometimes, the email takes some time to arrive. Nevertheless, I have sent you a new email with the link.

  2. Louis….My name is Paul Watson. I stumbled across your website after getting an introductory email. I am 76 yrs old and had not planned to do anything exciting except work on my property. Almost 2 years ago, we took a call that was going to change our lives. I tseemed that 2 young boys, ages 9 & 8 were at the county bldg after being brought there as a result of charges placed against their caregiver. We agreed to open our home… 2 yrs later, we are on the brink of losing a major support check from ssi. The reality is that we need additional income quickly. I have had experience with forex, binary options but not options. In fact, I was told to stay away from options as it will act like a drain at the bottom of your sink. I have attended some webinars involving people like Chuck Hughes. But they wanted 2000 dollars up front to join their advisory group. And they werent alone, so did several other gurus. So needless to say, I am looking forward to quickly going through your courses.

    1. Hi Paul,
      Thanks for your comment. I am sorry to hear about your situation. I hope you will find a solution very soon.
      I have never heard of that rumor about options. However, I definitely recommend staying away from binary options as most binary options brokers are very sketchy and binary options usually aren’t legitimate investment products.
      Just make sure to let me know if you ever have any questions or comments.

  3. Thank you, Mr Louis for this column I just read. How do I sign up for the “MasterClass?”

    1. Hi Roland,
      You just have to enter your email address into the sign up field and click on the Join button.

  4. Hi Louis,
    I’m in Australia and I work 4 nights on and then 4 nights off and would be doing the Masterclass on one of my off times. I have never traded but have a reasonable knowledge of options. Looking forward to receiving the link and becoming confident enough to trade.

    1. Hi Leon,
      I really hope you will enjoy the masterclass and learn a lot. Make sure to let me know if you have any questions or feedback after watching it.

  5. Does the Masterclass cover the same material as the Beginner, intermediate and advanced courses?

  6. Looking forward to join this master class , this would be a great help for someone who is a beginner.

    1. I’m sorry for the inconvinience. There was a temporary problem with the sign up form. It should all be fixed now.

  7. Ahoy Louis,

    I don’t see any recent comments so I hope I’m still able to partake in your Masterclass. I have not seen the material yet but I have watched a couple of your videos. I appreciate the effort and time you have put into this to help others, a rare quality.

    I’ll come back to let you know how it went.

    From San Francisco, CA

  8. Just gone through the Free Master Class on Options Trading. It is very useful. Explained all the concepts in very simple language.

    I keep getting confused with Put Selling and Call Selling. It would be great if you can explain these 2 in more detail with examples.

    Thank you very much for the Masterclass, the free Gift and the Assignment. Really appreciate your time and efforts.


    Sunil Arora

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